Showing posts with label haul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haul. Show all posts

Friday, July 23, 2010

Konad and VNS

Click for hugeness.

Riveter Rouge, Foxy and First Class Ticket
Emerald Fitzgerald, Goin' My Way? and Swing Baby
Ingrid, Frostbite, Royal Navy and Wild at Heart
An early birthday gift from my what shall I call him, SO. =D He was too excited to wait. Awww. Sounds familiar though. Oh, back to Konad.

I didn't leave that plate all dirty like that. It was my thief of a sister.
My favorite image is the unicorn...NOT!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Some of my recent purchases. I  must be stopped. The sales, the sales! I hope you guys like bottle pics as much as me. God, I feel so weird trying to type with my broken off nail finger. Anyway on to the pretties! Please click to make these bigger, they look awesome!


Nidhi, Jade, Posh and Savita
Mimi, Charla and Ivanka

Banana Puddin'!


Punk, Addict and Groupie
Jungle, Graffiti (not the one I wanted, but oh well) and Titanic
Blurry to show the pretty sparklies.
Charmed, Magical and Fairy Tale
Enchantment and Totally Cool (Let the record show that it is indeed Totally Cool)
Woman, Algae and Ink Heart
Sour Lime and Luscious Green, my favorites!

Now we're onto July, which will predictably be filled with even more pretties.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

VNS Haul

I'm baaack! I said I had another haul and I do, this time from Victoria's Nail Supply.

Sun. They're washed out in this photo, especially the red and peach. The red's much more cherry and more like the above photo.
You Make Me Vroom. I probably have 16 dupes for this, but it's red and discontinued so it's special.
At Your Quebec & Call
Apricotcha Cheating. I lemmed this one forever.

Trans Design Haul

I must be stopped! No, this was a justified haul cause OPI's going away. I got these 6 and a boring white and some nail glue.

Rumple's Wiggin', Fiercely Fiona, Who the Shrek Are You?
What's With the Cattitude?, Sun Worshipper, Flip Flop Fantasy

I finally got my ring that I ordered from ebay for $1. I saw this on Sasha's blog and I had to have it!

I have another haul of some old and discontinued OPIs coming today...again it's justified. *rolls eyes*

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nubar Haul

I got my first Nubars today from the Mother's Day sale. I thought, nine bucks off, why not since Nubar's so expensive and has overpriced shipping. It's funny though I'll go buy Nfu Ohs, but Nubar oh no, that's too expensive. Now the Nubars outnumber Nfu Ohs by one. Anyway, here's what I got: (Oh yeah, that is an original monitor from '92.)

 Greener, Fire Sparkle, Marble Tower, Nubar 2010, Night Sparkle, Swiss Chocolate

In the sun with flash, cause there's no sun.

Close up of Nubar 2010. Better than SH HT I think.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Claire's Mood Change Polishes

=D I finally got 'em. This is how they came: hot from the Texas weather.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Victoria's Nail Supply Haul

First haul from Victoria's Nail Supply. I must be stopped. I have to stop hauling!

I wanted to show this photo of Jackie Oh! and Wham! Pow! by Color Club. This has to be the most neon photo I've seen of them. LOVE! Wham! Pow! is like a radioactive traffic cone orange.

Now, onto the haulage.

High Hopes, Ruby Pumps

Rage, Jade Is The New Black

Wagon Trail, Emerald Sparkle 2009
Wham! Pow!, Jackie Oh!, Pucci-licious, Van D'Go

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sinful Haul and Cherry Culture

I got another haul today this time from Cherry Culture. I got all Sinfuls and a Nyx lipstick that I already posted about. Here's all of them together.

This is the most color accurate photo of them all I think.

Rich in Heart, Lying Nails, Tapping Nails
San Francisco, Green Ocean, What's Your Name?

Kismet Elated, Shausha, Eros

Well this is the first time I've ordered from Cherry Culture and I can say that they delivered pretty slowly for only being from California to Texas.

Also 3 of the 8 polishes had polish caked around the neck and a significant amount of my Tapping Nails is missing. This is the one with the most polish around the neck. It's like it leaked out and they just wiped the outside and closed it back up and said this is good enough quality to ship. I'm not too pleased about that. I know, it's two bucks, but I care. I've heard some shady things about them, so I'm not too surprised about it.

I think I might save these for something like my Diamond nail polishes. Sinful Sunday or something.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Diamond Haul

My first haul from Diamond Cosmetics. I haven't worn any yet, but the formula looks good and the colors are so great for the price! The names are great too. (My name is mud...m-m-m-m-m-mud...) I got 11 and I'll definitely be getting at least that much more.

Cherry Tobacco, The Naughty Intern, Rubies and Diamonds, So Berry Sweet, Don't Teal My Heart Away

Crushed Velvet, Coffee, Tea or Me?, Mudd, Chainmail Charm, Starry Night

Never So Evergreen (Machine has no heart to give...)

I have more bottle photos, but I'm not sure I want to post these on the nail just yet. I have evil plans for them.

Coffee, Tea or Me?

Chainmail Charm. Ooooh, holo.

Cherry Tobacco

So Berry Sweet

Rubies and Diamonds


Don't Teal My Heart Away

Crushed Velvet

The Naughty Intern

Starry Night


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