Showing posts with label art and soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art and soul. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Art and Soul: Virginia Beach

The spring has been very busy with travel and workshops, so the summer will be a bit less so. I'll be teaching summer camps and a high school gifted and talented program, but the travel and workshops gear up a little bit in the fall. So, if you're looking to take a workshop, the fall will be a perfect time.

At the beginning of October, I'll be teaching three classes at Art and Soul: Virginia Beach. I'm looking forward to teaching a bit closer to home, and invite you to join me in one, two, or all three of the classes. These are the same classes that I taught in the spring at Art and Soul: Portland. Check out the listings below, and I hope to see you there.

Stencils have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and many of us look forward to the latest releases by our favorite mixed-media artists. But what if we could design and make our own? What if we could use our art, our handwriting, and our photographs to make personally meaningful stencils? In this hands-on workshop, you’ll see just how easy it is to create your own distinctive stencils and templates. We’ll start the day by working with simple shapes and designs, and we’ll wrap up with using more complex artwork and photographs. Walk away with a variety of unique stencils and templates ready to be used in all of your mixed-media endeavors.

Who doesn’t love going to the mailbox and discovering a postcard from some exotic destination sent by a friend or relative? Who doesn't love sending postcards in return when they travel? But we don’t have to wait to explore the world in order to document our memories and capture those special moments. We can create our own postcards about our experiences of the past, the current events in our lives, and our dreams of the future. In this mixed media workshop we will use the events of our own lives as inspiration for making art postcards that speak to our memories and to our aspirations. We will explore the milestones and signposts of our experience as the inspiration for small personal works of art that could possibly be mailed to ourselves or to others or simply held and treasured as mementos of our lives.

Come explore the possibilities of a Visual Journal. A Visual Journal is a personal record, a tool for self-exploration and reflection, and an art form for expression. In this mixed-media, hands-on workshop, you will explore the creative possibilities of the Visual Journal as you delve into a variety of activities designed to break your creative blocks. Come see how some simple materials and ephemera can lead to richly layered, and personally meaningful pages.

Focus will be placed on engaging the blank page, using writing and text, layering materials and concepts, and incorporating personal imagery. Join Eric, and stock up on techniques and ideas to add to your creative arsenal.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Art and Soul Portland

Two weeks ago I was teaching classes in Portland at Art and Soul, but it's taken me this long to finally create a post about it.

Unlike like last year when David and my wife both went to Portland, I went my myself this year. Though I enjoy exploring a new place with someone else, it's also very satisfying to wander and explore by myself. I flew into Portland a couple of days early so that I could do just that - explore.

I started of my first full day exploring the Japanese Gardens and downtown Portland. Despite the rain, the gardens had a lot of people, but not so many that it was a bother. I was struck with how green everything was, and the leaves on the trees hadn't even started to bud. But with the copious amounts of rain Portland gets, moss was everywhere. The gardens were breathtaking, and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the nooks and crannies of the place.

No trip to Portland would be complete without a stop at Powell's Books and Voodoo Doughnuts. I explored the shelves of Powell's for a couple of hours before heading over to Voodoo for a snack of tasty vegan doughnuts. YUM!

I found time during my first couple of days to initiate my new journal, and I worked in it in my hotel room, at the hotel bar, and in the lobby of the hotel. The size of the new journal makes it a bit more conducive to working in public spaces.

I kicked of my teaching with a mixed media postcard workshop, Wish You Were Here. I only had one student, so it was quite awesome to have a one-on-one session. We took a look at some of the positive moments of our lives, and used them as the inspiration for our cards - basically visual journaling on 4x6 inch mixed media cards.

That evening, I had a good sized class for Stencil Savvy, a stencil making class. We spent 3 hours explore a wide assortment of ideas for cutting original stencils. Using Grafix heavy duty stencil film, and a hobby knife, we started with simple shapes, and worked our way up to more complex ideas.

My final full day in Portland, I taught a visual journal class, Journal Fodder Junkies of the World Unite. Based on the the very first workshop David and I taught together about 12 years ago, we explored a variety of media, techniques, and writing prompts.

Although David wasn't there in person, he was there in spirit. I had silhouette stencil of him with me and several students used it in their work.

Although I didn't have packed classes, I was reminded why I love teaching these workshops. I love sharing my art and my processes for working on art. I love exposing people to new ideas and connecting them with their innate creativity. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun.

It you missed all the fun, don't worry. I'll be teaching these same three classes a little closer to home when Art and Soul comes to Virginia Beach at the beginning of October. Hopefully David will be able to make it this time!

Registration is open now! Check out the classes here!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

New Journal

Last week I was in Portland, OR to teach at Art and Soul, and while I was there, I began a new journal. This journal is a bit of a departure for me. For the past 18 years, I have been using an 11x14 inch hardbound sketchbook as my journal - at first Cachet Classic Sketchbooks and then more recently Strathmore Hardbound Drawing Journals. Over the years, I have filled 24 volumes of these large books. David and I have a preference for this size simply because it's bigger than what we are all used to - 8.5x11 inches. From magazines to printer paper, 8.5x11 is the standard size of so many things, so the 11x14 makes us confront a different kind of space. Over the years we have also used 4x6 inch hardbound books as well. Again, their size creates a different space for us to react to.

But for my new journal, I wanted a change. I wanted something different. So I went with a Stillman & Birn 5.5x8.5 inch hardbound book with mixed media paper. I have used similar sizes in the past as sketchbooks and when I was fist getting onto the visual journal, but this is the first time that I am making a journal of this size my main journal. It's a bit of an experiment, so I'll have to see if it's something that I stick with or if I go back to the larger book. In the photo above, the journal on the left is the one that I am currently wrapping up and the one in which I have been doing the daily challenges. The journal on the right is my new one, the one that I began last week. Having four days in Portland and teaching a full-day class on journaling gave me a lot of time to get things started.

Check out my short video below that shows a quick flip through what I have done so far.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Art and Soul: Portland

I can't believe that Art and Soul: Portland is just a week away. My classes aren't until the 8th, but still,  in a week and a half, I'll be in the Pacific Northwest. I'm looking forward to teaching three classes there.

Saturday, April 8th: Wish You Were Here
This full-day, mixed media class is all about using our lives as inspiration for making art postcards. Won't you come and and make tiny wonders of art?

Saturday, April 8th: Stencil Savvy
This evening workshop is all about making your own stencils. Using a see-through blue stencil film, we'll be using shapes, images, and writing to create unique one of a kind stencils. What fun!

Sunday, April 9th: Journal Fodder Junkies of the World Unite
This full-day journal workshop is all about diving into the journal with some tried and true layering techniques as well as a few new tricks. Why not come out and play in your journal all day?

I hope you can join me in Oregon!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Art and Soul: Portland

I can't believe that Art and Soul: Portland is a little less than 2 months away. Time is ticking by so quickly. We'll be teaching three classes the weekend of April 8th, and we're looking forward to going back to Portland, Oregon.

On Saturday, April 8th, we'll be teaching Wish You Were Here, a full-day art postcard workshop that uses your life as inspiration. That evening, we'll be teaching Stencil Savvy, a 3-hr workshop learning the basics of making your own stencils. Finally, on Sunday, April 9th, we'll be going back to where it all began with Journal Fodder Junkies of the World Unite. This full-day visual Journal workshop is an updated version of the first workshop Dave and I taught together  long time ago.

To register for our classes, click here. We Hope to see you in the Pacific Northwest!

But if you can't make Portland, we'll be teaching the same three workshops at Art and Soul: Virginia Beach at the beginning of October. Don't forget our other workshops! You can find a complete listing on our Events page.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Art and Soul: Portland 2017

Dave and I invite you to join us in Portland, OR in April where we'll be teaching at Art and Soul. We're excited to head back to the Pacific Northwest, and Portland is such a great place. We'll be teaching three classes the weekend of April 8th. Check out our schedule below.

April 8-9, 2017 - Art and Soul, Portland, OR
Click on the links for more info and the register.

We hope to see you in Portland!

And if you haven't checked out the promo video for our classes, watch it below.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Art and Soul Portland 2017

I just uploaded a fun little video to promote our spring workshops at Art and Soul in Portland the weekend of April 8 and 9, 2017.

For more info and to register check out the Art and Soul website.

If you can't make Portland, check out our Events page to see our schedule of events, appearances, and other workshops for the Spring.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Goings On!

I was just looking over the calendar and finished updating our Events page with some things that are coming up over the next nine months, and I can’t believe that we’re almost into August already. Where has the summer gone? Art Unraveled is next week! How did it get here so quickly? If you haven’t registered yet, online registration closes tomorrow. After that you’ll have to register on site. We still have plenty of room in our workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, and we’d love to have you.

Beyond Art Unraveled, the Fall is definitely shaping up with lots going on. But since I am no longer gainfully employed as a public school art teacher, a busy schedule is definitely a good thing. Dave and I will be traveling to Florida and Colorado for their state’s Art Education Conferences. We’ll be giving a keynote speech as well as one or two workshops at each conference. If you’re an art teacher in either state, come out and see us in the fall. We’re looking forward to connecting to all the art educators.

In a departure from our normal thing, I’ll be presenting at a veterinarian conference in October. I’ll be presenting about using the visual journal as a tool for coping with a beloved pet’s illness or passing. I’m looking forward to taking the visual journal to a different audience. My wife, who is a licensed veterinarian technician, says she can’t wait to take a workshop with me. It’s nice that our worlds can come together.

Dave and I will be heading back to Portland, OR for Art and Soul in Spring 2017. We’ll be teaching three workshops at this annual retreat. It’s never too early to plan a trip to Portland, and registration is open. I’m hoping to set up more workshops for the Fall and Spring at other venues both near and far, and I’ll keep things updated.

Besides all of the workshops, I have other things going on, and I’m busy working on things and figuring out the details.

First, I want to get an online shop going. I’ve dabbled in selling things through the JFJ website on and off over the years, and right now there are some resources available along with one online workshop. But I want to get a dedicated shop up and running by mid August, and I’ll have artwork for sale along with some downloadable resources. The plan is to sell paintings, drawings, and sculptures including my monsters along with a few downloadables.

Second, I want to get some more online workshops going. I had really hoped to have several up and running right now, but it wasn’t possible with teaching full time. So look for a couple to launch between now and the end of the year.

Third, I have a big project in mind that I’m giving myself until the Spring to bring about. David and I have talked about trying to get another book published, and we’ve submitted a few ideas, but nothing has taken off. So, I want to self publish something and make it available for download - another reason I need an online shop. Look for something more formal in a couple of months after I hammer out some logistics.

There’s a lot cooking in the JFJ kitchen, and I’m excited to be teaching workshops and working on lots of other projects. Stay tuned for updates! In the mean time, check out our Events page for an update of all the workshops, and check out the JFJ website for details about our currently available resources and online workshop.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Upcoming Workshops

If you missed out on one of our recent workshops or presentations, don't fret. We have some opportunities coming up this summer and fall with Art Unraveled in Phoenix and Art and Soul in Virginia Beach. We hope that you can join us!

Join us in August in Phoenix, AZ for two workshops at Art Unraveled.

Good friend, Sam Peck will also be teaching at Art Unraveled.

If the desert in August doesn't appeal to you join us on the beach in late September at Art and Soul in Virginia Beach, VA. We'll be teaming up with Sam and teaching the entire week.

We hope that you can join us for one or more of these awesome workshops!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Shifting Momentum

Today I wanted to share another two-page spread that I began in Portland last week. This spread was begun during our workshop on Sunday - Alternative Approaches to the Self-Portrait. I've been contemplating a big life change lately, and I have been working hard to shift the momentum of my life and my circumstances.

If you like what you see, think about signing up for a class or workshop. We have a current self-guided online workshop. I'll be Galax, VA this weekend. We'll be in Chicago at the NAEA Convention. We''ll be at Art and Soul in Virginia Beach in the Fall. And we'll probably be at Art Unraveled in the summer. As new venues and dates are added, I'll post them!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Adventures in Portland

Our adventures in Portland continued over the last two days as we were able to explore the city a bit more. On Thursday, we wondered mostly around the Pearl District and other nearby downtown spots. We even went back to Powell's City of Books a couple of times where Dave found a copy of our first book. That's kind of rare since North Light Books stopped printing it, and it's now only available through Amazon print-on-demand.

We did venture into the south east part of the city to partake in some vegan goodness at Herbivore ClothingSweetpea Baking Company, and Portobello Vegan Trattoria. Dave's not vegan, but he humors me. We even took a bit of a break at Base Camp Brewing Company for some liquid refreshment and a few games of farkle.

Yesterday we ventured back into downtown to hit up the Portland Art Museum to check out the eclectic collection of art they have there.

An installation by Kenny Scharf was probably the wildest thing there, besides Dave and his goofy faces.

We headed back to the hotel so that we could teach our first class last night for Art and Soul, and we had a good time drawing, doodling, and collaborating with the students for our Journal Stripped Bare class. We're looking forward to teaching our full-day classes today and tomorrow. So far, we are really enjoying our time in the City of Roses.