Showing posts with label snowmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowmen. Show all posts

Friday, December 19, 2014

Collector Spotlight ~ Spirited Celeste!

Bring on the Holiday Cheer as Christmas is ever so near! It is my honor and treat to share with you a festive Collector Spotlight. My dear collector friend Celeste, who shares a love for all things holiday, has once again opened her cozy home to us! After she artfully arranged her holiday displays this December, she snapped a medley of photos for me to share with you! Celeste has been collecting my folk art for several years, and her cupboards and sideboards show the results of her passion. Amongst the art of others, I am honored to have such a special spot in her home! Not only does she revere my winter-themed characters, but she also has a weakness for my Halloween as seen in her original Collector Spotlight feature! We've connected several times at shows and at our open house, and it is the twinkle in her eyes and the joy in her smile that really resonates with me when she sees my latest creations. I love that my creativity can ignite a wonderment and inspire her imagination. As always, it is a joy for me to see my handmade creations delighting others and filling homes with good cheer. Thank you Celeste for welcoming us into your decorated home, and I appreciate that you have found a special place in your heart for my art! For those that have joined us, read along for a fun Q & A as you peruse Celeste's photos! ENJOY!


* Celeste's excitement for the holidays has a long history… I love her perky dress and curly locks as the  tinsel shimmers on the Christmas tree!


* A prominent piece for displaying treasures in Celeste's home is her antique Sellers Hoosier hutch,  or "The Better Kitchen Cabinet" as the vintage tag plate states. I agree, it's the perfect spot to showcase a medley of finds, both old and new! From the top to the counter and the shelves in between, she fills the nooks with holiday cheer. A clever blending of antique finds pair perfectly with the folk art characters that call this piece home.

Johanna: How did you learn about my holiday folk art?

Celeste: I first saw you at Halloween and Vine seven years ago, and when I found your booth, I had already spent all my money!! I was so sad..I brought my friend Mona over to your booth and said, look how cute these pieces are!!! Buy one, so at least I can see it at your house! So she bought "Dixie Dot"! Your web update was not long after that and I was so anxious, I was an hour early for it, I forgot about the time change!! I was able to get my first one that day, "Bailey Boo".

Johanna: Oh my, I still remember that email that you sent me an hour early before the sale! I'm so glad you snatched something special, and wow did that ever blossom into something special!


* At center is an original mouse candy container, one of Celeste's favorite pieces.  He's donned with painted stockings and perches atop an old Sparking Mint Puffs tin. (I too have this vintage tin in my collection!) An original cat ball and a snowman ball character surround the scene. Vintage glass sugar jars add a touch of nostalgia and a baker's delight feel. Holiday originals by Johanna Parker Design.


* Above,  one of my original kettle cup snowmen whistles a holiday tune! Celeste tucks him in with old boxes and tins. A sweet vintage style tree and other novelties complete the nostalgic scene.

Johanna: How long have you been collecting my originals?

Celeste: Seven years.

Johanna: Time sure flies! I was just thinking today that I have been making my folk art, full time for over ten years now. Crazy!


* Below, we take a closer look at my snowman ball character, snuggling up to that sweet green tin. Under a delicate glass dome,  a vintage Christmas tree twinkles.


* Off to the side, a pair of holiday ball character originals pose for their photo! As the snowman balances on a pair of antique glass shakers, a vintage camera sets the scene from behind. "Merry Be"says the cat! Holiday originals by Johanna Parker Design.

Johanna: What is it about my creations that captures your imagination?

Celeste: I love antiques and vintage things and I feel your pieces remind me of vintage holidays, say the 40's era. The hues you use are so rich and the expressions are so cute and whimsical, I truly love them.

Johanna: Ahh, you nailed it! I love that era too. Whether intentional or not, the style and flowing lines of the 30s and 40s decades just seep out of me when I create. 


* A white feather tree adds texture, twinkle and delight to the scene. Celeste has been collecting my ornaments, both originals and reproductions for several years now, and her treasure hunting has proven fruitful. One of my illustrated snowman hats cleverly crowns the top of her tree! Below, holiday characters clip and dangle from branches. She has been collecting my one of a kind bell ornaments for several years now and has acquired a hearty handful of these jinglers! Off in the distance, I spy a snowman sitter…. Let's take a closer look!


* Back at the hutch, this very limited edition snowman sitter from my Bethany Lowe Designs line waves a happy hello, while an original Santa ball character hails a "ho ho ho!" Christmas characters by Johanna Parker Design.


* More ornaments dangle in delight and spread good cheer. In the mix, a jolly snowman with carrot nose (bottom right) from artist Tammy Strum joins in on the fun! More characters, both original and reproductions by Johanna Parker Design are sprinkled in for a festive mix!


* As you take a stroll around the tree, more treasures peek through the branches including the two snowmen in red stocking and cone by Johanna Parker Design along with a whimsical snow-cone combo by artist Robert Brawley.

Johanna: Where have you had the best luck in acquiring my original pieces; shows, web sales, Collector's Catch, eBay, etc?

Celeste: Web sales

Johanna: That would make sense… I should call you "Speedy Celeste" with those fast fingers!


* A cabinet cubby calls Christmas with more Johanna Parker Design snowmen! Vintage style snow flake boxes are used for both holiday sentiment and perching posts. A sweet elephant Santa peeks out of a chimney by Jody Battaglia.


* Old coffee and spice tins add a tasteful touch to the holiday scene where both my Santa kettle cup and snowman bust settle. Vintage glass beads, old baubles and a bottlebrush tree add holiday shimmer.

* More antique novelties and an old coffee grinder set the stage for a reproduction Santa ornament from my Bethany Lowe Designs line and a jolly sweet snowman holding snow babies,  an original by artist Tammy Strum


* Up top, a limited edition snowman vase from my Bethany Lowe Designs line, bursts with a spray of shiny holiday cheer. An original owl kettle cup by Johanna Parker Design nestles amongst the antique tins and a sweet holly angel by Jody Battaglia adds balance to the arrangement.


* Towering "Icicle Ike," one of Celeste's most recent acquisitions, is one of her faves! He proudly perches next to a very special vintage 60s tree created by Vivian Parsons, Celeste's mother now in spirit. A smaller snowman ball character offers a sweet grin while a little holiday train carrying critters frames the scene. Both snowman originals are by Johanna Parker Design.

Johanna: Do you have a favorite piece in your Christmas collection?

Celeste: As many of your collectors have mentioned before it is hard to choose just one!!!! I love them all! But "Icicle Ike" is up there and the mouse candy container. I am koo koo for your egg cups though, as I love small things…

Johanna: Oh, I know it's almost impossible to choose a fave. I would have guessed egg cups for you too as I know how much you love those :) "Koo Koo" is appropriate in a fun egg-cup kinda way!


* Speaking of Egg Cups….. Look at the large family of characters that Celeste has been adopting over the years! In mass, they make quite the festive statement. I spy eleven little characters in cups with arms spread wide! In the background, the "'Take out Window" painted by the late Charles Wysocki, sets a magical winter scene while Wee Forest Folk ornaments dangle from a tree.


* A closer look reveals sweet little faces with bright eyes and delicate details. A row of beautiful general store style candy jars add a sweet touch, and some are filled with glass candy by Hulet & Hulet.

Johanna: Is there anything in particular you suggest I try making in the future?

Celeste: I would love for you to try making Halloween bell ornaments as well as a squirrel and a raccoon!

Johanna: All would be fun, and thanks for the suggestions! I'm still on the hunt for spooky-sounding jingle bells for Halloween. If anyone has a source for me, please let me know!


* Delicate snowman lollipops, holly leaves and berries and swirly candies and stripes are just some of the motifs that I've painted on these festive cuties...

* Across the way, Celeste has festooned her mantel with holiday finds created by doll maker artisans. The standing Santa Cat designed by artist Mark Roberts is quite a festive statement piece and reminds Celeste of her mischievous cat Millie! But, I imagine (from what I've heard) that Millie would not tolerate to wear that Santa outfit :) A sheer mantel dressing drapes over the edge and draws the eye to a pair of cute snow folk by an unknown artist. 


* Back at the tree, more delights capture Celeste's heart including a hand-painted dog ornament by Carolee Clark (top left) and a sweet cloth angel by Robin Armstrong Seeber (bottom left). Snowman medley by Johanna Parker Design.


I hope you enjoyed the Q & A as well as the holiday glimpse into Celeste's cozy home for Christmas! Many thanks again to Celeste for opening her home to us! It is a joy to have this chance to visit my creations through the lens of her camera, and I am pleased to see how carefully arranged and cherished my art is in her home. My wish is that my handmade characters continue to bring twinkle and delight to her eyes and smiles to those that enter her dwelling. 

To leave a message for Celeste or myself, please click on the "comments" link at the bottom of this post. Thank you!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you!
~ Johanna

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Holidays are Marching in!...

With the snap of a finger or perhaps the page turn of a calendar, my workshop has transformed into a scene from Santa's workshop! The only trouble is that the elves are missing! I could certainly use a few right now. I sifted through 10, HUGE boxes of my holiday reproductions, unpacking and inspecting each piece and then pricing and signing them in preparation for our 11th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show & Open House! My, what an ordeal! The last few years, we have sold out of about everything at our holiday event, so I ordered a few extra goodies this year. So, make sure you Save the Dates - December 7th & 8th! Visit my Website for all the details!

Time is of the essence, and I have much yet to accomplish before this special show. So, I will leave you with a few photos of just some of the characters that have invaded my workspace... I think the term "marching in" is appropriate for some of these vignettes! I have many originals yet to paint, but as December draws near, I will offer a few sneak peeks. You'll see that I captured just a few below, but I promise there are more to come! So stay tuned.....

Happy Holidays to you!
~ Johanna


* An army of Santas balance on Christmas packages and raise cane!


* A cluster of prim snowmen, don woolen scarves in a variety of hues...


* A grouping of snowmen, strike a yoga-like pose and juggle snowballs too!


* More prim snowmen, wearing cozy scarves, await the arrival of winter...


* Novelty box snowmen raise their wiry arms and whistle a holiday tune....or so it seems!


* Here's a glimpse at my work bench while I unpacked box after box. In the foreground I am holding a my new Santa ornament. And yes, I ordered more vintage style bottle brush trees with baubles!


* I have also been making holiday hats and cones to adorn some of my original characters...


* And here's a peek at my paint palette with a pair of holiday ornament bells in the works...


* And before the paint is applied, my original sculptures look rather white and in need of a splash of color! This small set is at various stages of completion. I look forward to the day when I can say ALL are complete! (and not just what are pictured here....)


Again, SAVE the DATES! Visit my WEBSITE for more details and make sure to Join my Mailing List for the Invitation and all the details.

* I will be posting snap shots of my progress on Instagram, so Follow along at:

Throughout the month of November,  I will be sharing peeks at last year's Holiday Open House on my Facebook Artist Page, so check often and offer me a LIKE & say HI while you are there!

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Holiday Bustle in the Workshop...

Oh my, Oh my! It's November 12th, and my heart beats pitter-patter as the calendar nears the month of December! I have been fully focused on creating my collection of one of a kind, winter delights for my 10th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show & Open House! As JP finish-sands the second round of characters from this year's collection, I am painting the first batch. Lots of snowmen, owls, mice, a few Santas and other characters round out the menagerie. I am anxious to complete these festive fellows so that I can tidy the house, decorate and prepare for the big event! Boxes of my holiday licensed designs will soon be arriving as well, so the juggling act between artist and shop & house-keeper begins. Wish me luck as I will need it. For now, I'm offering a tiny peek at what I am currently working on. This is just a snapshot of my collection. Please join me at our Open House to see all the whimsical delights! Members of my Mailing List will soon receive the official invitation.

Best Wishes,
~ Johanna


* A festive owl ball character comes to life with holiday-hued paint...


* An audience of captive characters watch as I add more cream-colored paint to my palette...


* Fa-la-la sings the snowman to his fellow festive friends...


* A birds-eye view of just some of the guys currently awaiting paint & details in my workshop...


* I feel like I am being watched!...


* The process of painting can be tedious and time-consuming as there are endless ways to paint each character. Design decisions are constantly being made with each brush stroke!


* My first bear ornament gets a coat of red interior paint...


* EEk!

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Sending Seasons Greetings!...

Since many of you have asked for my winter-themed postage stamps, it was the first thing on my list of to-do's after last weekend's holiday home show! So, I just composed 6 new designs, and I hope you like them..... By the way, thank you for taking an interest in my designs! There's still plenty of time to order your favorites and add them to your out-going greeting cards. Each features an illustration of mine and promises to add jolly good cheer to your recipient's mail! You can find these in my Zazzle Shop.
For individual links to each design, see my captions below!

Thank you for mailing my whimsical designs across Santa's map! I love spreading my art and good cheer to others......

Best wishes,
~ Johanna


Here are the individual links to each stamp, starting from top left:
* Party Snowman Stamp
* Cheers Santa Stamp
* Happy Snowman Stamp
* Holiday Owl Stamp
* Candy Cane Stamp
* Vintage Santa Claus Stamp

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Treasures...

Happy Holidays my dear friends! For those of you who missed our Christmas cottage event this past weekend, I welcome you to join me on a little photo tour. It was truly a winter wonderland weekend event as the the flakes were falling outside. I'm always in a last minute frenzy to snap the last few photos before the crowds rush in to collect their holiday goods. But, fortunately this year I had an extra day to snap photos in advance, so enjoy the tour. And, I truly hope that you can join us in 2012 for our 10th Annual Event! And for those you still hoping to collect a one of a kind from my holiday collection, keep scrolling down to find those originals, still looking for a home. Please read the captions carefully as many of my creations pictured already found homes over the weekend while others still await adoption! And of course, just enjoy the tour!

UPDATE:  Well, I'm thrilled that some of you were on the (Christmas) ball and checked in when you saw this post! All 5 originals from this Treasure Hunt have found loving homes, and rather quickly I might add. Thank you so very much for making a special place in your home for my folk art  :) xoxo, Johanna


* Oh, that's me striking a pose in my holiday attire!... Now, let's move along.......


* Upon entering, guests were greeted with a variety of tables dressed in vintage holiday cloths. Feather trees and antique finds offered the perfect displays for a variety of my holiday designs. Let's take a closer peek....


* An old white picnic basket and collected pottery vessels housed a fun variety of snowmen characters. I spy one of the 16 limited edition snowman sitters awaiting his new owner, and all these guys found homes over the weekend...


* A closer look reveals a pair of my latest reproduction novelty boxes from Primitives by Kathy. Both fun and functional, these guys were a big hit! Off in the distance is my mantel of originals, so we will make our way around to peek at some of those characters soon....


* Off in the corner was a fun grouping of more holiday reproduction characters. An old plant stand made for the perfect perch for the last few snow ball characters from my Bethany Lowe Designs line. They almost floated magically! Grandma's vintage tree skirt adorns an old wooden card table where additional snowmen and Santas group. And the fluffy white tree from mom's childhood proudly stood in the corner to display her collection of cloth Santas from Primitives by Kathy. Let's take a closer look......


* A timeworn suitcase offers a fun way to display this grouping of Santas and snowmen from my Primitives by Kathy line....


* Below, more prim-style snowmen, including Ruby the Snowbust peering in above, look so sweet grouped together. Again, these characters are available from my Primitives by Kathy product line....


* Ho Ho Ho they go in a fun little wicker sleigh.... These cloth Santas were designed by my mother, Kathy Parker who joined us this year for this fun event! You can also find her Santas at Primitives by Kathy too!....


* Now, we take a twirl and find ourselves at my mantel of holiday originals!  Those of you that follow my blog will recognize some of these guys from earlier posts and the photos shared of my step by step progression to complete each and every one of them! With the snow falling outside, I do believe that collectors were in the spirit of adopting snowmen! In fact, ALL of the snowmen sold in a matter of moments, and of course, I can only wish I had made more. So, I promise to start on my holiday collection for 2012 sooner so that I do have even more to offer next year.... Never fret however, as I still have 5 very special one of a kinds still available, so keep on reading.....


* At a glance you can see some of my wintery original delights traipsing across the mantel....


* BOO! It's a trio of Ghosts from Christmas past :)  As you know my heart sings Halloween, so I gave in to the temptation to create a few holiday crossover pieces for the first time this year! And I love how they remind me not only of ghosts, but of ice cream cones, white-chocolatey hershey kisses and sugary sweet meringues, all yummy indeed! Though the bell ghost at left sold on Saturday, the large and small candy container ghosts, middle and right, are still up for adoption! They are each sprinkled with a shimmering dust of mica and are characterized by that signature "o" mouth, singing a holiday boo to you! Details, pricing info and additional views of "Joyful Luke the Spook" the candy container with the hand-painted "JOY" spooks, marking his front, can be viewed HERE. And, details regarding his ghostly kettle cup friend, donning the mistletoe at right can be found HERE. (Both Christmas Ghosts have now SOLD) Thank you!


* The red and purple painted mantel niche sets the perfect stage for a feather tree adorned in one of a kind ornament bells. Each found a home on Saturday, and so I hope to make many more for next year's 10th Annual event....


* Here's another snowman here to tease you. According to this character, he loves to sing! He too found a home over the weekend, and if you recall, JP snapped several photos of me adding the final glittery touches to his hat, just the week before....


* Another pair of one of a kind snowmen raise their wiry arms to greet the guests. Again, these two guys also found homes during the show, but I promise that I have 3 more one of a kinds still available! However, let's take a quick twirl around to see another view of the holiday displays...


* Above, Santas and snowmen perch atop the boughs of decorative feather trees. Below, more Santa ornaments crowd into a red sleigh, and a collection of feather and bottle brush Christmas trees are offered to shoppers to help decorate their homes...


* A closer peek reveals a grouping of shimmery Santa clips with red and black chenille appendages. These guys didn't sit around too long before being snatched up by happy hands!...


* "Cheers to you", waves another limited edition snowman sitter resting amongst other snow-loving friends...


* The red feather tree donned a fun family of snowman clips wearing red chenille scarves. They too were new this year from my Bethany Lowe Designs line, and all found homes with happy, gift-giving shoppers!


* Always a big hit are these prim-style top hat snowman head dangles that add a touch of whimsy to any tree. Looking quite yummy on a tree of chartreuse, these fun characters can be found from my Primitives by Kathy product line as well....


* Let's take another twirl back around to the guys traipsing across the mantel. A few one of a kind ball characters strike a pose on a vintage holly covered box. Each of the the three have already moved on to new homes; however hoooo's above that may still be looking for a nest?...


* That's right! This little wintery owl is still looking for a cozy nest! I had a little fun with his kettle cup base, painting the holly leaves red and berries black. He's certainly a holiday HOOT! For more details and views about this Holly Owl Kettle Cup, please click HERE. (This sweet little owl has now SOLD) Thank you!


* And what's Christmas without a little Santa and his reindeer? Yes, indeed both were snatched up on Saturday, but gauging from all the emails I have received regarding reindeer, I'm thinking that many more are on the list for next year..... Hmmm, why do I get the feeling that I am being watched?...... Let's see...


* A quick twirl around reveals my black cat Jack, intently watching me as I take photos throughout the room! Well, I'll get you! Tempted by all the tables skirts and additional hiding places that our transformed cottage shop had to offer, Jack patiently stays out of trouble at least for most the time.  A vignette of additional holiday characters cluster together on vintage stools. Let's take a closer look...


* Just hanging around on an old trellis is a fun grouping of snowmen and Santa ornaments from my line of Bethany Lowe Designs. Their wiry candy cane-striped arms and legs really add that festive touch! And judging from their popularity, I will be offering more next year...


* To the side, a nervous snowman with arms raised high sits atop a child's vintage stove! EEk! I hope he doesn't melt.... Below, a pair of mom's Santas rest their weary feet... "Hooo Hooo".... Who's calling, who's calling?...


* Why, it's "Sue Owlen Snowfeather" the one of a kind owl candy container drumming up some attention! She too is still in search for a new perch! I must admit, she's a beauty, and if I had my way, I'd keep her as she looks lovely in our home. But those who attended will tell you that we need to finish our front porch! So, alas, she is up for grabs. This snowy owl is beautifully detailed with intricate sculpting and hand-painted accents. To see more details and views, click HERE. Curious cat-loving fans will have to say goodbye to the cutie egg cup above. He was snatched on Saturday. I loved how the stocking motif played out on his egg cup base, but if you like the look, I have one more goodie that might make you SQUEAK!.... (Sue Owlen Snowfeather has now SOLD) Thank you!


* Yes, this tall wintery mouse candy container with stockings is very SQUEAK-worthy! I just love what a whimsical statement this character makes. AND, "ChristMouse Eve" is still available! Eeek Eeek! Keep scrolling down for another view along with a link to details regarding this collectible piece....


* Proudly perched next to "ChristMouse Eve" is this stately snow owl, all decked out for the holidays.  I wish I could have kept this character too, but he has happily relocated to a loving nest....


* Let's take another peek at more of the holiday goods that shoppers were snatching around the house. Here, an old lamp shade makes for the perfect hanging spot for my illustrated charm necklaces. Ruby the Snowbust from my Primitives by Kathy line sits in the middle of all the fun!


* A closer look reveals my latest owl and candy cane charms!


* Another twirl around brings us to that beautiful cabinet that JP made me when I was still in art school! It's  always a show-stopper, and so is that antique vase filled with vintage glass baubles on aluminum Christmas tree branches.


* A closer peek reveals one of my latest snowman novelty boxes that I designed for Primitives by Kathy... I just noticed that all my winter-themed products are now on sale via Kathy's website for the month of December! So, if you missed them at the show, you can still find them online and save a little too... And do you see that out of focus stocking on that pumpkin-colored wall....


* I love this vintage find from mom that hangs below another fun architectural niche in our living room. It's the perfect spot for a pair of sitting snowmen to roost high above the guests....


* Circling back to the front door opens up the view of the living room and beyond to the kitchen and back sunroom. I can't wait for our front porch vestibule to be complete, offering us more space, more light and a place to kick off our shoes...


* One more peek at a silly silver tree reveals a fun display of dangling charms that I illustrated for the holiday season. On Sunday, I hung one charm around the neck of a bottle of wine for a fun hostess gift idea, and guests loved the concept!


* Now, let's meander into the kitchen for a dose of vintage delights! A pair of grandma's velvet reindeer  from year's past frame another Ruby the Snowbust character. And, an antique lamp glows under the metal shade of an old mop bucket attachment, set upside down. Yes, it's my cheap and unique form of decorating indeed! Old tins are stacked against my 1940s/50s Westinghouse fridge. I am a sucker for vintage appliances.... :) They're just full of character, chrome and curving lines...


* Let's step back for the full view which reveals my collection of colorful old pottery finds. I only wish I had made the time to snap additional photos of the kitchen treats and hot cider scene on our old 1940s stove. But, Saturday morning was a whirlwind of commotion as JP and I, along with my mom, dad and god mother added the final touches and tidied up before we opened the doors. It was snowing and bitter-cold outside. So, to keep our early collector guests cozy in their cars rather than waiting in line, we spontaneously decided to hand out numbers. I think that worked well, and may consider working that in to next year's planning...


* And now, we will return to the main room where Jack patiently waits for a good scratching..... I wonder if he has MICE on his mind?....


* Ahh-Ha! There's that MOUSE again! "ChristMouse Eve," pictured at left, is certainly a cutie and is looking for a home! Eve has a magical dusting of mica strategically placed for just the right shimmer. Hand-painted stockings, each unique and some filled with mice, are painted around Eve's containing cup. Old Italian silver tinsel trims this character's neck, adorned at front with a red vintage crepe paper bow tie.  For more views and details regarding this special piece, click HERE. And yes, the smaller mouse companion friend already found a home here in Denver.... (ChristMouse Eve has now SOLD) Thank you!


*And if there's a mouse in the vicinity, I can almost guarantee that a cat is close by...  Here's a closer peek at the only winter cat ball character I made this season, but don't get too attached as she sold during the show...


* Cats always make me think of Halloween, and being the huge fan of October 31st that I am, I had to pull out what goodies I had remaining from this past season. It's become a tradition that I designate a portion of my studio & drawing board room to year-end reproduction Halloween delights. Most everything is always marked 20-30% off, so there are some fun deals to be made! Can you find Jack in the mix?


* A quick spin to the right reveals my one and only original Halloween fire screen that JP and I made as a team effort. Halloween lovers always enjoy seeing this piece in person, so it's a fun excuse for me to bring it out and share it with you...


* Let's take a closer peek of what goodies were in store. Of course, the typical gang of black cats and owls were on the roster, whom again flew out the door!


* And you can't forget about those witches and jack-o'-lantern friends. My Halloween heads have been a big hit this year and are offered through my Primitives by Kathy line. Mom's smiling JOL pillow sets the spooky mood too!


* Right before we opened the door, we snapped a few quick shots. We were happy to have extra help from out of town family this year! From left to right, is my husband JP d'Andrimont, my dad Jim Parker, me, my mom Kathy Parker and god mother Melinda Hovey Hightower. Look how cute the girls look in their vintage aprons!


And.... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... 10:00 am arrived, and it was show time!  WELCOME Guests!


* Before the wrapping and packing frenzy began, JP snapped a quick pic of the shoppers delighting in the goods and choosing their favorite finds! We were thrilled to have guests from as far as Washington state and California, eager to collect one of a kinds. Maybe next year we'll get some east-coasters too!


* Well, I hope you enjoyed my Christmas Cottage tour..... It was such a delightful weekend, and I am honored that so many of you marked your calendars and still came out on such a cold wintery day to play with us! I certainly hope that we made your holiday brighter and set the jolly spirit for the rest of the month.
Remember, our 10th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show & Open House will take place the first weekend of December in 2012. So, save the date! It's going to be a big one!

And if you would like to adopt one of the available 5 original delights in this Holiday Treasure Hunt post, please just EMAIL ME to reserve your piece!

Many Thanks & Happy Holidays,
~ Johanna