My new flat is plenty big enough for me, in fact it’s positively roomy, but as I said the other day, I had to seriously downsize. I have my bedroom with en suite shower room, a spare/guest bedroom, a main bathroom and a through lounge/diner/kitchen (in time,The Monkeys or I will gradually give you the grand tour).
Though I could have easily turned the spare bedroom into a craft room, I had set my heart on making a lovely, welcoming room for when family/friends came to stay, I live in a beautiful spot, which is too lovely not to share, and as such it really meant putting a double bed in, leaving no space for a work desk etc.

So, I have had to compromise. I have put in more drawer units than any guest should ever need, but will (in time) house an awful lot of my craft stuff.
I also had two kitchen units fitted (minus the doors) one on top of each other at the back of a narrow storage cupboard off the hall. There was even a bit of space at the top to add another valuable shelf.

I am sure you can now see from these pictures just how much stuff I had to say goodbye to. However, after a bit more thought, there is still room for a bit more re-jigging. At the start of the New Year I am having extra storage, in the form of compartment shelving built at each end of the guest room. At the top of the bed end the compartments will be mostly for display and at the other end, above the existing drawers will be for more craft storage. I already have my eye on a range of storage boxes from Ikea that I think will hold a lot of bits and pieces, while blending in with the colour scheme, without looking too blatantly crafty.

Well, that’s the theory anyway. the plans are all drawn up and I can see it all in my minds eye, I
think it will work. Then, hopefully, most of the stash in the hall cupboard can be rehoused and be much easier to get to, providing more storage for the more mundane household type stuff.

But where do I craft? Again space and storage were the main priority. Almost all my furniture has come from Ikea and this gateleg table was no exception. I think I had a eureka moment when I saw it. It fits perfectly to the side of my kitchen area, in front of the window with it’s wonderful view, and when it is down it takes up very little space indeed.

On either side of the table it has three drawers, each contain the tools/materials I use all the time, glue, flat back gems, scissors, pens, etc..

And when I craft I just put up one side, or if it’s a big project, move it forward to open up both sides. White isn’t the most sensible colour, but I now use a vinyl table cover all the time
and am a lot less messy and careful than I used to be!’