I decided one day to take my decorated hinged tin that I received from Teri to work and show the ladies what you can do...well, it was such a great hit that the women wanted to order a few... try 576 tins!!! 3 cases were shipped to my house yesterday and this is what it looked like!
I had to bring them into the house...
each box was 36 lbs!
I ordered them through paper mart
I then decided to make all the ladies a sample of what they could do with their tins...they were very happy to see that they all got a sample they could keep =)
here I tried to make the tin match the tote bag...I think that this would be a great gift to give... any time, any occasion, whatever you may choose. I used the SU punches to make the tag, black sheer ribbon and there you have it!
have a wonderful weekend everyone!