My first haul from Diamond Cosmetics. I haven't worn any yet, but the formula looks good and the colors are so great for the price! The names are great too. (My name is mud...m-m-m-m-m-mud...) I got 11 and I'll definitely be getting at least that much more.
Cherry Tobacco, The Naughty Intern, Rubies and Diamonds, So Berry Sweet, Don't Teal My Heart Away
Crushed Velvet, Coffee, Tea or Me?, Mudd, Chainmail Charm, Starry Night

Never So Evergreen (Machine has no heart to give...)
I have more bottle photos, but I'm not sure I want to post these on the nail just yet. I have evil plans for them.
Coffee, Tea or Me?

Chainmail Charm. Ooooh, holo.

Cherry Tobacco

So Berry Sweet
Rubies and Diamonds


Don't Teal My Heart Away

Crushed Velvet

The Naughty Intern

Starry Night