Sometimes when the blogging gets tough something happens completely out of the blue that gives you such a boost and pick me up that you wonder what you’d been finding so hard ………
…….. which is exactly what happened to me a couple of weeks ago when I was contacted by Karen a lovely, lovely, long term follower of both Fiddle Fart and Mums Monkey. She’d recently moved to the sea after years of longing and had something Nigel and Nigel might like, since her family had all grown up and she no longer had a place to display it at Christmas ……… only a knitted Nativity!
She remembered every Christmas reading posts of Nigel gazing longingly at the Nativity scene in Motorworld, back in Wolverhampton each year and how ever since we’d moved he’s been constantly looking for that same awe and wonder factor in Evesham but without much success ………and she wondered whether I/we might like hers. Well, it would have been rude not to have said a mahooooooosive YES PLEASE wouldn’t it?
Let’s just say a huge box arrived last week, that not only contained the nativity, but also a wooden stable with a mercury glass star, a background scene and two knitted carol singer mice and a knitting pattern to go with them plus a card and note that told the story of each and every piece ……… I hope you can read them despite my wonky photos as I really want Karen to tell the stories herself.
What can I say, except that it was emotional. Iris and Bertie were with me as I opened the box and their little faces were a picture, with Bertie proclaiming that we could make a play with them!
After reading each beautiful story I felt humbled and honoured that Karen had felt I was the one had she trusted with so many memories and in turn start new ones of my own. I have never meant THANK YOU so much in my life.

The Nativity and mice have now been safely put away until December 1st when the Nativity will be set out on my lounge window sill to sit in front of, in my minds eye, the window which will be painted like a starry sky. The mice will go into the guest bedroom, under a bristle brush Christmas tree for Iris and Bertie to look at and play with very carefully after I have told them the story behind them.

As for the stable, I have left that out as I think I might be able to start it’s new journey at Easter, minus the star ……..
…….. as I can see my Sylvanian Families Chocolate Rabbit family (£3, brand new from a charity shop in Weymouth) taking up residence for the holidays, a splash of bunting, a sprinkling of mini eggs, some Fimo carrots and a few daffodils and we’ll be away ………. so watch this space!
I can’t believe how thoughtful and kind Karen has been to me (and Nigel), I won’t let her down ………. and wait until I tell Marc, he loves all things of a knitted type nature, he’s going to be sooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous.