Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Frame {pinspiration}

Fall is here.  
Anybody else super excited for a break from the horrid heat???  Me too!
I found this cute printable on pinterest 
                                                                                  Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Instead of just printing it out and putting in a plain frame I decided to jazz it up a bit.  Added bonus, this didn't cost me a thing to do, I had all supplies on hand. 
I used an old canvas that I had previously painted brown.  In it's former life I used it as a calendar thing.  I used the rest of my orange glitter (used here and here) and mod podged a document frame, you know the cheapy frames that are like a buck or two at wally world.  Then sealed it with some acrylic sealer.  Hot glue it to the canvas and DONE.  
What's not to love?
Texture, check.  Glitter, check.  Walls no longer bare, check.
Happy FALL!!

Linking to:
Fall Linky @ Someday Crafts
Fall Frenzy @ Craftaholics Anonymous

Also just wanted to let you know I haven't forgot this is a "sewing blog."  I'll be posting some sewing soon.  I promise.  I had a series of unfortunate events happen with a "special order" of chenille so my sewing has been at a stand still for a while now.  But alas I have some chenille now and will be busy playing catch up. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Make a Fall Perpetual Calendar {rewind}

I'm reposting this tutorial in case you missed it last year.  It is still one of the most viewed post on my blog.  It's almost October so I'm getting really excited to be able to have it on display again.  I need to make several more of these, so I can have one up all year long.

**Original post Sept. 2010**

My friend and I are the Creative Activities Girls for our MOPS group. It can be quite the task to find a craft that 70+ women will enjoy, all while staying within a TIGHT budget ~$1. Last week we made fall perpetual calendars. I think all the ladies liked it, and its something they can easily recreate for another season. And we stayed {I think} under budget.
Want to make your own?
  • 2” x 2” x 8’ – I cut this board into 1 ½ “ pieces which creates the cubes you need for the top pieces.
  • 1” x 2” x 6’ – I cut this board into lengths of 3”. They do have this board in 4’ lengths. I lightly sanded the edges of all the wood. With these boards you will have plenty to make several sets, one for each season, gifts for teachers, Mother's Day, etc.
  • Scrapbook paper. I got a HUGE stack of fall themed paper on sale at Joann's for $10. Cut 12 squares into 1 1/4" pieces.
  • Numbers/Months. We used a Cricut to cut out all ours out of black cardstock. If you don't have access to a Cricut you could buy ready made number/months stickers from the scrapbook section at any craft store. Numbers you will need: Block A: 0,1,2,3,7,8
    Block B: 0,1,2,4,5,6 **Note: Six is interchangeable with nine
  • Paint, Mod Podge, Glue (optional)
What to do:
  • Glue or Mod Podge your numbers down to the squares. We used plain old glue sticks, made it quick and easy.
  • Paint the edges of your blocks. Your scrapbook paper will cover the bare spots on your cubes. If you feel better about painting your base block all the way, go for it. I'm just lazy and it will be covered by your cubes anyways, so I didn't see the point.
  • Mod Podge you scrapbook squares onto the cubes. RememberBlock A: 0,1,2,3,7,8
    Block B: 0,1,2,4,5,6
  • Mod Podge your months onto your base block.
  • Seal it all with a layer of Mod Podge (optional)
  • Display your super cute fall perpetual calendar!
Linking to:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Five Strand Braided Bracelet

Ashley over at Make it and Love it posted a five strand braided headband awhile back.  I love it!!  Simple, and quick, you can use these braids in a multitude of ways. 

 I thought it'd be really cute as a bracelet, so I took an old mustard t-shirt, cut my strips and braided it up.
I pair mine with a matching infinity t-shirt scarf I made (I have about four of these bad boys in different colors.  They make this girl who is almost always in jeans and tees actually look kinda pulled together.)
And can I just say, that I'm loving this color! Makes me yearn for fall.  BIG TIME!!

Now Ashley hand-stitching to finish off, I totally went the lazy glue gun route.  I also didn't worry about folding under the edges of my cover band.  Raw edges all the way, and I think it looks fine.  

Brooke got a new headband made too. 

Next up, Delia's four strand braid for a bracelet, I'm gonna stack it with a five strand braided bracelet.  Maybe even make a standard three strand braid and put all three together for a chunky bracelet.  I also want to pick up some leather cording at Hobby and play around with that.
Possibilities are endless.

Have you made a five strand braided project yet?

Linking to:
Someday Crafts
Blue Cricket Designs
Somewhat Simple
Tatertots and Jello

Positively Splendid

Friday, January 28, 2011

Framed Ruffly Heart Tutorial {flashback}

{Originally posted January 14, 2010}
In an effort to start marking things off my project list, I made this framed ruffly heart.
And lucky you, I'll show you how :)
Gather your supplies, you'll need
1. Fabric
2. Frame
3. Felt
4. Glue gun and scissors
5. Sewing machine to make your ruffle

Let's begin :)
Start by taking your fabric and ripping two strips, mine were about an inch wide.  Just make a little snip in the fabric and then rip it all the way down.  Then sew together to make one really long strip.  Run that long strip through your machine to make a ruffle (high tension, long length), about 1/4 inch from one edge. Put your sewing machine away, we're done with it.

Cut your felt background piece to size by using the frame backing as a guide.  Draw a heart on this to give you guidance on your shape.  (Alternately, if I had to do it again, I would cut a pink heart now and glue that on as my guide, instead of framing my heart at the end with the pink heart, you'll see what I mean)
Starting in the center, working in the round, glue down.
You'll see I'm gluing the 1/4 inch edge, just enough to hold it, about every inch or so.
After a couple times around its taking shape.  Just use your heart as a guide (awww, sweet)
At the top valley, glue it to the previous ruffle, drawing it down to help create the valley.  Make sense?
I finished mine off by framing it with a pink felt heart.
 I honestly think this is my first ever Valentine's decoration.  How pathetic am I!?  Wait don't answer that.



Sunday, December 19, 2010

Glitter Frame {tutorial}

JOY to the world!
One thing I lack is a bunch of holiday decor.  We've got our tree of course, but really no other decorations for the season.  So I took my Michaels giftcard and made myself these awesome glitter frames.  Aren't they gorgeous?!  You can make some too, they are a little time consuming, but well worth the effort.  I think they look so fancy and look way more expensive than few dollars they actually cost to make.
Here's what you need:
Cheap $1 frame, ruler, some glitter, Mod Podge, and Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer.
These are the purdy glitters I used.  Can't beat a glitter pack for $4.99, do what I did and use your 40% off coupon for an even better deal.
  Start by drawing your stripes on your frame.
-Apply your Mod Podge, lay it on thick.  Apply it just to the line, only on the face of the frame.  You'll do the edges after the face is done.  *Note it shows me painting it on, but after I did the turquoise I changed my method and began dabbing it on with the tip of the sponge brush.  Does that make sense?  It allowed for it to really get thick, good coverage.
-Sprinkle on your glitter
-Shake off excess and see what spots need recovered.  (This is where dabbing it on with tip really helps, it made for lots less spots that needed recovered).  Reapply Mod Podge and glitter anywhere there are bare spots.
-Apple Mod Podge and glitter to edges.  Let dry between colors.
-Rinse and repeat for the rest of the stripes.
-Once all colors are dry, apply a few coats of acrylic sealer.
 Stare in awe at your fancy frames and figure out what you want to hang in your frames.  I simply printed J-O-Y out on cardstock and cute squares to fit.
  A tip about where your stripes meet:
-sometimes bare spots are left that are hard to cover.  I got a toothpick and used it to apply the Mod Podge, that way I could get a thin line of it right where I wanted it.

Linking to:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fall Flower and I tweet

Over on Trey and Lucy, Tanya made a super cute BIG flower.  I decided to do one for myself, except on a smaller scale.  For actually wearing it in my hair (not as an embellishment for a hat or jacket) I thought the size she did would have been too big for me.
So for mine, I used a batik scrap that I still had from this headband.  It was about 24 inches long and 3 inches wide, and I just followed her directions from there.  She has a great video too and shows some other things you can use the flowers for.  I'm TOTALLY doing a pillow!
And did you notice, I got my hair done chopped OFF.  It feels so nice, it looks great straightened or curly (the way God made it) and even looks good if I shower at night, sleep on it and run the curling iron through it for a few loose curls (as pictured).  It was much needed.  (Now if I can just keep it up.)
Do you tweet?  I just started, you find me here:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Make a Fall Perpetual Calendar {tutorial}

My friend and I are the Creative Activities Girls for our MOPS group. It can be quite the task to find a craft that 70+ women will enjoy, all while staying within a TIGHT budget ~$1. Last week we made fall perpetual calendars. I think all the ladies liked it, and its something they can easily recreate for another season. And we stayed {I think} under budget.
Want to make your own?
  • 2” x 2” x 8’ – I cut this board into 1 ½ “ pieces which creates the cubes you need for the top pieces.
  • 1” x 2” x 6’ – I cut this board into lengths of 3”. They do have this board in 4’ lengths. I lightly sanded the edges of all the wood. With these boards you will have plenty to make several sets, one for each season, gifts for teachers, Mother's Day, etc.
  • Scrapbook paper. I got a HUGE stack of fall themed paper on sale at Joann's for $10. Cut 12 squares into 1 1/4" pieces.
  • Numbers/Months. We used a Cricut to cut out all ours out of black cardstock. If you don't have access to a Cricut you could buy ready made number/months stickers from the scrapbook section at any craft store. Numbers you will need: Block A: 0,1,2,3,7,8
    Block B: 0,1,2,4,5,6 **Note: Six is interchangeable with nine
  • Paint, Mod Podge, Glue (optional)
What to do:
  • Glue or Mod Podge your numbers down to the squares. We used plain old glue sticks, made it quick and easy.
  • Paint the edges of your blocks. Your scrapbook paper will cover the bare spots on your cubes. If you feel better about painting your base block all the way, go for it. I'm just lazy and it will be covered by your cubes anyways, so I didn't see the point.
  • Mod Podge you scrapbook squares onto the cubes. Remember: Block A: 0,1,2,3,7,8
    Block B: 0,1,2,4,5,6
  • Mod Podge your months onto your base block.
  • Seal it all with a layer of Mod Podge (optional)
  • Display your super cute fall perpetual calendar!
Linking to:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Frayed Fabric Pin

We went to the home opener football game of our Cardinals. Since I didn't have any Cardinals gear, I threw together a frayed fabric pin with the school colors.
I really liked how it turned out. I made each flower individually and then glued together and backed with red felt. Attach a pin and you're good to go. Or if you prefer attach to a lined clip and you've got a cool hair piece. I actually wanted to make this a hair piece, but I asked my hub and he said it would be huge on my head. So took his advice and opted for a pin.
I'm not brave at all.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Stamped Washer Key Chain

I'm sure you've seen them EVERYWHERE.  They have been on my list of projects to do, forever.  And finally my friend Jen and I got together and GOT-IT-DONE.  We each managed to get a few done (but not without errors and several do overs).  
This is a key chain.  I also stamped some small washers (same size as the Ben one) with "B" and "M" on them for my kids.  But I need to get a different size washer to accompany them that will say "B&A, 2002".  The one that I tried it on doesn't quite look right.  
This is seriously the cheapest project ever!  I think the small washers were like 10 cents each and the big one 15 cents.  The stamp set Jen got at Harbor Freight for $5 (thanks Helping Little Hands for that tip, you can also check out her blog and many other for step by step tutorials).  The chain I used was left over from Monster's birthday bash last year when we gave dog tags as party favors.  I snipped it down to the length I wanted, strung on my washers and attached to my key chain.  
Jen and I are going to get together and work on some more fancy ones.  Like having a bead/birthstone hanging down in the center of the washer.  I'm also going to help her bust out a ton that say "Adoption Rocks."  She going to make them to raise money for her upcoming adoption of some babes from Ethiopia. You can check out her blog Team Chase 4 and Counting.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Muslin Frayed Flower

Please excuse my make-up-less, summer freckled face.  But do feast your eyes on my new flower headband. I used two different muslins, cut different sizes, then wadded them up to get them all wrinkly (I wish I would have sprayed them with some starch-next time). Sewed it on a dollar store headband (four pack for $1-can't beat it).  I made a matching button and glued it to the center.  Result, pretty ivory flower headband for less than a $1. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another Button Ring w/ Matching Rag Bracelet

I made another button ring, and made a rag bracelet to match.  I know the colors might be kinda random, but I have a turquoise top that I wear a pink tank under, so I thought why not add a pop of orange (cause I {heart} orange).  
These could not be any simpler to make, if you want step by step instructions look here.  Although I will say I actually prefer to attach my button to the ring blank before applying mod podge.  It gives you something to hold onto while painting it on.  For the buttons attached to the bracelet, get some sticky tack stuff, put that on the end of a pencil/marker/whatever and stick your button on.  Instant button holder.  
My bracelet I just cut roughly 1 inch strips (you don't have to be precise) and braided them.  Then hand stitch your ends together.  Wrap a small piece of fabric around your stitches and hot glue in place to cover your seam.  Then use your buttons to hide your seam even more and make it look super cute!  
Way easy, cute, and cheap! Can't beat it!!


Monday, July 5, 2010

5 Minute Fourth of July Project

These super cool rings are on my list of projects to do with my crafting friend.  Well instead of waiting till we had craft night I whipped one up before I went over to her neighborhood Fourth Party.  I needed something festive to spruce up my outfit that consisted of a red shirt and red earrings.  I know, lame, but what can I say, I'm pregnant. Since I did this the day of, I had to make a couple of adjustments.  I didn't have time to glaze them (and you can tell-this was a cheap $1 holiday scarf) but its okay, its a holiday jewelry piece, not something meant to be wore all the time.  And I didn't have ring blanks (but I'm going to the store at TODAY to get some), so I used a ring I had on hand, it worked fine.
Cute, huh?!  I'll be making lots more of these.
I also made one for Brooke (I used a toe ring, it fit perfect.)  She liked it for a while and then was over it.  I thought it was so cute.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Craft Night Revisited

So I already told you about all our shirts we made on craft night.  Now you get to see all the Valentine's wreaths we did.
A few of my friends couldn't make it because there was winter weather headed our way-that actually didn't get to us till the next day, booo.  So the girls did their wreaths at home, I think they both got help from their little ones.  Mother-daughter fun!
 Emily did a felt heart wreath.  You can find the tutorial over on The Idea Room.
 Erin made a Scrappy Heart Wreath, found the tutorial on Living w/ Lindsay.  I love the two shades of pink and perfect matching ribbon.  
Hilary was at craft night and did the same felt wreath.  Isn't cool how she and Emily used the same method but they still look different?!  I'm sure it has to do with the size of circles you use and how tightly you place them.  Both turned out great.
 Here's Amber's wreath (sorry I didn't get completed pic), she used the same Scrappy Wreath tutorial. Instead of a heart she did a round wreath.  She used three different fabrics and when it was done even embellished it with a fake flower.  It was so pretty
Here's mine, of course I had to go against the grain and not do a wreath. :)  Mostly cause I had this plain frame on hand so I didn't have to buy anything.  Free crafts can't be beat.  I cut my felt circles and put a dot of hot glue in the center and placed them on the frame kinda bunched together. 
See here:
A pretty flower border begins to appear.  Super easy, with a great outcome.  After I finished my frame, I used the Cricut and did a freezer paper stencil "love" and painted it on some muslin.  Now I just can't decide where to hang my new "love."


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