Showing posts with label pillowcase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pillowcase. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Hello from the other side... la la la. Hahaha!

One year and 6 days after my last post and I'm finally back to show something!

Looking for something to bring me back to craft world I found this cute star pattern on Pinterest so I sewed up a simple patchwork pillowcase to give to a baby boy.

I don't have much scraps or fabric in blue. I found this red old print of birds and I decided to use, do you guys this it's girlish? I think that it can be used for a baby boy perfectly.

Not an expert on patchwork but I'm learning watching videos. Here in my city there's no place to learn and there's no supplies too..unfortunately.

Sorry about this terrible english too.. kkkk. Sometimes I think about writing it all in portuguese but I have to practice somehow, hope you don't mind.



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hello everybody!

Hi everybody!

Shame on me! I am almost a ghost here hun?! Sorry for the disappearance!!! I have lots of photos today :D

I have no excuses to give you for not being present, I only can say that things were happening around here and I forgot about the crafting world a little :D

I forgot about my little girls too! I only have three done but I promised myself that they are gonna be done this semester :D

I have another thing to show you...take a look at this cute Matrioska Pillow:

I ordered from a friend of mine, Marcia Marinho. She sews perfectly! This pillowcase it's just darling! It's about 17 inches high and she used my favorite colors!

There is another thing I wanna second patchwork pillowcase:

I really love vibrant colors! It was super easy to do! I used half squares to make triangles..I'll try to show you how easy this is next time :D

The last thing is my son's 7 years birthday party last monday. He is a special kid and he loves peppa I decided to surprise him with this cute birthday table:

All the tableware were customized by my brother and I printed and glued everything. I had lots of help from 3 friends of mine for the decoration :D I use to say that if you have good friends, you have everything.

Matheus went crazy when he saw the cake!

The party was awesome! My apartment is so tiny but eveybody came to make him happy!

This is my aunt, she just turned 60,  together with my son and that's why she is blowing candles with him :D

This is only part of the people, the living room was full!

This is party of my family..

 My two oldest sons

  Husband and I

My two adorable brothers

I am a happy happy woman!

Hope u all liked :D XOXOXO, Isa.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Welcome 2014!

Hello everybody!

First of all I wanna thank all the messages I received during this period of absence. The end of the year was kinda tuff together with January. I was all by myself with an entire house to take care of and this really absorbed all of my energy. I had to be a mother of three, a wife, a housewife and a driver....I do have someone to help me with all of this but this person was on vacation.

Remember the pillowcase I made with the little bear and the butterflies? Well, last month my husband's friend sent me this lovely picture of his niece with the pillow in the back. If there is one thing I really love is to see my gifts being used!

Oh my, she is a lovely japanese little angel! :D

Last month I tried to learn some about patcworking too and I made two table runners..

No big deal..I am just a begginer but I plan to go further on learning about it...maybe I can do something better in the future :D For now I am only "testing" techniques.

I miss cross stitching so so badly! I received the "Mini Village" book together with other patterns from Soda But I didn't have the chance to start anything yet. The thing is that I don't have the fabric color for the project..I only have white aida. The whole thing is 242w x 372h and if I use the 14ct ainda I have it will turn into a huge thing for framing.

I'll have to figure out what to do. I don't wanna spend lots of money to buy this fabric online but it seems almost impossible to find it in, I decided to start a new project yesterday.

I wish you all an awesome weekend!

XOXO, Isa.

Friday, November 29, 2013

SODA SO-4114 Can you see my mind?

Hello everybody!

I'm finally done with the pillowcase!
SODA SO-4114 Can you see my mind?
Stitched on 14ct hand dyed aida from Döhler
Started on Nov, 27th
Ended on Nov. 29th

Isn't cute? I wanted to make something really simple 'cause there aren't too many choices of blue fabric here in my sewing stuff. The hand dyed aida matched perfectly, don't you think? thinking about stitching the girl...

There are some cute details too :D. I'm not an expert with the sewing machine but I try to make my best. :D

XOXO, Isabella
Oi pessoal!
Finalmente terminei a almofadinha do Matheus!
Eu gostei muito! Queria fazer uma coisinha bem simples pois não tenho muitas opções de tecido azul aqui. Achei que o tecido pintado de azul combinou bastante com o resto!
Tem uns detalhes que fiz na máquina também! Não sou expert em costura mas procuro dar o meu melhor :D
Beijos mil! Isa.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hello everybody!

I started something new yesterday..

I made a huge progress during the night. I wanna prepare a pillowcase for my son. I used a sponge and fabric paint ink (I really don't know the name for it in english) to dye the aida I'm using...wanted to make something different and I really enjoy it.

Not too much progress with "Love Forever". The hair is the part that I hate most...I get bored stitching hair. I wanted to finish during the weekend but I had to drop it. Hope to get it done next week.

I bought new patterns yesterday too :D I want to stitch something big during the year of 2014. I keep seeing you girls with huge projects and I tought it will be fun to stich something in parts. I chose a Soda, of course. There are 13 parts, not 12..I'll have to manage this to get it done by the end of next year.

XOXO, Isa.
Olá pessoal! Comecei um novo projeto ontem. Acho que fiz um bom progresso durante a noite. Queria muito fazer uma nova capinha de travesseiro para meu filho e decidi bordar esse menino. Usei uma esponja e duas tonalidades de tinta para tecido para fazer o matizado no etamine..gostei demais do resultado, ficou bem delicado.
Sem muito progresso no meu projeto "Love Forever" Odeio demais bordar deixa entediada demais. Prometi que iria acabar no final de semana mas tive que deixar de lado por pura preguiça. Espero conseguir terminar até a semana que vem!
Também comprei gráficos novos. De tanto ver as meninas bordando grandes projetos acabei comprando um grande gráfico para bordar durante o ano inteiro de 2014. O gráfico tem 13 partes. Terei que gerenciar direitinho para conseguir terminar no final do ano que vem. Meu compromisso já está selado! :D
Beijos mil, Isa.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hello there!

Last weekend I made a pillowcase for a baby that is comming soon.

It's a simple pattern from Labores da Ana Baby. I bought two magazines in the supermarket last saturday and I thought this little cute bear would be perfect for the pillowcase.

It just took me a couple of hours to finish on a saturday afternoon.

And there you go! Don't you think it looks simple and cute?

And guess what? My husband asked me to stitch this for a friend. He complains all the time that I stitch too much and that I have to spend more time with him but when he wants me to sew or stitch something for him there is no complaint. Funny hun?!

He says: how can you spend so much time doing the same thing? Well...I ask him the can you spend so much time watching soccer on TV or just playing videogame?

Cross stitching makes me happy... well I must say that crafting makes me happy! Makes me forget about my problems, makes me relax. It is so damn good to see a project done.. sometimes when I look at my cross stitch wall I am able to remember what I was doing while I was stitching each piece that I have...crazy hun?!

I saw my friend Simone talking about her feelings when she is cross stitching and I realized that I feel the same..what about you? What do you like to do the most? sewing? cross stitching? painting?

Aw, I'm sorry about this weird english! I am practicing a lot reading your blogs :D

I didn't have too much time for my other project but I'm almost done with it too :D Hope I can finish by the weekend. Notice that I made a huge mistake when I was counting the fabric...I'll have to think about what I am gonna do after finished.

XOXO, Isabella.
Oi pessoal!
No final de semana passado eu fiz uma almofadinha para um bebê que está a caminho. É um gráfico bem simples que tirei da revista labores de Ana Baby. Comprei duas revistas no supermercado durante o fds e achei que esse gráfico seria perfeito para o que eu queria. Bordei ele no final da tarde.
Não acham que ficou fofinho? Espero que agrade.
E adivinhem...meu marido pediu para que eu fizesse para um amigo que terá uma sobrinha em breve. Meu marido reclama muito que eu passo horas bordando mas quando é para os amigos não tem reclamação...engraçado né?!
Eu gosto do ponto cruz...aliás, eu gosto de fazer artesanato em geral. É uma coisa que me faz esquecer dos meus problemas, me faz relaxar. Vi minha amiga Simone falando sobre o que ela sente ao fazer um trabalho em ponto cruz e percebi que sinto a mesma coisa...e vc? o que gosta de fazer? ponto cruz? costura? Pintura?
Quando eu olho para a minha parede de quadros, consigo lembrar do que estava fazendo enquanto bordava cada peça...estranho né?! mas acontece comigo.
Não tive muito tempo de sobra para terminar o outro projeto mas já está bem adiantado. Espero acabar durante o final de semana.
Beijos, Isa.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Costuras de ontem..

Oi meninas!

Ontem passei a tarde inteira costurando. Segue o resultado:

Não ficou cute?

Essa outra azul não foi bordada por mim. Uma amiga bordou e eu apenas costurei. Como não tenho muita variedade de tecidos na cor azul, ficou um pouco mais simples. O bordado também era muito grande, tinha que ficar no centro.

Beijos meninas!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mimo rosa..

Segue a almofadinha que fiz para uma princesinha chamada Isadora.

Gosto de fazer nomes bem pequenos para valorizar o bordado.. antigamente eu fazia o inverso. Colocava os nomes bem grandes. Acabei percebendo que não ficava muito interessante.

Já estou bordando uma outra, para a mãe da Isadora. Essa encomenda foi feita pelo pai..duas almofadas: uma para a mãe e outra para a filha. Achei legal :D


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Devagar quase parando!

Sim, é assim que eu estou no mundo craft..devagar quase parando..

Muitas coisas pra fazer, aproveitei bastante as férias ao lado do meu marido!

Essa foi a última almofada que fiz, na semana passada. Como não tenho muitos tecidos na cor azul, foi difícil fazer um combinado, mas saiu. 

Eu fiz essa almofada totalmente contrariada e sem vontade. Foi numa semana bem agitada e a pessoa me ligava quase todo dia pra odeio quando me cobram as coisas. Comi até o G do Augusto de tanta pressa.

Acho que não aguentaria viver desse ofício craft..gosto do artesanato para esfriar a cabeça e sair da rotina :D Admiro que consegue ganhar dinheiro com isso.

Espero que tenham gostado :D Estou meio farta de tanto bordar, acho que vou procurar algo diferente para fazer!
