Showing posts with label canvas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canvas. Show all posts

Monday, 24 September 2012

Bejewelled Lizard Canvas

Jewelled Lizard CanvasI’m not a lizardy sort of person, but I found this die cut lizard amongst all my bits and pieces and wondered if I could do something with it of an artistic type nature …
jewelled lizardI first glued it on a 5ins x 5ins canvas as the card was too flimsy to support the hundreds of flat backed gems I decided to stick onto it, using Ranger Glossy Accents as a glue.
As I said …. it’s not really my sort of thing so I am not sure what I am going to do with it now its finished!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Mini Pebble Canvas Mementoes

I wanted to give something to everyone who went to Brixham to remember the weekend by ….
Miniature Pebble Canvas.… so I made these tiny heart canvases. which measure 7cms x 7cms, made using the small pebbles I had collected from the beach at Brixham where the Duke and I shared companionable happy silences as we drank in the view and enjoyed large cups of coffee when everyone else had gone home.Miniature Pebble Canvases

Friday, 20 July 2012

Small Bejewelled Heart Canvas

Jewelled Heart Canvas
I made this heart canvas for my friend Sarah’s birthday . Sarah has been so wonderful over the past few weeks I just wanted to make her something more than a card to show her just how much I love her and can’t thank her enough for constantly making me laugh and singing at me, even on the darkest day.
Jewelled Canvas Heart..I’ve taken a small 5” x 5” canvas, onto which I have drawn an outline of a heart, then filled it a strong PVA glue and lots and lots of flat backed gems and jewels.  As you can see, nothing changes on this blog …. I was so anxious to get the idea posted the PVA has still quite some time to go before it’s properly dry …….

Friday, 13 July 2012

Pebble Heart Canvases

Pebble HeartDuring my mahoooosive craftroom clear out last Sunday/Monday I found a tin of  small pebbles that I had collected on the Dukes and my summer holiday in Brixham last year …..
Pebble Heart Canvas.I also found the packs of two  5” x 5” canvases (£1.99) that my sister bought in bulk for me last year, as canvas squares of this size are quite hard to find …… I then decided it was about time that I did what I had originally intended to do with them all…….
Pebble Heart CanvasI made a template heart and drew round it as lightly as I could with pencil.  Then I went over the pencil mark with a line of strong PVA glue, placing the small pebbles on top.  I didn’t plan the placing of the pebbles …. I just went with the flow.  ….. I have a few more to make …. and then intend to give them, instead of a Christmas card, to some of the special people in my life who have helped me in the past few weeks.
heart Stone 1_thumb[3]
And … do you remember this photo I took when we were on our Sun £9.50 holiday in Dawlish Warren at Easter and I noticed a heart shaped pebble just at the edge of the groin … ?????
Heart of Stone Canvas
Well,  I found that too and I have made a canvas of my own!