Skissene til
Midnight Madness er alltid en fornøyelse! Denne gangen har jeg valgt et rosa og grønnstripete ark fra Maja Design, kanskje ingen overraskelse... Istedenfor knapper som var på skissa, har jeg valgt å bruke blomster. Det nydelige stempelet er fra Magnolia, og selvfølgelig fargelagt med Pro Markers.

27 kommentarer:
Et skikkelig flott kort Jorunn! Du er kjempeflink med farger! -Nydelig blomster-ranke! Koselig motiv da:)
Klem T
Riktig nydelig kort :-) Nydelig papirer,søte blomster og ett nydelig motiv :-)Flink du :-)
Beautiful card Jorunn, I love the sweet Tilda and your flowers are so pretty
hugs Mandy xx
Lekkert, Jorunn!! Et herlig motiv som er nydelig fargelagt. Også de blomstene er så flott satt sammen. En eller annen gang snart må jeg ta steget ut å hive på litt mer blomster...Du gjør det så lekkert.
Klemmer fra Wenche :0)
Awww, how sweet and precious. And would you look at those flowers!!! Wow they are absolutely beautiful. Great shading and coloring on your image too. Fantastic job on the sketch this week. Thanks for playing along with us at the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge.
Bear Hugs,
Carol :o}
Midnight Madness Design Team
Hi Jorunn - it is good to see you again this week! How adorable are those flowers - gorgoeus and perfect with your darling image! I love your coolouring and you eye for detail! It is always stunning! Love it! Thanks for playing along with us this week and joining in the fun - we have more instore for you next week - would love to see you then! {{{hugs}}}
Linda MMSC Design Team
Nei så søtt, er det noe flottere enn rosa a?
Herlig stempel , har du vært i stempelkurven til Cathrine...
Dette var nydelig Jorunn! Blomsterranken din er bare fantastisk!
Takk for at du var med oss gillfest! Vi håper vi får se deg igjen neste uke!
Beautiful card Jorunn.
Thanks for joining us this week that the PfP, good luck.
Remember Tracy x
Nydelig kort, Jorunn! Flott med alle de fine blomstene, søtt motiv og rosa er alltid fint!
Lekkert easel-kort i forrige innlegg også:-)
Ha en fin fredag og god pinse helg! KLem Laila.
Such a pretty card Jorunn. Love the colours you've used and the image also. Thanks for joining us this week at PFP. Hugs Michele x
Nydelig kort Jorunn :o)
Ha en fin langhelg.
such a pretty card Jorunn
thanks for joining us at pfp this week and good luck
Beautifully coloured and made card!
Thank you so much for coming over to C.R.A.F.T to play this week!
Kjempe flott kort Jorunn, nydelig satt sammen!!
kæmpe nydeligt kort , flot med blomsterne.Du må have en god weekend.
knus Pia
Aw such a gorgeous card, adorable image and beautiful flowers.
Thanks for joining us at PFP and good luck.
Hugs Emma x
Nyyydelig kort Jorunn!
Ha en flott pinsehelg!
Klem Mona :0)
Et nydelig kort Jorunn. Ha en flott pinsehelg. :-)
Hi Jorunn, what a pretty card. The image is adorable and the flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x
Gorgeous card, I love the image and flowers.
Thanks for joining us at C.R.A.F.T and good luck.
Rose x
Kjempesøtt kort! Og så flott fargelagt! Digger easel-kortet ditt under her og, nydelig.
Ha en strålende pinsehelg!
Underbart kort och massor med annat fint hittade jag här hos dig:)
Tusen tack för dina ord på Tesaprickiformarbloggen, blev såååå glad:)
Ha det gott!!
Klem Tesa
What a lovely card you made! Great flowerarrangement on the left.
Thanks for joining the fun at A Spoon Full of Sugar. We hope to see you again.
Hugs Ingrid
Jorunn, this is such a sweet and pretty card. Lovely image and dp. Those flowers at the side really bring such a gorgeous touch to an already pretty card. Beautifully done!
Thanks so much for playing along with us again this week.
Great card for our blogaversary at CRAFT Challenge, thank you for joining us and good luck!
Jo and Tigerlover.
So cute and I love those flowers.. very pretty the way you used them on the sketch. Thank you for being a part of these challenges and for helping celebrate out one year anniversary. This week will be an exciting player participation week, so please check back tomorrow for that. You do not want to miss out on that. As always thanks for playing the Midnight Madness sketch challenge.
MMSC Hostess
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