Today four tags using the smaller, spotty hearts from the hanging Aldi Christmas decoration (reduced from £3.99 to £1.99) I bought solely to take apart.

I have followed on from yesterdays house tags, the ladybirds and keys were the right proportion to the wooden hearts.

The keys hang from a fancy jump ring taken from a charity shop necklace bargain and I have used a wooden red bead to bring it all together. There’s really not a lot to them.

Whenever I make anything I always have a sort of story in my head that links all the parts used together and makes sense, to me (at least). It started with the idea of making a gift tag to put on a New Home present …. sent with love - the heart …… new home – the key …… and the ladybird – well somewhere in my head there’s a nursery rhyme that starts “Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home” ….. be honest, the rest of the rhyme is rather macabre ….. but, that’s the way my mind linked everything on this project.
I have used all the parts from the Christmas decoration, except for four small hearts that have a metal heart in the centre, the ladybirds just didn’t gel with them, so I need to come up with another idea to justify my buying a “bargain”