Showing posts with label bows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bows. Show all posts

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Fall

I know it's not officially fall yet, but soon and very soon it will be.  And it's a great time of year to wear my favorite color, ORANGE.  So in honor of fall being right around the corner I made an orange satin flower.  It helps that I can also wear this on game day and cheer on The Pokes :)
You know what else is creeping up on me??  The birth of baby #3, I'm 35 weeks people.  35 WEEKS!!  

Monday, August 2, 2010

Muslin Frayed Flower

Please excuse my make-up-less, summer freckled face.  But do feast your eyes on my new flower headband. I used two different muslins, cut different sizes, then wadded them up to get them all wrinkly (I wish I would have sprayed them with some starch-next time). Sewed it on a dollar store headband (four pack for $1-can't beat it).  I made a matching button and glued it to the center.  Result, pretty ivory flower headband for less than a $1. 

Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Fabric Flower

Am I addicted?  Possibly.

Am I channeling the 80s with a perm?  No, those are God given.
I made this clip to wear on a hot date with my man for my birthday.  I'm 29, O-fficially creepin' on 30.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Satin Flower Clip Tutorial

Need a beautiful clip for yourself or our little one to wear for the holidays?  I've got the perfect solution.
This satin clip is really easy to put together, only takes about 20 minutes.  I want Little Miss to have one in every color.  I think I'll make Grandma some and attach them to a pin for the perfect holiday accessory.  The possibilities are endless.
Now on to the specifics.  Here's what you need.
Scrap satin, felt, ribbon, clip, scissors, template of your choosing.  And not pictured, sewing machine (of course-or if you're brave you could hand stitch) and hot glue gun for lining and attaching to clip.
Cut your "petals" with your template.  If you look close in the previous pic you'll see I used the thread cap thingy.
After you get all your petals you'll need to lightly heat seal the edges with a lighter.
For the base of the flower, sew a circle of felt and satin together.  It gives it a bit of stability and makes sewing all the petals on easier because the felt has structure.
Then start forming and attaching your petals, reference this tutorial for help on sewing them to the satin/felt base.  Basically just start in the center and randomly place and sew each petal with a few stitches.
When you're done you see a big full flower has formed.  But look close and see if you've got any petals that need trimmed.  See here on the right, that petal was sticking out a bit.  So I just held back the other petals, trimmed it and heat sealed it again.
After you get any petals fixed.  Line your clip with ribbon and glue your felt base to the lined clip.  (sorry no pics.)
Ta-Da! Perfection!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fabric Flower Headband Tutorial

So it's here, my fabric flower tutorial.  Remember this?
Super cute flower headband, the headband I love and want to wear everyday.  Well I made another and got the pics all gathered up and whipped up a tutorial, here ya go.
Now follow the tutorial here for the headband portion, I stop and add my flower before doing the elastic, but I think you could add the flower at the end too.  Either way.
I did my headband with a contrasting fabric, but once it was done, I didn't really dig it.  I thought the gold would be more gold.  But it just appeared really washed out and didn't go.
So that was my first go.  I then ripped it off and started over with a solid black flower.
Start off by cutting your petals.  I used a half dollar size circle.  I couldn't find my half dollar this day cause Monster had taken it to play with.  For this flower I used I think 12 circles.  But depending on the size of finished flower you want and fullness you might use more or less.
Next, fold your circle in half and then kinda pinch it up from the center.  It's hard to explain and maybe even harder to get a good picture.  Here is me doing a satin flower, I think I got a little bit better pics.

Place your petal where you want it on your headband.  I do mine slightly off center.  Then just tack on with a couple of stitches, right at the 'point.'
Here are two petals sewn on.  From here you just kinda place randomly around.
See here, you'll even want to place some under the petals already sewn on.
This can be a little tricking when actually sewing cause you have to fold over your already sewn petals and place you headband carefully.  You don't want to accidentally sew on a different petal and keep it from fluffing up, kwim?
Keep going, I've got six petals sewn on and you can see it's taking shape.
And you're done! Twelve petals later you've got a pretty flower headband.
Yeah, I know it's a bad pic.  But I really couldn't get a good shot of me wearing it.  You get the idea though.
Also for your viewing pleasure is a beautiful satin clip I did.  I originally did this and wanted it for myself, but once I got it done, I knew better.  I just couldn't figure out how to wear it with my hair.  And really I'm not that trendy to be able to rock a sassy satin clip.  But you know who is??  Little Miss.  So it's hers now.  I am going to make one on a headband next time, hopefully before the hubby's work Christmas party.
Later I'll let you know about a couple different steps you need to take to make the satin flower.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just in time for Fall

A pumpkin felt clip.  I'm going to make some of these for my girlfriends that came to bow night a couple of weekends ago.  It was my first time hand stitching like this.  I need to work on making the stitches more uniform, but for a first it turned out great.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bow Party Fun

My friends and I had a very successful bow party on Saturday night. I highly recommend doing one, yes you'll have fun, but more importantly you'll have GREAT girl time, away from husbands and kids. We met at 4 o'clock to go shopping for ribbon and hardware, (to which my husband said "why aren't you doing your shopping before? Doesn't he know anything about women? ;)) We were back from shopping by 6.30ish (oops, maybe took a little longer than anticipated). After getting back to the house, we put in Pretty Woman as background noise, if you're wondering, yes I do know ever line to that movie. Then heated up our spinach artichoke dip-DELICIOUS, and turned on the oven for korking some ribbon. Let the fun begin!! We made bows and talked till a little after 11, it was so awesome. I was exhausted when I got home considering I had been up till 2am the night before finishing The Monster's tent (yes, it's complete, post with pics later). Here are pics of the bows I got done. Well the brown and pink one I did Sunday afternoon, so yeah I only got five done. How's that for five hours of work?! As you can see I was probably doing a lot more talking, and eating, than bow making.

The 50mm snap clip in center is the ribbon print I designed. I think it turned out SO CUTE!! The other two were American Crafts seasonal spools, only .99 cents at Michael's.

Another American Crafts ribbon, found the jewel pack at Hobby in seasonal.

Ribbon from Hobby in fabrics section.

Ribbon from Hobby in the wedding section. This spool was 10 yards, not quite sure what I'm going to do with 10 yards of this, but my one bow turned out cute.

I've also got one korker in the works, but I don't know if I'm going to like it. We will see.
Happy Bow Making!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Appliqued Tank and a Bow

I just finished this appliquéd t-shirt for a friend who's daughter is turning 1.  I'm pretty sure she did her room in brown and pink, so that's why I chose this pretty damask print.  She bought the tank and I just made it custom for her.  It turned out really cute.  They live in Texas so even though it's September, it's still warm enough for tanks. 

Hot off the glue gun is a new bow for Little Miss to wear to The Monster's birthday party.  We're having a Bootcamp Birthday Party, so I thought camo was quite fitting. 
I hope that after I finish his new cardtable playhouse like this one, I'll have enough camo print left to make her a dress to match her new bow.
More on The Monster's party later.
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