I'm a little late in posting about this :) Can I blame getting ready to move countries?! Ah well, better late than never, right? Can't "change" the fact that we are busy packing, cleaning, sorting.... should be able to "change" being late though... :)
So the idea is to pick a word to describe the year to come. My word is pretty obvious.... when I read Kelly's post the first word that popped into my head was "change". And then I thought, ugh, that is pretty boring and obvious! Not pretty like blessing, or harmony, or enjoy, or hope, or... but the word kept coming up.... Yes there is going to be lots of change in my life this year with moving countries... but there are also other changes I want to make in my life... so I decided perhaps "change" wasn't such a bad word after all :)
So what particular changes do I want to make in my life? Some apply to the blogworld and my websites... change will be coming to JJ's..... I will keep you posted on that :) Others are more personal including trying to stick to a daily schedule (hahaha!!)..... I am going to make myself a list in my journal and then I will share some things with you as the year goes by.
This should be a good year I think... After all, they say a "change" is as good as a holiday :) Does that mean my whole year will be like a holiday....???!!!!
Not sure if the whole year will be a holiday--but it aleast will be a "picnic" cause once in awhile a ant of bee in life does like to show up--but they don't always "bite"!!!
Hugs,.Di and that miss gracie
I think "change" is perfect and fitting!
I really like your word. It is as nice as blessing, enjoy etc. I usually love change in my life. And getting to move to a new Country! WooHoo!! I've never heard the saying "change is as good as a holiday" - but I think you should run with it - and make it last a year! Good luck with the move. (I know moving is hard - but enjoy it as much as you can)
Happy Australia Day!! :-)
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I have a January finish for Part A! I blogged about it today. Thanks again for doing this! I hope to do a finish for Part B also before the month is over.
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