Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 January 2014

What a colleague of mine would call sorting out the knickers and socks....

... by that he meant tidying up the computer files & information pathways on the computer... so that is what I'm doing today.

I'm receiving a steady stream of 'friend requests' on Facebook which is lovely and I'm pleased to get them from blog readers, users of my JoFY stamps & class attendees  :o)
but I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear/read my conversations with my friends about our nights out & and how, yes, we all loved our friend's new hair style!

So, can I please point you in the direction of this:

The JoFY facebook page :o) Click on the photo and it should take you to the page - taaadaaaa - where the focus is less waffle and more information.  I've had it for a few months so you'll be able to see what sort of updates are on there and my plan is that there will be more - I'll post information on this page about up coming classes, new design releases and general crafting info that you might find interesting.   It also has the feed from my blog.
Please 'like' & 'follow' the page and the new info should come direct to your timeline.

EDIT:  The blog page will continue to send a prompt onto Twitter. :o)

Also - if you are already a friend on Facebook (through crafting, not personal) can I ask you to please go and like the JoFY page and then 'unfriend' me/my personal account.
I'm asking this because I want to stay in contact with everyone about my crafting work but its tidier (those knickers and socks again) to do this on the Facebook page and not through my personal timeline - I hope you understand...

Look forward to seeing you all over on the JoFY Facebook page!

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