Sunday, January 30, 2011

This, and This, and That....

My goodness! I can't believe it has been a week since I blogged! It's been a very busy one though, and I am soooo behind on reading blogs too, ugh! Sorry if I haven't been by yours for a while.. I will get there!

So last week we moved out of our house and handed it over to our new tenants! It took us two loads in the station wagon to get the last stuff out of the house... don't worry, it doesn't all have to go in the suitcases, lol! We met the tenants and they seemed nice and eager to move in, so I think all is well and falling into place. We are now staying with dear friends in Ballarat waiting for our visas to get stamped in our passports.

Did you notice the pretty photo at the top of this post? I'm sure you did :) It is the most gorgeous little Tea Shop in Ballarat that we went to for morning tea on my birthday on Friday. For those of you who are locals, it used to be in Buninyong, but has moved into town.

We wandered around for a while before we had tea, and then wandered around after we had tea, and still could have looked for hours and hours, it was just lovely! And guess what? I think we are going back tomorrow for a special morning tea with other special friends... :)

So yes, it was my birthday..... Elizabeth made me this yummy Brownie birthday cake:

Just in case you were wondering how old I am ... now you know... :) Half way across the world there was another cake just for me!!!

Aren't I a lucky girl?! Alice made this one for me, go have a look at her blog to see why! This one was fat free, no calories for me at least... since I didn't eat it :)

After coming home from morning tea there was a parcel in the mailbox!! It was from Fiona with these sweet luggage tags in it:

Lovely fabric to remind me of Australia! Thank You Fiona!!! And your timing was perfect!!!!

I had a lovely birthday... just doing nothing much and resting... and I made these Lavender Bottles:

I think that is a long enough post, don't you think? Still to come... another block of the month from JJ's.... money raised for Thailand.... waiting for tickets to fly to Arabia.....

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!


BubzRugz said...

Those lavender bottles are intriguing.... never seen any like that....
I loved my 40's.... hope you do too!

Terry said...

Happy Birthday Joy! You're still just a young thing! :0)

Alice said...

Sounds like you had a nice relaxing birthday. Brownie cake sounds really yummy.
Brownie anything sounds really yummy.
I still keep my lavender bottle in a vase for the world to see.

andsewon said...

Happy Birthday! Again! Enjoyed your USA party SEW very much...;-)Alice and I sewed in your honor! We also ate cake and pizza in your honor! I will name these new pounds after you..hahaha!

Tea room looks so delightful. Would love to visit one day! Will take you to one in Smithfield ,VA when you come visit.

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Oh my gosh - Happy 40th Birthday to you! You are such a lucky girl! And, I just love the tea room! So pretty!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday, JOY!!! :-)

MamaHen said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Joy! I am right behind you on 40!

Kim said...

That tea shop looks sooooo lovely. I'm a little jealous. The only one we have around here (western Michigan, USA) is cramped and dark, maybe more like they have in England, but not to my liking.

Belated happy birthday! I've got 10 years on you. :)

Kim said...

Oh, and I'm so proud of myself (in a humble sort of way) because I just figured out how to put your Finishing Stitches button on my blog. And I didn't even have to get my techno-daughter to help!


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