"One evening I went down to our live-box to get
some fish for the cat and dropped my knife in
the water, which made me think about what the
island looked like down there where it started
- maybe a broad base that lost itself in the long,
deserted ocean floor - less and less seaweed, more
and more darkness, absolute silence…"
"And she notes that you never know with the
weather. Suddenly the sea level rises - clearly
strong wind coming. The sea sinks catastrophically
- there will be a storm. Then the sea does nothing
at all, and pretty soon the wind’s blowing your ears
off. She adds that in fact all the facts and statistics
are idiotic, because the sea does precisely whatever
it wants.
[…] At the end of her notebook Ham wrote,
underlined, “We must not gild the lily.” Yes, yes,
I know, probably from the Bible. And I know
exactly what she meant - that we’ve tried to make
the meadow into a garden, change the thicket into
a park, tame the shore with a dock, and all the
other things we’ve undeniably done wrong."
—Notes from an island
Tove Jansson & Tuulikki Pietilä