Showing posts with label Harvest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvest. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 August 2010

HobbyCraft Foam Leaf Wreath

HobbyCraft Foam leaf Wreath
When I went to HobbyCraft with Lisa on Thursday I made an impulse buy, something I wouldn’t usually look at, but sort of inspired me, a packet of self adhesive foam leaves for £1.99.  I took them, and put them back, I took them and put them back until I finally put them in my basket, Lisa looked at me as if I had gone mad.
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But I’m glad I did because I made this autumn wreath.  I used an old bracelet as the base and tied a thin black gingham on to it before I stuck on the leaves.
Hobbycraft Foam Leaves Wreath 3
I found out, by trial and error, that I should leave the paper on the adhesive side of the green leaves for the first layer, and glue them directly onto the ring/bracelet .........
Hobbycraft Foam Leaves Wreath 1
....... but  remove it when adding the yellow and red leaves.
Hobbycraft Foam Leaves Wreath
I thought it was “lacking” something when I had finished the layering and so went through all my boxes looking for some wooden ladybirds, I was thrilled when they looked right and as I saw them in my minds eye.
Hobbycraft Foam Leaves Wreath 6
Then, naturally I needed to add a few clear flat backed gems to look like dew!
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The finishing touch is a  larger ladybird glued at the top of the ribbon.
I was thinking the wreath might look nice attached to a Harvest Festival Basket.