It's a new year and I've been thinking a lot about how I want to be better. These aren't resolutions, more just areas that I want to look back on in December 2013 and be able to say I've grown.
The time is now.
-Be a better reader of the Word. Memorize more, study more, meditate more. True growth will only come if I'm depending more on the Lord to help me. I want to depend on him and the truths he gives me, not on my own abilities.
-Be a better wife, best friend, communicator, servant, lover, help-mate. We celebrate 11 years in June and I pray this year will be our best. But with four kids it takes work to make it thrive.
The time is now.
-Be a better reader of the Word. Memorize more, study more, meditate more. True growth will only come if I'm depending more on the Lord to help me. I want to depend on him and the truths he gives me, not on my own abilities.
-Be a better wife, best friend, communicator, servant, lover, help-mate. We celebrate 11 years in June and I pray this year will be our best. But with four kids it takes work to make it thrive.
-Be a better mom. I want to be more intentional and present in my kids lives. I want to have more one on one time with them. I want them to never doubt how much I love them, even in the midst of working through discipline issues.
-Be a better friend. Take time to pray more for my friends. Take time to send special notes and gifts to friends to show them how much I cherish their friendship.
-Be a better friend. Take time to pray more for my friends. Take time to send special notes and gifts to friends to show them how much I cherish their friendship.
-Be better to my body. I'm still nursing so it's not like it would be too healthy for me to try and drop 20 lbs right now. But I just want to be more conscious of the choices I'm making and I want to move towards being more active.
-Be a better seamstress. I've got lots of projects that I'd like to complete for my kiddos and even want to try my hand at making some things for myself. Most of all I want to learn how to use my serger.
-Be a better photographer. I've had my camera for almost three years now and although I can get good shots of my kids and family from time to time, I want to get GREAT shots. I need to read up on rule of thirds, composition, etc. And I want to learn more about photoshop.
Here's to a year of growth!!
Here's to a year of growth!!