Showing posts with label Push Pins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Push Pins. Show all posts

Friday, 17 December 2010

Jigsaw Pushpins and Fridge Magnets

Jigsaw Bulletin Noticeboard push pins
I apologise for the pictures, they are a bit dark, but hope you get the gist of what I have made.Jigsaw Bulletin Notice Board pins
The jigsaw pieces I have used are beautiful and came from my sister. I’ve had them for a while and as I was filtching through my drawers inspiration struck.  I’ve glued a plain pushpin on the back and then added one of my expensive, very sparkly, flat back gems to the front.
Push pin backs  Altered Jigsaw Fridge Magnet Back View
Pushpins made, I thought I’d make a few fridge magnets in exactly the same way.