Showing posts with label dream island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream island. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

A tribute to these beautiful creatures and places...




birds' portraits & solitary islands... 
A tribute to these beautiful creatures and places  
"Billions of animals are regularly on the move every year.
With their incredible journeys connecting different parts of
the world, migratory species provide a unique lens through
which we can understand the scale of the profound changes
affecting our world.[...] The State of the World’s Migratory
Species for the first time sets out compelling evidence of
the peril facing these awe-inspiring animals." 



Tuesday, 20 August 2024

the green island



the green island / fragments
dream island / solitary island
mixed media on heavy cardboard
21x21cm | winter exhibitions



the green island serie, here
for further information > 


Thursday, 8 August 2024

"Then the sea does nothing at all"


"One evening I went down to our live-box to get
some fish for the cat and dropped my knife in
the water, which made me think about what the
island looked like down there where it started
- maybe a broad base that lost itself in the long,
deserted ocean floor - less and less seaweed, more
and more darkness, absolute silence…"
"And she notes that you never know with the
weather. Suddenly the sea level rises - clearly
strong wind coming. The sea sinks catastrophically
- there will be a storm. Then the sea does nothing
at all, and pretty soon the wind’s blowing your ears
off. She adds that in fact all the facts and statistics
are idiotic, because the sea does precisely whatever
it wants.
[…] At the end of her notebook Ham wrote,
underlined, “We must not gild the lily.” Yes, yes,
I know, probably from the Bible. And I know
exactly what she meant - that we’ve tried to make
the meadow into a garden, change the thicket into
a park, tame the shore with a dock, and all the
other things we’ve undeniably done wrong."

Notes from an island
Tove Jansson & Tuulikki Pietilä


Wednesday, 7 August 2024

the island / dream island & the birds


"Ham notes unusual birds that stop by for a short
visit as autumn approaches - sandpipers, an
invasion of coal-black starlings, a crow or two,
a large bird that might almost have been an eagle,
a small owl. It’s important to keep track of the
wind direction, temperature and sea level, plus
the restful cycle of the vegetation with respect
to birth and death, especially the irrational plants
that can disappear totally one summer only to
take complete possession of the beach meadow
the following year. And Ham writes a lot about
the rowan."


"Sometimes I felt like unrequited love - everything
exaggerated. I had the feeling that this immoderately
pampered and badly treated island was a living thing
that didn’t like us, or felt sorry for us, depending on
the way we behave, or just because."
Notes from an island / Tove Jansson & Tuulikki Pietilä

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

staring at the moon



The summer exhibition in Munich is
already open, while the Island will be
ready for the winter Kunstsupermarkt
in Germany & Switzerland.
Kunstsupermarkt in München
— summer 2024
05.07. — 31.08.24
▲ Rosental 7, München
for further information, or request:




Thursday, 4 July 2024

The island / white morning, the silent sea..


mixed media on paper 15x15 cm
NEW artworks for the next winter exhibitions
in Switzerland and Germany. Exceptionally
available even before, but only for someone
who would desperately fall in love with the 
tiny seagulls...
for any request or information about my
artworks please write me by email

Monday, 1 July 2024

seagulls / white day


THE ISLAND / new serie
original artworks for sale 
mixed media on cardboard 

ÀDITYA, Lugano


Monday, 24 June 2024

as stars in the sky


"each as remote, as space-surronded, as stars in the sky."

"No ships, no planes, no land, no boundaries, nothing —

only the limitless blue of sky and ocean, fusing at times

into a single blue bowl. This featureless, cloudless

vastness is a great relief, and reverie-inducing — but,

like sensory deprivation, somewhat terrifying too. The

Vast thrills, as well as terrifies.”


[Oliver Sacks, The Island od the Colour-blind]


Thursday, 20 June 2024

The island


"What delight there is in an island home when one
lands and makes safe the boat after a voyage [...]."
—Dream Island, R. M. Lockley