samedi 31 août 2019
jeudi 29 août 2019
mercredi 28 août 2019
ETAPE/STEP 13 - 1/4
Nous avons quitté Colmar mais pas tout à fait l'univers des poupées !
Pensez à jeter un coup d'oeil sur les articles parus dimanche si vous voulez suivre les avancées du Wipocalypse et le Summer Postcard Blog Hop.
We left Colmar but not quite the doll world!
Remember to take a look on Sunday's posts if you want to follow the progress of the Wipocalypse and the Summer Postcard Blog Hop.
PS : Just see on blogger that it's my 600th post!
dimanche 25 août 2019
ETAPE/STEP 12 - 4/4
Le jouet à trouver était : la poupée
La ville était : dans le département du Haut-Rhin 68
The toy was : the doll
The town was COLMAR chosen for its toys museum I discovered during summer holidays in 2012.
Clues : 68 in the dog, the plangonologist collects dolls. Dolls can be made off (among other materials) wax, china,
Many toys shown in this lovely museum.
No doll at home when I was little, but I remember the monthly article on Mum knitting/sewing magazine "Modes et Travaux", they were showing dolls and patterns.
I even found a blog on them :
Have you some kind of similar memory?
I got a baby celluloid named Pascal.
He had a big wardrobe made by Mum.
I was very proud of him. Then Magali joined the family when I was about 10.
The whole family with Sylvette
and Bichon (the bear).
I also had a model doll (no pic) a gift from the owner of the wool shop my mum worked for
In the 80's fabric dolls were popular, I made one for my sister.
On the wish list, you could find TILDA of course,
some cute crocheted dolls
and painted/sewed dolls on fabric or paper.
Now I like to "wear" them too, nice necklaces from Nacr'attitude bought in our DIY fair
Joining them an old work of beads.
Already bought in the same fair this kit from Zazobouzi waiting for 2020 : VIOLETTE and FELIX.
Third post of this Sunday!
"Summer Postcard Blog Hop"
"Wipocalypse 08/19"
"Etape/Step 12 - 4/4"
Congrats from BUZZ!
Vers l'infini et au-delà !
To infinity and beyond!
Le Wipocalypse SAL donne leur chance à quelques ouvrages d'être terminés avant la fin du monde...
Mon projet pour 2019 a été, suivant l'exemple d'amies brodeuses, de choisir 19 travaux en cours (selon la liste ci-après) et de leur offrir une éventuelle bonne fortune cette année.
proposé par Measi's Musings
Participating again in this SAL since the beginning of 2019, I took as an example some stitching friends who planned a "19 in 19" projects.
Here is my list :
1 - Avvolgente - l'arbre de Noël - Christmas tree
2 - les patins d'argent - skating / 3/4/5/6/7 - personnages de Noël -
8 - AAC oiseau - colin cardinal / 9 - la clef du mystère / keys /10 - la clef des champs / keys
11 - Halloween sous la pluie / 12 - dansons la Capucine / dansing childs
13 - le jeu de l'oie / Goose game
14 - Cda traineau / 15 - CdA St Nicolas / 16 - CdA crèche
17 - loto feutrine / 18 - cuisine pour dinette - feutrine / felt / 19 - dinette Zazobouzi /
I was working on 14/15/16, stitching with metallic threads gold and silver with the goal to finish them before the end of August : done.
There is some pieces of felt I must add on the scenes (I'll do it at the very end).
Some closer look on the sled.
Lot of stars in the sky now.
La mitre est maintenant brodée au fil doré.
Le point de malte choisi pour fabriquer les houppes du manteau de Saint-Nicolas.
Point de chaînette en fil métallique doré toujours aussi compliqué à utiliser.
The maltese stitch used for the tassels on Saint Nicholas coat.
Chain stitch with metallic gold thread always complicated to do.
Here is the complete panel
The fourth scene, the snow globe will probably wait 2020 as I want to keep close to my "19 in 19" list.
For the next weeks, I'll be back to 18 - felt pastry as we are visiting my goddaughter in September and it will be some gifts for her daughter.
Don't miss the precedent post about the Summer Postcard Blog Hop and the next one I'll post in an hour about the arrival of the 12th step of my Tour de France.
Usually the mailman deliveres our mail at about 11h am and of course no mail on Sunday..
but thanks to Jo, I got a message today.
A lovely postcard from Mini
Here is the message :
Thanks Mini for this nice stitching which is visiting France thanks to Jo who is organizing the famous Summer Postcard Blog Hop with this year an International theme.
Don't forget to visit Miniz Diary and Serendipitous Stitching for more fun.
Impossible de rédiger cet article sans vous parler du musée de la carte postale installé à Baud et visité récemment lors de nos vacances bretonnes.
The right post to tell you about the Postcard Museum from Baud in Morbihan we visited last June.
Une collection de cartes régionales, de nombreuses bornes interactives qui vous permettent entre autres de confectionner votre propre carte postale et de l'envoyer par e-mail.
A collection of regional postcards, many interactive terminals that offer you to make your own postcard and send it by e-mail.
but thanks to Jo, I got a message today.
A lovely postcard from Mini
Here is the message :
I bought this kit on my summer holiday in Aug 2015 in Scotland from a LNS called Nifty Needles which has sadly closed down.
I ,then an Indian expat,stitched this in Kuwait and asked my expat friend to post it from USA during her holiday to my penpal in England in 2018.
I guess it can't get more International than this
I like to mix my love of travelling and cross stitch ....
Thanks Mini for this nice stitching which is visiting France thanks to Jo who is organizing the famous Summer Postcard Blog Hop with this year an International theme.
Don't forget to visit Miniz Diary and Serendipitous Stitching for more fun.
Impossible de rédiger cet article sans vous parler du musée de la carte postale installé à Baud et visité récemment lors de nos vacances bretonnes.
The right post to tell you about the Postcard Museum from Baud in Morbihan we visited last June.
Une collection de cartes régionales, de nombreuses bornes interactives qui vous permettent entre autres de confectionner votre propre carte postale et de l'envoyer par e-mail.
A collection of regional postcards, many interactive terminals that offer you to make your own postcard and send it by e-mail.
samedi 24 août 2019
jeudi 22 août 2019
mercredi 21 août 2019
dimanche 18 août 2019
ETAPE/STEP 11 - 4/4
Le jouet à trouver était : le jeu de roulette
La ville était : MONTE CARLO dans la Principauté de MONACO
The toy was : the roulette
The town was : MONTE CARLO
Clues : no department as it is not France... Monte Carlo is known for famous casino.
Albert is the name of Prince of Monaco.
Vocabulary : bets, chips, games, 35 to 1.
Indices : the Prince Albert, le vocabulaire de casino.
Visiting my nanny, I loved to play with my cousins during holidays "home casino" no money but a lot of strategy to find the right martingale.
Our nanny Juliette, Christine and Eric
Délaissons un peu les tapis verts pour retrouver quelques jeux d'autrefois..;
Forget green carpets for a while, if you like old games I found a place you should visit :
un jeu de la grenouille bien sûr ! frog game of course!
There is a lot of games I'd like to build like "fakir game" with a special design
made with nails maybe some oriental palace.
Dans mes projets de construction, notamment le jeu du fakir avec un dessin personnalisé genre palais oriental.
Quelques jeux d''adresses,
Some skill games
un chamboule-tout avec les photos de la famille
my version will be with family pictures
So many funny games for children's fairs...
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