Thursday, February 3, 2011

Almost time now!!!!

We have visas, we have tickets, we almost have lift off!!! Tonight we are heading for Melb airport, destination Dubai (and beyond) in the pic above. That photo was taken 4 years ago when we were leaving.. I'm sure it looks pretty much the same now. But these kids don't!

Taken four years ago at Dubai Airport...

....waiting for the plane back to Australia! Wow, they have grown since then!

We are all pretty excited as you can imagine. Nearly all last minute things done now. Trying to fit everything in the suitcases - ugh! Counting down in hours, not days :)

I'm not sure what my internet will be like when I get there. I will try to do a quick update so you all know we arrived safe and sound, but I think I'll take a little blogging break while I get over my jetlag :)

Till then.... sew for me please :)


BubzRugz said...

Wishing you all the best Joy as you start a new venture in your families life..... what fun it will be meeting up with old friends...

Terry said...

Oh how exciting! Have a safe trip! :0)

Linda said...

Good luck Joy! Safe trip to you all!!

RobynLouise said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with your family!

Angela said...

Travel safely.

Bonnie said...

hAVE A SAFE TRIP Joy. Keep in touch! :) ....oh and don't forget the January finishing stitches challenge!

I'm Deborah said...

Oh Joy...... sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up before you leave.....

Hope all goes smoothly and your time in Saudi is blessed. Looking forward to hearing all about in the coming months.

love, Dx

Tracy said...

I hope the travel goes smoothly and you settle in quickly.


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