Showing posts with label Sir Alan Sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sir Alan Sugar. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

No Crafting Wednesday!

I tend to keep my blog a pretty tight ship, keeping strictly to crafting and shopping ……and only share a little of myself now and again….. well, I today I thought I would reveal my secret crush passion ….. which will explain why I won’t be doing any crafting on Wednesday nights for at least the next 13 weeks …….
Sir Alan Sugar
Apprentice Series 4 2008
Apprentice Series 4
I LOVE SIR ALAN SUGAR …….. he makes me go all goose bumpy.  I have three framed pictures on the small shelf by my desk at work,  they are of Mr FiddleFart, Jose Mourinho (my other crush)  and Sir Alan …. so on a Wednesday when I am usually fiddle farting ….. the only thing that will be glued, will be me, to my tele!!!

Keep scrolling down as there are another two posts below this today!