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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Óscar Brenifier. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

mais um fim de semana de questionamento com o Óscar Brenifier

quem já frequentou os meus workshops sabe que o Óscar é uma referência para mim; por isso, é de aproveitar a sua estadia em Portugal para praticar o questionamento e não deixar enferrujar o pensamento.
este fim de semana foi especialmente interessante pelo facto de me proporcionar o encontro com amigos, com pessoas que já me conhecem do espaço virtual... e sobretudo pela prática e pela possibilidade de ser avaliada pelos meus pares. fazem falta encontros destes entre as pessoas que estão nesta área (da filosofia aplicada) para que possamos partilhar estratégias, reforçar forças, melhorar fraquezas. 

parece que faz falta um segundo momento igual a este, que tanto gozo me deu planear e organizar em conjunto com a Celeste Machado.

não importa o destino. mas sim a viagem. 
aqui, não importa o resultado, mas sim o processo.

see you soon, Óscar!

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

7º Workshop de Filosofia Prática: A Arte de Questionar / Consulta Filosófica


Presidente do Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques, França (
Consultor Filosófico e Formador de Filosofia Prática e Didáctica da Filosofia
Doutorado em Filosofia pela Sorbonne, Paris

28 e 29 de JANEIRO de 2012

Sábado e Domingo (09:30~19:30)

v  Práticas filosóficas 
v  Técnicas de questionamento filosófico
v  Teoria e prática da consulta filosófica

v  Aberto a todos os interessados na filosofia prática.
v    Número máximo de participantes: 20

Línguas de Trabalho
v  Português e Espanhol (tradução consecutiva, quando necessário)

(Nota: Será emitido um certificado de participação assinado pelo professor Oscar Brenifier)

Local de Realização: Instalações da LanguageCraft

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011


Last summer, after increasing the attendance of our seminar to the maximum number allowed by the local facilities, which meant about forty persons, we had the regrettable obligation to refuse quite a few later applications for attendance. This meant already that we had to hold numerous workshops in two different halls, in order to give everyone a chance to show his work and not crowd the halls too much.
Because of this, and because we do not wish to go beyond this size of attendance, we have decided to hold a winter seminar, but not in La Chapelle St André (Burgundy), where the season creates harsh living conditions, but in Argenteuil, at the seat of the I.P.P., in the suburbs of Paris. Of course, persons that were denied attendance at the summer seminar will have a priority. Again for practical reasons, we do not wish to receive too many persons, in order for the seminar to remain a seminar and not become a conference.
So we intend to receive maximum 25-30 persons, interested or involved in philosophical practice: students, teachers, professors, counselors, trainers, etc. Like in the summer seminar, the purpose will be for these participants to reflect on their work and improve professionally. For seven days, in English, these practitioners coming from very diverse countries will participate to different workshops, lead workshops, analyze and evaluate them, theorize about the different issues involved.
In this context, philosophy is not an academic activity centered on the history of ideas, and one does not come simply to narrate what he does in his home country, but get acquainted with the many ways of philosophizing, as an activity constitutive of the mind and the self. Philosophy with children, philosophical consultation, philosophy workshops, Socratic dialogue, etc., one is introduced to the many forms and variants of such an endeavor. It is not so much knowledge that is at stake here, but acquiring and developing skills. How to conceptualize, how to problematize, how to deepen understanding of given ideas, and especially how to create a situation where this activity can be induced, is the main focus of the work.
Of course, Socratic maïeutics is a key methodological point, but as well dialectics, analytics, community of enquiry, constitute as many entries and matrices to define the work. If they wish so, participants can facilitate a workshop, a situation which provides an occasion for a practitioner to show how he works and get some critical feed-back on his work and his methodology, so one becomes more conscious of his own options and activity. Since the atmosphere of this seminar is open, inclined to both rigor and diversity, it creates a context where one can really express his view instead of hiding behind the usual pseudo-consensus where "everything is fine and we are all great". In this sense, the idea is to recreate the context of antique philosophical schools, or the gymnasium as described by Plato, where one could challenge other's ideas and himself be challenged. All practitioners interested in presenting their work and holding a workshop during this event are invited to send in their proposal. The purpose of this seminar is to exchange, discover, experiment and develop practices.
This seminar does not require previous philosophical training. It can be an initiation to philosophical practice, or a deepening of the activity. Participants come from different parts of the world, and join for professional or personal reasons, in order to work on a practice that is applicable to many contexts: teaching children or adults, management, individual consultation, N. G. O. activities...
The duration will be almost a week, from February 6th - 11th 2012, and the cost will be 500 EUR, including the workshops, food and accommodation in a private room. For people who are on a tight budget, this can be reduced to 300 EUR if you accept "camping style" accommodation. Our Institute can accept some people free of charge who have financial difficulties, but are highly motivated.
You can read theoretical texts and watch videos of the practice on the following websites - English section:

If you wish to be informed of the seminar and workshops of the Institute of Philosophical practice, you can send an email to Isabelle Millon at the following

FONTE: e-mail do IPP

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011

6th International Summer Seminar - "Practicing Philosophy"

La Chapelle St André - France | August 1st - 7th 2011

Every summer, in the little village of La Chapelle St André (Burgundy - France), gather about 25-30 persons involved in philosophical practice (students, teachers, professors, counselors, trainers) in order to reflect on their work and improve professionally. For seven days, in English, these philosophy practitioners coming from the five continents will participate to different workshops, run workshops, analyze and evaluate them, theorize about the different issues involved.

In this context, philosophy is not any more an academic activity centered on the history of ideas, and one does not come simply to narrate what he does in his home country, but get acquainted with the many ways of philosophizing, as an activity constitutive of the mind and the self. Philosophy with children, philosophical consultation, philosophy workshops, Socratic dialogue, etc., one is introduced to the many forms and variants of such an endeavor. It is not so much knowledge that is at stake here, but acquiring and developing skills. How to conceptualize, how to problematize, how to deepen understanding of given ideas, and especially how to create a situation where this activity can be induced, is the main focus of the work.

Of course, Socratic maïeutics is a key methodological point, but as well dialectics, analytics, community of enquiry, constitute as many entries and matrices to define the work. If they wish so, participants can facilitate a workshop, a situation which provides an occasion for a practitioner to show how he works and get some critical feed-back on his work and his methodology, so one becomes more conscious of his own options and activity. Since the atmosphere of this seminar is open, inclined to both rigor and diversity, it creates a context where one can really express his view instead of hiding behind the usual pseudo-consensus where "everything is fine and we are all great". In this sense, the idea is to recreate the context of antique philosophical schools, or the gymnasium as described by Plato, where one could challenge other's ideas and himself be challenged. In the peaceful atmosphere of a small French village, accompanied with good food and good wine, walks in the beautiful surrounding woods and visit to the medieval site of Vezelay, one can truly devote himself to philosophical encounters and reflection.

All practitioners interested in presenting their work and holding a workshop during this event are invited to send in their proposal. The purpose of this seminar is to exchange, discover, experiment and develop practices.

This seminar does not require previous philosophical training. It can be an initiation to philosophical practice, or a deepening of the activity. Participants come from different parts of the world, and join for professional or personal reasons, in order to work on a practice that is applicable to many contexts: teaching children or adults, management, individual consultation, N. G. O. activities…

The duration will be one whole week, from August 1st - 7th, and the cost will be 500 EUR, including the workshops, food and accommodation in a private room. For people who are on a tight budget, this can be reduced to 300 EUR if you accept "camping style" accommodation. Our Institute can accept some people free of charge who have financial difficulties, but are highly motivated.

You can read theoretical texts and watch videos of the practice on the following websites - English section : www.brenifier.com

If you wish to be informed of the seminar and workshops of the Institute of Philosophical practice, you can send an email to Isabelle Millon at the following address:

domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

6th International Summer Seminar | "Practicing Philosophy"

La Chapelle St André - France - August 1st - 7th 2011

Every summer, in the little village of La Chapelle St André (Burgundy - France), gather about 25-30 persons involved in philosophical practice (students, teachers, professors, counselors, trainers) in order to reflect on their work and improve professionally. For seven days, in English, these philosophy practitioners coming from the five continents will participate to different workshops, lead workshops, analyze and evaluate them, theorize about the different issues involved.

In this context, philosophy is not any more an academic activity centered on the history of ideas, and one does not come simply to narrate what he does in his home country, but get acquainted with the many ways of philosophizing, as an activity constitutive of the mind and the self. Philosophy with children, philosophical consultation, philosophy workshops, Socratic dialogue, etc., one is introduced to the many forms and variants of such an endeavor. It is not so much knowledge that is at stake here, but acquiring and developing skills. How to conceptualize, how to problematize, how to deepen understanding of given ideas, and especially how to create a situation where this activity can be induced, is the main focus of the work.

Of course, Socratic maïeutics is a key methodological point, but as well dialectics, analytics, community of enquiry, constitute as many entries and matrices to define the work. If they wish so, participants can facilitate a workshop, a situation which provides an occasion for a practitioner to show how he works and get some critical feed-back on his work and his methodology, so one becomes more conscious of his own options and activity. Since the atmosphere of this seminar is open, inclined to both rigor and diversity, it creates a context where one can really express his view instead of hiding behind the usual pseudo-consensus where "everything is fine and we are all great". In this sense, the idea is to recreate the context of antique philosophical schools, or the gymnasium as described by Plato, where one could challenge other's ideas and himself be challenged. In the peaceful atmosphere of a small French village, accompanied with good food and good wine, walks in the beautiful surrounding woods and visit to the medieval site of Vezelay, one can truly devote himself to philosophical encounters and reflection.

All practitioners interested in presenting their work and holding a workshop during this event are invited to send in their proposal. The purpose of this seminar is to exchange, discover, experiment and develop practices.

This seminar does not require previous philosophical training. It can be an initiation to philosophical practice, or a deepening of the activity. Participants come from different parts of the world, and join for professional or personal reasons, in order to work on a practice that is applicable to many contexts: teaching children or adults, management, individual consultation, N. G. O. activities...

The duration will be one whole week, from August 1st - 7th, and the cost will be 500 EUR, including the workshops, food and accommodation in a private room. For people who are on a tight budget, this can be reduced to 300 EUR if you accept "camping style" accommodation. Our Institute can accept some people free of charge who have financial difficulties, but are highly motivated.

You can read theoretical texts and watch videos of the practice on the following websites - English section: |

If you wish to be informed of the seminar and workshops of the Institute of Philosophical practice, you can send an email to Isabelle Millon at the following address:

recebido via e-mail

sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010

Óscar Brenifier em Portugal

6º Workshop de Filosofia Prática: A Arte de Questionar/Consulta Filosófica


Presidente do Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques, França | Consultor Filosófico e Formador de Filosofia Prática e Didáctica da Filosofia | Doutorado em Filosofia pela Sorbonne, Paris

4 e 5 de DEZEMBRO de 2010
Sábado e Domingo (09:30~19:30)

Language Craft | R. Alexandre Herculano, 39, r/c Esq. 1250-009 Lisboa


domingo, 23 de maio de 2010

Fifth Annual Summer seminar: The art of questioning - July 12th-18th 2010

Every year in July, in the little village of La Chapelle St André (Burgundy - France), gather about 20-30 persons involved in philosophical practice (students, teachers, professors, counselors, trainers) in order to reflect on their work and improve professionally. For seven days, in English, these philosophy practitioners coming from the five continents will participate to different workshops, run workshops, analyze and evaluate them, theorize about the different issues involved.

In this context, philosophy is not any more an academic activity centered on the history of ideas, and one does not come simply to narrate what he does in his home country, but get acquainted with the many ways that philosophizing is an activity constitutive of the mind and the self. Philosophy with children, philosophical consultation, philosophy workshops, Socratic dialogue, etc., one is introduced to the many forms and variants of such an endeavor. It is not so much knowledge that is at stake here, but acquiring and developing skills. How to conceptualize, how to problematize, how to deepen understanding of given ideas, and especially how to create a situation where this activity can be induced, is the main focus of the work.

Of course, Socratic maïeutics is a key methodological point, but as well dialectics, analytics, community of enquiry, constitute as many entries and matrices to define the work. If they wish so, participants can facilitate a workshop, a situation which provides an occasion for a practitioner to show how he works and get some critical feed-back on his work and his methodology, so one becomes more conscious of his own options and activity. Since the atmosphere of this seminar is open, inclined to both rigor and openness, it creates a context where one can really express his view instead of hiding behind the usual pseudo-consensus where "everything is fine and we are all great". In this sense, the idea is to recreate the context of antique philosophical schools, or the gymnasium as described by Plato, where one could challenge other's ideas and himself be challenged. In the peaceful atmosphere of a small French village, accompanied with good food and good wine, walks in the beautiful surrounding woods and visit to the medieval site of Vezelay, one can truly devote himself to philosophical encounters and reflection.

The duration will be one whole week, from July 12th to 18th, and the cost will be 500 EUR, including the workshops, food and accommodation in a private room. For people who are on a tight budget, this can be reduced to 300 EUR if you accept "camping style" accommodation. Our Institute can accept some people free of charge who have financial difficulties, but are highly motivated.

This seminar does not require previous philosophical training. It can be an initiation to philosophical questioning, or a deepening of the practice. Participants come from different parts of the world, and come for professional or personal reasons, to work on a practice that is applicable to many contexts: teaching, management, N. G. O. activities...

On the Website,, you can read texts and watch videos of the practice.

For more information :

segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010

Exercício de questionamento - WKS do Professor Óscar

No workshop do Professor Óscar tivemos a oportunidade de realizar um exercício de questionamento, ensaiando uma consulta filosófica.

A partir da pergunta «O que é a felicidade?», cada um dos formandos apresentou a sua proposta de pergunta para o cliente. Todas as perguntas foram lidas, tendo o grupo seleccionado aquelas que aceitava e as que não aceitava. Para tal, tínhamos que dar as razões do aceitar ou não, alinhavando a direcção que tal pergunta tomaria.
No final da manhã, este era o resultado do exercício.

Consultante: O que é a felicidade?

Consultor: Porque queres saber?

Consultante: Não acredito ser possível viver sem felicidade.

Consultor: Estás a dizer que todos os infelizes morrem?

Consultante: Não.

Consultor: Porquê?

Consultante: Porque todos morremos, infelizes ou infelizes.

Consultor: Qual a diferença entre morrer feliz e morrer infeliz?

Consultante: Quem morre infeliz não viveu a sério.

Neste momento, concluímos que o nosso consultante considera que não vive verdadeiramente.

E depois? Depois fomos almoçar, que nem só de Filosofia nos podemos alimentar.

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010

Séminaire « L'art du questionnement» - 23-24 janvier 2010 - Argenteuil - Val d'Oise

Aurélie CZAJKA - Doctorante en Sciences de l'Éducation, Assistante d'éducation (Rouen)
Atelier : Apprendre à penser par soi-même

Alexandre GEORGANDAS - Professeur de philosophie (Versailles)
Atelier : Exercice de logique : 1+1=?

Jérôme LECOQ - Product Manager - Maîtrise de philosophie (Paris)
Apprenti Praticien Philosophe
Atelier : Le questionnement philosophique

Alice REIBEL - Professeur-documentaliste - Doctorante en littérature (Le Mans)
Atelier : Philosopher avec des adolescents : le pari des documentaires philosophiques

Heykel HOUAS - Docteur en mathématiques (Paris)
Atelier : Nommer et traiter les résistances par les antinomies

Alexandra AHOUJANDJINOU - Philosophe, Docteur en philosophie, Ingénieur informaticienne (Paris)
Atelier : Penser la vie et vivre la pensée

Aline MIGNON - Animatrice philo-enfants « débutante » pour la revue Philéas & Autobule (Wavre, Belgique)
Atelier : « Extraits en question », travail sur l'argumentation

Renseignements :

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010

Institut de pratiques philosophiques / Institute of philosophical practice - Programme d'hiver /Winter program

Seminar "The art of questioning" (in English)

February 6th - 7th - Argenteuil (Paris) - France

Oscar BRENIFIER (France) Philosophy Practitioner - Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques
Workshop : Thinking the unthinkable

Nelson HOEDEKIE (Belgium) Philosophy Practitioner
Workshop: Face (in) the Mirror - my eyes don't see my face

Hein HOEK - Philosophy consultant (Belgium)
Workshop : Structure and chaos

Heykel HOUAS - PhD in Mathematics (France)
Workshop: Naming and processing the oppositions through the antinomies

Jérôme LECOQ - Product Manager (France) - Masters in Philosophy
Workshop: Philosophical questioning

Tomas MAGALHAES CARNEIRO - Philosophy Practitioner (Portugal)
Workshop : Giving birth to concepts

Isabelle MILLON - Philosophy Practitioner - Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques
 Workshop: Moral dilemma

Detlef STAUDE - Coordinator of the Swiss group of philosophical practitioners
Workshop : Philosophizing with Groups - Concepts and Methods


segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2010

5º Workshop - Filosofia Prática / Consultoria Filosófica


Presidente do Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques, França (
Consultor Filosófico e Formador de Filosofia Prática e Didáctica da Filosofia
Doutorado em Filosofia pela Sorbonne, Paris

15, 16 e 17 de Janeiro 2010

Local de Realização
Instalações da LanguageCraft /

Uma iniciativa Diálogos - Filosofia com Crianças... e outras idades

sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

O amor e a amizade, por Óscar Brenifier

as ilustrações (deliciosas) são de Jacques Després
editado pela Edicare

sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

Pequenos Filósofos - livros de Óscar Brenifier

«O Filipe gosta de fazer perguntas,
as mais variadas perguntas, perguntas por vezes difíceis...»

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009

Óscar Brenifier em Portugal

Nos próximos dias 6, 7 e 8 de Novembro o Centro Diálogos apresenta de novo um workshop com o professor Oscar Brenifier.

Solicite mais informações via e-mail

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Summer Seminar "The art of questioning" in France (in english)

The Institute of Philosophical Practice is organizing its fourth international annual summer seminar in English on "The art of questioning", led by Oscar Brenifier. Like every year, it will gather participants from numerous contries and take place in a small village of Burgundy, close to the medieval city of Vezelay. The duration will be one whole week, from July 13th to 19th, and the cost will be 500 EUR, including the workshops, food and accommodation in a private room. For people who are on a tight budget, this can be reduced to 300 EUR if you accept "camping style" accommodation. Our Institute can accept some people free of charge who have financial difficulties, but are highly motivated.

Practicing philosophers who wish to present their methodology (academic or popular) during the seminar are invited to send their proposal.

For more information :

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2008

parar para pensar o impensável...

...pensar aqui e agora... dar a ver... quebrar a cegueira...


até já, Óscar!

domingo, 14 de setembro de 2008

«As crianças fazem perguntas, todo o género de perguntas, e normalmente são perguntas importantes.
O que fazer com essas perguntas?
É necessário que os pais lhes dêem resposta?
Por que razão deveriam eles responder em vez das crianças?

Óscar Brenifier

sábado, 28 de junho de 2008

IX International Conference on Philosophical Practice

Este ano será a Itália a acolher o Congresso Internacional de Filosofia Prática. Óscar Brenifier, Jose Barrientos Rastrojo, Nuno Paulos Tavares, Maria João Neves, Rayda Guzman, Jorge Dias, Isabelle Millon, Neri Pollastri e Ran Lahav são alguns dos nomes presentes no evento.

O congresso terá lugar nos próximos dias 16, 17, 18 e 19 de Julho, em Carloforte (Isola di San Pietro) Sardinia, Itália.

«In recent years, in the world of philosophical practice, attention has beenbuilding towards the dimension of the "philosophical life", that is to say a life guided by that which some would call a "search for wisdom", others "the art of life", others still "the ability to know how to live" (lebenskönnerschaft). On several levels, the view has been that the professional practice of philosophy is hard to imagine without a connection to the personal practiceof philosophy as a “life style”.

In this Ninth International Conference on Philosophical Practice,we would like to explore from an international viewpoint the relationship between the professional aspect and the “philosophical life”and to draw a picture about the actual state of affairs.»

Blog do congresso:

Programa disponível aqui!

quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2008

«A quem interessar...»

«Saiu no último domingo um artigo na Notícias Magazine com uma entrevista com o professor Oscar Brenifier e a Filosofia com Crianças e no próximo domingo sairá outro na Pública.
A quem interessar...»

interessa-nos e muito, Luísa! Obrigada