WELCOME to Its So Very Cheri

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Yes I Still Blog

I have been blogging over at itssoverycheri.com for a couple of years now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

have you wondered what happened to me?

I have been busy at my new site-- ITS SO VERY CHERI 

I have tried sending everyone an e-mail to let them know about my move but some of you have still not found me or you think you are still following me. Unfortunately GOOGLE swipes your followers--so I have started all over again.

PLEASE--come over and RE-SIGN up to FOLLOW ME AT THE NEW SITE so you can continue getting my updates and I can come over for visits to your site as well.

I am trying to add in all of my followers buttons.

Come for a visit --there is so much FUN in the air and be sure to check out the DIY CLUB inc.  time is running out. Lots of fun projects, lots of cool prize items and this will be an ongoing monthly event. DON'T MISS OUT.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Its About to happen

I am about to close down this old blog. I have moved to my new site

 just drop the blogspot--that's easy to remember.

I need you to come over to the new site and  
RESIGN UP to FOLLOW ME over there, 
if you have not done so. 
Google doesn't allow you to take your followers with you, and since 
my new site is not connected with Google I need to to sign up again.

I have LOTS of new fun things going on at the new site.

I am working my way through all my followers trying to get the message out and as soon as I have left a message for everyone I will close this old blog down--hopefully all of that will be complete this week.


Monday, February 22, 2010




Go to my new site
 to check out all you have missed




Google doesn't let you take your followers with you.

As soon as I have everything pulled from this blog it will close down.


Monday, February 15, 2010

BIG NEWS, 3rd week of the give-away, and last weeks winners

3rd week of SHARING THE LOVE give-a-way with lots of GREAT PRIZES
 Normally you would come here to enter the give-a-way, find out who last week winners are, join my Linky parties and so much more but we have
click on the"itssoverycheri" link in WHITE letters, just below this text, to go to the new site
It was a super busy week,
I got my new header made and my blog moved over to the new site, I am still working on some things but
you will need to head over to my new site
from now on to get all the updates
Once you get over there
Please sign up to follow me again
that is one thing I can not take with me.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

WE AREN'T HERE any more

Its So Very Cheri has moved please click on the link to head over to the new site for the new winners post, the 3rd week of the Give-a-way, the Mcklinky party and more.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Thursday Tute

Today begins our 1st Thursday Tutorial-
I think I am going to call it

The Thursday Tute
at Its So Very Cheri
I followed the TUTE
and learned how to ...
@Its So Very Cheri

unless you gals come up with another brilliant idea.  Help me out, give me your ideas on what you like or don't like.
We will do these every Thursday.  We will have guests come in and teach us how they did it, sometimes you will get MOI.  Some tutorials will be on craft projects, decorating ideas, paint techniques,sewing, making cards, while others will be teaching you how to do something technical on your blog or solving a problem you don't know how to fix.  I get e-mails from people all of the time asking me how I did this, that or the other.  I don't mind helping but rather than doing it over and over it makes sense to have a place they can go and learn how to do all these things.  I have had people ask me how I did my header all by myself--Would that be something you would like to learn how to do?

If there are things you would really like to learn about please let me know so I can look for people who have done a great job in that area.  If you would like to do a Tutorial on Its So Very Cheri please get in touch with me.  Spots are booking up quickly.

and before I turn the floor over to Missy a quick reminder
DON'T forget to enter THIS WEEKS GIVE-A-WAY

Missy's info is in BLACK, my tidbits are in RED

This week I asked Missy from The  Little Green Bean. to do a Tute on a couple of projects she did. I was visiting her blog and saw her ACCIDENTAL bedroom makeover and was instantly drawn in to a couple of things I noticed.  I have enjoyed getting to know Missy and I know you are going to love these 2 projects today. I just hope all of her accidents come out this great.

Take it away Missy...

Hey guys! I am honored to being doing my first guest post here at It's so very Cheri! I am Missy from The Little Green Bean. I recently posted about my bedroom remodel and Cheri asked me to do a tutorial on how I did a few things! If you have any questions that I don't answer today, please feel free to contact me!

First-The window Frame.I purchased this window last year from Junk Bonanza, I just knew that I had to have it! I have stared at it for a long time not sure of exactly what I was going to do, I played with it here and there but never really loved anything. SO I kept setting it aside waiting for inspiration to hit me! And one day it finally did! I knew I wanted to use it as a picture frame, and it wasn't until I began my bedroom remodel that I knew exactly what I would use it for!
I Printed all my pictures on my computer 4x4, all in a sepia tone with a photo action filter over the top to really give it a distressed look.

The photos are all printed on cream cardstock. I then layered all of them on brown cardstock to give them a more finished look. I used mono adhesive to attached  the pictures to the glass. Make sure to clean it thoroughly first though! Who knows what had been on that window!

I used a saying that I cut out with my cricut a while back, this quote used to be on our wall, but I simply peeled it off and added to the center of the window. I copied the saying from a stampin up stamp I had. I know, I misspelled fairytale, but I have no more white cricut vinyl, and  haven't been to the store to buy more, and it makes me laugh whenever I see it, It was 2:00am when I originally did this, and I knew something didn't look quite right, I realized the next morning what I did wrong! The great thing about this is the pictures are easy to change, and I can add new ones anytime I want to.

The Headboard:I have always hated our headboard, I have had it for about 15 years, it was cheap, and very simple. It really never went with my decor. So as I was accidentally re-doing my room, I was thinking of what  I had in my garage that I could turn into a headboard, and then I remembers the old wooden door! It was perfect! I immediatly ran out to the garage to get it it, I wiped it down, and sanded it. then gave it a fresh coat of paint and sanded agian, then added my new favorite Ralph Lauren smoke glaze, which gave it exactly the look I was going for! I had my hubby help me with the hanging, it was very heavy and I knew it had to be in studs. He was able to hang it in no time,

Then I cut the numbers 1-5 out with my cricut & crucit vinyl in brown. That is it! Now I have this amazing headboard, that I was able to get for free, from the side of the road!

Originally when I sent Missy the e-mail asking her about doing the Tutorial on the door and window I meant this door--
but that's my own fault for not clarifying between the two doors.
Missy was kind enough to do this tutorial and she just had surgery so I couldn't ask any more from her and besides, her headboard is adorable too. 
Missy e-mailed these instructions for us on the above door:
That door was painted & glazed the same way, I just cut off 10 inches off the bottom of the door, and used the hinges as brackets to attach it to the door. Thats it! You can make the shelf as wide or narrow as you like!

Thanks so much for coming by to It's so Very Cheri, and if you would like to read more about my Accidental Bedroom remodel you can go here.

Thanks Missy
I am on the hunt for some doors and windows.

Next Thursday we have a wall art project.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2nd week of Sharing the Love Give-a-way

Set of 2 Chandelier Flour Sack Tea towels

and there is more Love to Share

(note on the wood letter-you get to pick whatever letter you want.)

This weeks gifts are just as wonderful as last weeks.  Don't miss out.

French Shabby Nest Collage Print
SET OF 6 Shabby Chic French Glittered Crown Hang Tags

Set of 2 Chandelier Flour Sack Tea towels
Chocolate Mint Coffee Cozy/Cuff Java Jacket, FREE SHIPPING
Face Soap, Rose Pink w French Clay

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Its So Very Time to Celebrate

I saw these on a gals blog (if it was your blog that I left you a message about these let me know and I will add a link to your blog,  I just can't remember where) and asked how long ago she had gotten them at the Dollar Tree.  I had been there that day and did not see them.  I never got a response back.  I was needing something from the Dollar Tree again and decided to try a bigger store and after searching the entire store, I spotted them as I was in the very last check out line-they were on a shelf on the wall back by the balloons, with a big shelf standing up in front of them.  I guess it was meant to be.

I got some so I could paint over them and do a crackle effect.
It is hard to tell in this picture but the one on the left is white, the middle is off white and the one on the right is linen.

I added some folded pages from an old book, wrapped some Dollar Tree red ribbon--
Isn't it pretty ribbon for a BUCK
I added a piece of paper and added a heart--


I grabbed this rooster, it was solid cream colored and I love how it came out.

See the ceramic BASKET WEAVE pot.  I painted it to look like that,  I love how it came out

I added some more of the finials
I can't decide if I want to leave them brown or paint them OIL RUBBED BRONZE

Just a few of my projects I am celebrating the completion of this week
I am posting to:

Get your craft on Thurs.

Add my button or url to your post before adding it to the party.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Its SO Very Renovated

Before we begin I thought  you would enjoy this little bit of humor.

I hope you enjoy my kiddos as much as I do.
What did I do before kids--Oh yeah I remember
worked outside the home as a sales trainer, always had an immaculate house but missed out on so much love and always felt like my arms were empty and my heart was so full of love to give to those children that were just out of reach.

  We were married almost 8 years by the time we held our first live birth son in our arms.  We had already experienced the loss of our first pregnancy and went another 6 years and fertility treatments, only to stop them to give ourselves a much needed break and then we tried some herbs and 6 weeks later we were expecting, then when he was 4 months old found out we were expecting again--It's good to know my Lord has a sense of humor.

Our journey to a family was a long one, which included the loss of 2 babies, that I will same day be able to tell them those 3 simple words "I LOVE YOU".
don't forget to enter this weeks give-a-way
the gifts are amazing

This week begins a brand new party:

renewed* Reused*reVamped

Have you taken something unwanted, old and used up and given it a new purpose, new life and many more years to love and enjoy it.  
Share it--Celebrate it
 Every Tuesday
Its So Very Cheri

Be sure to add my URL or my blog button.  I am in the midst of making new buttons to go with my new look.

Thanks ladies.
I enjoy Celebrating your finds and enjoying your journey right along with you.

Each and every one of your are a blessing in my life.
Thank you for being YOU.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sharing the Love--2nd week Give-a-way

Its So Very Creative Party
is the next post


my followers 
we are in the 
2nd week of the 
month long give-a-way.

We have ALL NEW FABULOUS gifts offered by some  
FABULOUS vendors
Come back each week to enter in to the drawing.

There will be several winners each week.

If you are a vendor and interested in offering an item you can get in touch with me:


As part of my 


I am offering an Ad spot for
$30 for Feb 


$50 for both Feb and March.




Sunday through Saturday 
and on 
Sunday the winner for the previous week will be announced.

Leave me a comment  
letting me know what you did so I can check and enter your name:

Followers please comment to let me know you FOLLOW-only those who comment are entered.
 You can leave separate comments BUT you do not have to leave a separate comment for each entry.  Just be sure to let me know what you participated in and I will come by to see ya and check it all out.
1.  This is a Followers Appreciation Give-a-Way, 


YOU MUST be a follower or become a new follower to enter.  


2.  My Button-

posted on your side bar.

(All you have to do is copy the code in the box under the button-on my right hand side bar- and then open up a gadget and enter the code into the box and save and it will be on your side bar)

This gives you


If you do not see your blog button on my RIGHT side bar, give me your blog info and I will come over and get it.

3.  Blog about my give-a-way on your blog

and be sure to give me the post URL so I can come by.

This will give you


4. If you do not have a blog but you do Follow me,  You can send out an e-mail to family and friends, co-workers, whoever you think might be interested in this awesome give-away and let me know and it will also count for TEN ENTRIES

Did you notice one of the winners was from my newsletter list?

 HINT HINT: EVERYONE who receives my newsletter got word of this give-a-way before anyone else. Sometimes I don't have time to contact each follower about my give-a-ways.  I only use the newsletter to let you know about big news on my blog.

I am so excited about the prizes, again this week, they are FABULOUS!!

Be sure to go visit the vendors.  
I know you will go GAGA over their pieces, like I did.






for this week:


1. Sweet Creek Herbs

 Pink Rose Face Soap with French Clay

Face Soap, Rose Pink w French Clay Face Soap, Rose Pink w French Clay Face Soap, Rose Pink w French Clay Face Soap, Rose Pink w French Clay Face Soap, Rose Pink w French Clay


Is offering a Coffee Cuff--

Chocolate Mint Coffee Cozy/Cuff Java Jacket, FREE SHIPPING

Chocolate Mint Coffee Cozy/Cuff Java Jacket, FREE SHIPPING

Her snack packs aren't part of the give-a-way but isn't that material darling.
Amy Butler Martini Eco Friendly Snack Sack


3. Jolie Marche


Kristi has 3 different Etsy shops and each one is full of "to die for" items

She is offering, this week, from her Jolie Marche shop:

Set of 2 Chandelier Flour Sack Tea towels

Set of 2 Chandelier Flour Sack Tea towels


from her shop

4. Belle Sainte

THE WINNER gets to pick out


Here is one of my Favs:

AND from her shop

5.  Belle Sainte Maison

THE WINNER gets to pick


Here is one of my favorites:


6.The Back Porch Shoppe


is offering one of her initial letters.  She has some really neat pieces.

You get to choose whatever letter you want.


7. Polly has an etsy shop 
and a fun blog

just be sure to let her know you are coming from my give-a-way so you get the discount.

She made the heart key tray for you gals




is offering one of their pieces.  They have several pieces that I just LOVE.

Aren't they darling?

the winners for this week will be announced on Sunday, Feb 14

I will post to these parties:

The DIY Show Off

Dare to DIY







The Shabby Chic Cottage


Decor Mamma


Trash to Treasure Saturday

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


Happy to Design