Rachel is hosting the Smalls SAL, on the last Friday of the month everyone is encourage to post about small stitchings and I'd love to join this SAL regularly adding sometimes my small DIY.
Smalls SAL est organisé par Rachel et nous propose de montrer nos petites broderies. J'aimerai bien y participer régulièrement et ainsi avoir un nouveau rendez-vous sur le blog le dernier vendredi du mois en y ajoutant quelquefois mes petits bricolages.
Some small knittings and crochet for Soline wool shop her grandfather made for her in a wood box.
I have crocheted some small scarves, tiny knittings on bun pins and cut some small magazines where she'll be able to glue pictures from a catalog.
Quelques mini bricoles : tricot, pelotes, magazines, écharpes en laine pour le magasin de Soline.
J'en profite pour partager deux bonnes nouvelles : le retour des ciseaux de couture retrouvés sous le papier sol du village de Noël en remballant et les mini pulls pas si moches manquants. Les homard, cactus, boule de Noël ont maintenant rejoint ma collection que j'ai le plaisir de vous montrer dans son ensemble soit 41 pièces !
About Smalls, two good news to share...
I have found back my lost Christmas not so ugly small sweaters (in a box under my bed). I was so sorry to have lost my losbster, snow globe, cactus... They are all together now, great occasion to take a memory picture! 41 small sweaters!
So many sweet smalls, and I just adore all those small sweaters!🥰
RépondreSupprimerThe wool shop is a great idea for your granddaughter. How nice to find the ugly sweaters and the scissors that you thought were lost.
RépondreSupprimerA toy yarn shop...that's such an amazing idea! Hopefully, playing with this will inspire her to get into all the yarny crafts herself some day :)