Saturday, February 5, 2011

We're Here!!!

Just a quick one to say we have arrived safe and sound! It is lovely to be here again with my DH - we arrived almost exactly 3 months after him!

The house is BIG and EMPTY, lol! Must go unpack suitcases.. Catch you all later :)


BubzRugz said...

Yay... though we miss you here downunder.... happy unpacking..

Chookyblue...... said...

glad to hear your safe.......would love to see some pics around your new area.........

Tracy said...

Glad your journey is ended and you're all together again.

You left at a good time ~ you're missing out on lots of weather from the tail-end of Yasi and plenty of flash-flooding all over the place.

Vickie said...

Aweosme to read that you are all together hurry up unpack a case or two and relax,cheers Vickie

Linda said...

I'm so glad you arrived safely! Can't wait to see some pics!


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