I had wanted to used a delicate, bare, twiggy branch from which to hang the Decopatch/Poundland eggs I made the other week …… but when I actually went into the garden to look for something suitable there was nothing branchy or twiggy to be found…..
but it still looks very pretty ….

….. And here is what is now becoming a very regular and much loved feature on Fiddle Fart, the gift that my brother Stephen brought home for my mum from his care unit …….

….. some handmade chocolate eggs ….. some decorated with hundreds and thousand sprinkles ……

…… all very beautifully packaged, the best Easter gift anyone could wish for. A huge THANK YOU to all Stephen’s carers for all the thought and hard work they put into it and to those who helped put it all together for him, because we know that all he probably did towards it was watch sitting at the table and hum!