It’s a bit of a sad day today, because I have decided to put “Fiddle Fart” out to pasture! It will still be here, hanging in the ether, but after 5 years and almost 2,000 posts, I think I have done my bit in the blogging world. However, I still hope to post occasionally, whenever I feel the urge to “create”, to keep a record of that idea, so on the first of every month I think I will do a bit of a catch up...... as I have plans in the pipeline, like taking Tom's 30 year old wooden Galt bike and decopatching it for Iris for Christmas.

My life has changed so much in the past four years, and especially in the last 4 months, since leaving work, to be in Evesham for part of the week to help look after Little Iris, which has left me with little time to craft, other than the odd family birthday card ........
and ..... there's another baby on the way!!!!!

As you know, I plan to move to Evesham permanently, fingers crossed, by the later part of 2016, and in an effort to be sorted and ready for that move, I have been spending most of my spare time sorting out my loft. This is a deliberately slow process as it is proving to be a valuable source of income (to help towards moving costs etc.), so I am e-baying an awful lot of the stuff I am finding up there, and in the process giving up the time where I would have once been crafting and blogging. At the moment, the pennies this activity is bringing in is “sadly” more important! I have to be sensible and practical. If I leave it until I move, it would probably all just get dumped in a mad rush, this way, I can do it with careful thought, especially, as I am rapidly finding, almost everything has a value to someone!

I am also doing the same with my craftroom, slowly, surely and considered. I will keep all the tools and equipment and basic materials, but I am looking very carefully at all the embellishments etc. I have and questioning my need for them in the future. I have given myself about 6 months to get this all done…… and that is why I have to let “Fiddle Fart” go........

I shall, however, continue writing “Mum’s Monkeys” …. I owe those fellas so much, keeping me on my toes and making me see the funny, whimsical and poignant side of life, even on my “down” days. Whatever they get up to, they lift my spirits, no matter what,
and they are a reflection of my life! However, I think that the number of posts may also have to change too, to take in the considerations of above.
So ..... can I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has called by on a Monday and Friday and also those who occasionally drop in via Google, in particular:- Pharmacy Michelle, Cheryl W, Tilly, Dianne, Di, Carol, Roni, Silvia, Mrs P, Pamela, JC2711, Krafty Karen, Susan, Marc and not forgetting Anonymous, for leaving so many comments, and I promise each and every one has been very much appreciated and never taken for granted.

I will also always pop by and post a little something whenever I’ve been to London or Worcester to spend time with Marc, as our times together always send me on a mahooooosive roller coaster ride of creativity ……
…….. And that is the one thing that I will never be able to thank “Fiddle Fart” enough for, in bringing Marc and me together, the most special person I have ever known, we are true soul mates, and without “Fiddle Fart” there is no way on God’s Green Earth we’d have ever found each other …….. and that’s one hell of a wonderful legacy for any blog to leave!!!!!