Showing posts with label valentines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valentines. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Favorite Valentine's Fonts {and pink chalkboard}

Chalkboard art is EVERYWHERE!!  I thought it'd be fun to have a pink chalkboard background to play around with and maybe use it to make some Valentine's cards.  I used the free background found here, dumped it into photoshop added a layer, changed some opacity and ta-da!
Download yours for free here 

And if you need some inspiration in the font department for your Valentine's cards, here are some that I am loving

What are some of your favorite Valentine's fonts?
Got any cute ideas for cards? 

Blog PSA: I realize this is a "sewing" blog and there hasn't been much of that going on as of late. My life has been consumed with things like: birthing a baby in June, putting our house on the market, potty training the toddler, selling the house, moving from the house, looking for a house (still haven't found one yet) and other things a mom of four does on a daily basis.  I do have high hopes of sewing more this year, and time permitting posting finished projects.  I was GIVEN a serger and I'd really like to learn how to use it.  Sewing is one area of my life that I'd really like to grow in this year.  So stick around!

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