Showing posts with label little man tie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label little man tie. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2011

Batman Tie for My Graduate

First off a few pics of Mason at his preschool graduation.  The idea of preschool graduation is kinda ridiculous in my mind, but none the less, we went and clapped for Mason as he walked the stage and I took lots of pictures.  I'm only sharing two cause the first one depicts the attitude he had the entire ceremony, the second one shows the instant change once he took off the cap and gown. 
Started out like this.
Ended up like this.  He's so ornery!  
Now on to the real show, his Batman tie.
Spear-yielding Super Grad.  Boys....need I say more.  I made this out of fabric I got at Mary Jo's while on a trip to North Carolina w/ my momma in April.  Wish I would have got more of it, but I think I'll still be able to make a bag for him out of the rest. 
There's my handsome boy!! Hard to believe he's gonna be six in September, time goes by WAY too quick.  

My good friend Jen is doing another Adoption Auction to raise funds so they can bring home their child(ren) from Ethiopia.  Last time around I donated a camera strap cover, this time its a patriotic tie for your little man.  Go and bless them by bidding high for this or any of the other 100 items she's got.  She has a note that the fabric may be different, this is because we lost our Joann's to the EF5 tornado that ripped through town on May 22.  Pray for Joplin, devastation is far-reaching and really even more jaw dropping in person.

Linking to: WhipperBerry

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Red, White & Blue Tie {4th of July is coming}

You know, 4th of July is only about two and half months away (doesn't seem possible).  I LOVE red, white & blue for summertime.  While at Joann's getting some other essentials I saw this fabric and had to have.  I made this for a friend who just had her first baby in March.  They are BIG TIME Cubs fans.  I thought he could be a fancy Cubs fan :)  I've got a Lincoln size and Mason size tie on my sewing list.  
Reverses to red. 
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