Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kind People

There are many kind people in this world! Every once in a while I'm reminded of this fact.  I mean, I think there are heaps of nice people around, but every once in a while someone does something unexpected that is very kind or generous and I'm reminded that people really do care.   Recently a family in our church gave us a trampoline and we are thankful for their kindness towards us.

Boys jumping

He loves to jump!
He loves to jump, too!

Look at these expressions!  Ha! Ha!

Dancing, running, doing tricks...he does it all.

And so far, we've only fallen off one time each, so that is pretty good.

  I'm also remembering times that strangers have shown kindness to us, and those times I never expect it.  One day when we were at a skate park, Duncan let another boy borrow his bike to try out the ramps and slopes.  When Mr. Whippy (the ice cream truck) pulled up, that boys' father bought Duncan an ice cream cone as well.  That was very kind, and on top of that, when the dad saw that Duncan had a brother, he bought Ewan an ice cream, too, despite me telling him that it was OK and the boys could share.   I was impressed by his generosity.

Another time we were at the Pantomime here (which is way different than the American definition of panto, and a bit different than the Scotland version), so after we got our seats to watch Alice in Wonderland, Joe went to the lobby to get us a coffee.  It turns out, the coffee place only took cash, so after ordering 2 and only having enough money to pay for 1 cup, Joe apologized and said something about how he and I would share one cup.  The lady in the queue behind him jumped in, "Oh no, no.  You each NEED your own!" and she added, "especially to sit through this!"  And she paid for our second cup of coffee.  How unexpected and kind is that?!

And one last thought about these kind and generous people:  I was retelling these stories to a friend of mine and said, "We need more people like that in this world!"  Then felt convicted that what I really need in this world is for me to BE a person like that!    I want to be a person who is kind and generous and gives to others, both friends and strangers.  And I want to raise sons who are kind and generous, too. 

The boys in their new matching shirts
They love their new shirts.
Kind and generous and silly and full of energy.  I love these kids!

1 comment:

Alisis said...

No one commented on this post, but I'm just getting caught up - it helps when you mention on FB that you posted :) YOU BOTH are some of the most kind and generous people I know, so I think you live up to your aspirations, Trina. I was looking through old League pictures (and posted to your FB page!) and was missing you guys - so your FB post about an updated blog was perfect timing! Hope all is well. Love, Alisis (oh and I started a new job and one of the ladies there used to work with Osazee!!!)