Showing posts with label printable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printable. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Favorite Valentine's Fonts {and pink chalkboard}

Chalkboard art is EVERYWHERE!!  I thought it'd be fun to have a pink chalkboard background to play around with and maybe use it to make some Valentine's cards.  I used the free background found here, dumped it into photoshop added a layer, changed some opacity and ta-da!
Download yours for free here 

And if you need some inspiration in the font department for your Valentine's cards, here are some that I am loving

What are some of your favorite Valentine's fonts?
Got any cute ideas for cards? 

Blog PSA: I realize this is a "sewing" blog and there hasn't been much of that going on as of late. My life has been consumed with things like: birthing a baby in June, putting our house on the market, potty training the toddler, selling the house, moving from the house, looking for a house (still haven't found one yet) and other things a mom of four does on a daily basis.  I do have high hopes of sewing more this year, and time permitting posting finished projects.  I was GIVEN a serger and I'd really like to learn how to use it.  Sewing is one area of my life that I'd really like to grow in this year.  So stick around!

Linking to: 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Frame {pinspiration}

Fall is here.  
Anybody else super excited for a break from the horrid heat???  Me too!
I found this cute printable on pinterest 
                                                                                  Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Instead of just printing it out and putting in a plain frame I decided to jazz it up a bit.  Added bonus, this didn't cost me a thing to do, I had all supplies on hand. 
I used an old canvas that I had previously painted brown.  In it's former life I used it as a calendar thing.  I used the rest of my orange glitter (used here and here) and mod podged a document frame, you know the cheapy frames that are like a buck or two at wally world.  Then sealed it with some acrylic sealer.  Hot glue it to the canvas and DONE.  
What's not to love?
Texture, check.  Glitter, check.  Walls no longer bare, check.
Happy FALL!!

Linking to:
Fall Linky @ Someday Crafts
Fall Frenzy @ Craftaholics Anonymous

Also just wanted to let you know I haven't forgot this is a "sewing blog."  I'll be posting some sewing soon.  I promise.  I had a series of unfortunate events happen with a "special order" of chenille so my sewing has been at a stand still for a while now.  But alas I have some chenille now and will be busy playing catch up. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lego Memory Game Cards

Monster's birthday is TODAY!!  Five years old, WOW!! 
 Sweet swollen face baby the day he was born, my {heart} be still!  In about three weeks I'll get to hold another sweet baby for the first time.  I CAN'T wait!  And I'm so beyond ready, I actually told my mom the other day, I was kinda over being pregnant.  
Anyways, back to his party, if you remember we are doing a Lego themed party.  So I got one thing marked off the list.  Last week I worked on the Lego Memory Game.  I think my guy will love playing these.  They are also going in the gift bags for party goers.  And I'll share them with you!  Just print off (preferably on card stock) two of each sheet , cut on the lines and you'll have a huge (24 set) memory game.  We also plan on laminating Mason's set.  
Download Lego Memory Game Sheet 1
Download Lego Memory Game Sheet 2
Download Lego Memory Game Sheet 3
Download Lego Memory Game Sheet 4

**For personal use only.  And if you do use them, please give credit where credit is due.

Images taken from various Lego downloads.  If you need more Lego printables, check out their website, they have TONS.  Click under products at the top of the page, then select what theme you want.  Here's the link to Lego CITY printable/downloads.  

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