One of Lu’s and my ports of call for a good old mooch during our recent trip to Southport was the Royal Arcade (127-131 Lord Street, Southport) with over sixty independent trader stalls spread across 30,000 square feet of pure treasure (and a little bit of trash), including memorabilia, vintage toys, collectables and antiques plus a few new hand crafted items.
Picture from :-
Although we didn’t actually make any considered purchases, there were plenty of ooooo ahhhhh moments as we explored the three floors and many fabulously filled nooks and crannies during our long mooch round, never knowing what we’d find round the next corner……….

……… though sorely tempted, we chose to allow the Simon Cowell doll to remain in its locked glass cabinet for another more enthusiastic browser to snap up for £15!
However, I was torn, either for Marc or myself by these hear no, see no, speak no evil jointed skeletons, they are soooooooo unbelievably Marc. They were £24, perhaps if they’d been around the £16 mark my money could have possibly been in danger.
Also, way out of my price bracket and with no place to put them were these large, heavy, metal, gothic style candlestick mirrors at £345, gorgeous!
Lu wanted this Garfield phone £40 or £45. She had so many Garfield toys when she was growing up, I think she still may have a couple hidden away somewhere. This in the 80’s/90’s, she said, was the epitome of sophistication in her young eyes!
I think I’ve said before, I am on the market for a dolls house, but because I am so limited for space now, it will have to be a very small one, therefore even harder to find. This was obviously far too big, the frame made of metal with warped, wooden floor upstairs, a project ……. it was £65.
Lu and I both love a mirror, this was so sentimental and slushy ……and I think about £185. I have an old mirror in my hall cupboard, I’d love to have a go at painting it one day, although painting isn’t really my forte. What do you think about using acrylic pens, would the effect be as effective as paint?
We also love a glass with gold trim, especially for our Midori melon liqueur of an evening ………. this may well have been our purchase of the day, however the whole stall was a mess and no price tags and we didn’t want to walk around with it for the rest of our visit to find out it was a bit too expensive for our taste, so its now back to the charity shops looking for something similar.
And finally, a while back Iris saw a bright red typewriter in a charity shop in Evesham for just £10 and said she’d like one. Yes, I could kick myself now for not going back for it. However, I spotted this children’s Lilliput typewriter in the Royal Arcade and I was really surprised just how sturdy it was, made of metal, not plastic as I had imagined, just like a miniature version of an old portable adult one. This was £35 but it got me thinking when I got back home. I’ve found another one (among quite a few) dating back to the 1960’s in it’s original case. After exchanging messages with the seller re: condition etc, I’ve put in a bid, fingers crossed for Iris’s “Nanny Christmas present” this year. If my bid is successful I know I will need to buy a new ribbon (again researched and sourced on eBay). Iris will be so thrilled and no doubt immediately set about writing a book …….. the only trouble is I know Bertie will love it equally too ……. so if needs be, I know there will be another on eBay ……. and if it isn’t the success I anticipate, well, I can see me using it on my crafting projects!
This motorbilty scooter made me smile outside another of Southport’s shops, it’s been covered with flat backed gems, not that sparkly, so I doubt they are proper Swarovski crystals ……..
……. hopefully it’s going to be a very long time before I’ll need one of these, but when I do, guess what I’m going to do with it?!!!