Showing posts with label Punch Needle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punch Needle. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2019

Another Chair Pad

Since I loved the first punch needle chair pad that I had made with handspun yarn, and I had enough leftover yarn, I had to make another.

To finish this one I again traced around the outer edge with a compass (it is about an inch)-

as a guide where to serge the edge to finish it.

For this one I added a layer of wool batting for a bit of extra padding.

I whipped stitch the hem in place through the batting and in to the back of the punch needle.

After I stitched a backing on to the piece.

I also added a couple to ties just to hold the batting in place (again through the batting and in to the back of the punch needle).

I made it a circle that was the inside diameter of my hoop for hand quilting just to make it easier to work the punch needle, and it turned out just the right size for this chair.

A bit of a windy day
Ice crystals in the air created this rainbow around the sun.
The snow covered fields look like the ocean.
 All the best!♥︎

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wool Chair Pad

I finished a punch needle, wool, chair pad this week.

The project started as another raw fleece that I was given.

I cleaned, combed, spun the wool, and dyed it,

Punch needle is worked from the back with a special tool.

I drew the design on a piece of 22 count Hardanger fabric that I had - it worked well (I think punch needle is generally worked on Monk's Cloth or a linen fabric).

When the work was all done I steamed the piece and pinned it out to block it. To finish the chair pad I used the serger to finish off the edge of the fabric about 1.5inches from the punch needle, pressed the fabric to the wrong side and then whip stitched it in place.

This is the first time that I have done this type of punch needle, it was really enjoyable and worked out well.

The wool makes a nice, soft chair pad (I even started another one with the leftover yarn).

the flock of Grey Partridges

All the best!♥︎
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