10 years ago I nursed this gorgeous girl Nicole and her best friend, her saviour Natalie. 10 years ago these girls were happy and beautiful and young and innocent and holidaying in Bali with friends... and there was a terrorist attack that would affect their lives forever. Not only that, it affects every single person who comes into contact with someone who was there. I was pregnant with Mia at the time. I was working four night shifts per week, mainly on the trauma/ plastics Unit. This is where I met the girls, I was driving into work, listening to the news, horrified at what was unfolding each time the hour passed by. Then, in hand over, I find out that we have two of the victims of this attack. I have to say, I was scared to bits to be going into the room. What would confront me? Handover is never indicative of what you really see when you go into a room. I am a confident person, a confident nurse... why was I so worried? I guess I was just so distraught at the fact that innocent people were targeted by bastard terrorists. As the nights went on, I got to know the girls, but only in the capacity as traumatised patients. It wasn't the 'real' them. Now I may get to know who they really are and I just know they are like... the girl next door kind of girls. Growing up in Australia, free and easy living. Terrorism sure does suck... I just cannot fathom how people can be so full of hate that they would do such a thing. I meet 'crazy' people all the time, and even they are not full of such hate.
So HERE is a kink to Nicole's book. I am yet to read it. Already I highly recommend it!
I don't do mornings!!!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Monday, September 03, 2012
Where has the year gone? Is it really September already? You could have fooled me :P
So much has happened! Our farm is coming along nicely, the business plan is on schedule with breeding the goats. We want it to stay that way so we can achieve our goal of owning our own house/farm in a few years time. This time last year we lost about 17 of our herd to illness, this year we have gained many births of kids and they have all remained well, So we must be doing something right!
Hubby is slowly healing. It has taken time given the nature of his infection and the fact that he has two surgeries to evacuate the collection of the infected exudate. He has returned to work and enjoying the new area he is working in.
The boys are going fantastic at High School and the girls are loving school too. The only thing is they are disappointed that we have not moved into a place we applied to lease a few weeks ago. It was a rural property near to our Goat farm. It meant the girls would change to the rural Primary school. This is something they dearly wanted. In time...
Work has not EVER been busier for me, and my colleagues. The hospital is just so flat out I cannot begin to fathom it all reasonably. A few years back we were super busy too, but the admissions we see now are so complex and people seem to be more ill. I wonder if it is due to changes in socio economic status of people. Resources for the elderly. preventative health care... who knows. It just seems, to myself and my colleagues that people let things go so long and do not get ailments looked into and then, it is too late to prevent something tragic happening.
This does not put me off nursing, I still love it to bits. I am learning so much more every time I go into work too. I have also been taking lessons for my Continuing Professional Development. So far I have completed over 40 hrs of study. We are required to complete 20hrs/ year in order to remain registered. But, when I start studying for this, I cannot seem to stop. :)
A few pictures to share. One is with Wimmera and her newborn kid. She was coaxing her to hop on up and take a feed. Within 24hrs a fox killed Wimmera's newborn kid :( It happened at a time where hubby had gone back in for more surgery and we were unable to pen Wimmera up like we usually do with Mums and their newborns. So, within a few weeks, and with much more coaxing that we liked, Wimmera adopted this orphande baby lamb and she now feeds her readily. Part of my husband and his friend's 'Geep' programme. That lamb is double the size of lambs the same age. Goat's milk sure is good, and Wimmera has it in plentiful supply. If she did not feed the lamb she would have died, so it is a win-win situation all around :)
So much has happened! Our farm is coming along nicely, the business plan is on schedule with breeding the goats. We want it to stay that way so we can achieve our goal of owning our own house/farm in a few years time. This time last year we lost about 17 of our herd to illness, this year we have gained many births of kids and they have all remained well, So we must be doing something right!
Hubby is slowly healing. It has taken time given the nature of his infection and the fact that he has two surgeries to evacuate the collection of the infected exudate. He has returned to work and enjoying the new area he is working in.
The boys are going fantastic at High School and the girls are loving school too. The only thing is they are disappointed that we have not moved into a place we applied to lease a few weeks ago. It was a rural property near to our Goat farm. It meant the girls would change to the rural Primary school. This is something they dearly wanted. In time...
Work has not EVER been busier for me, and my colleagues. The hospital is just so flat out I cannot begin to fathom it all reasonably. A few years back we were super busy too, but the admissions we see now are so complex and people seem to be more ill. I wonder if it is due to changes in socio economic status of people. Resources for the elderly. preventative health care... who knows. It just seems, to myself and my colleagues that people let things go so long and do not get ailments looked into and then, it is too late to prevent something tragic happening.
This does not put me off nursing, I still love it to bits. I am learning so much more every time I go into work too. I have also been taking lessons for my Continuing Professional Development. So far I have completed over 40 hrs of study. We are required to complete 20hrs/ year in order to remain registered. But, when I start studying for this, I cannot seem to stop. :)
A few pictures to share. One is with Wimmera and her newborn kid. She was coaxing her to hop on up and take a feed. Within 24hrs a fox killed Wimmera's newborn kid :( It happened at a time where hubby had gone back in for more surgery and we were unable to pen Wimmera up like we usually do with Mums and their newborns. So, within a few weeks, and with much more coaxing that we liked, Wimmera adopted this orphande baby lamb and she now feeds her readily. Part of my husband and his friend's 'Geep' programme. That lamb is double the size of lambs the same age. Goat's milk sure is good, and Wimmera has it in plentiful supply. If she did not feed the lamb she would have died, so it is a win-win situation all around :)
Monday, August 20, 2012
Pizza non pazza at La Cannella
Pizza non pazza at La Cannella Nom Nom... do not read this if you are starving hungry! It would be a bad bad move hehe
Thursday, August 16, 2012
August..almost September!
Time goes fast when you have so much to do. Do you not wish you could turn back the time, or have more minutes in the day? Do what you can, when you can I say.
Last week I caught the train in to town to do my yearly update on CPR, No Lift and Fire Training at work. Squashed on the train from Hoppers Crossing to North Melbourne, it did not please me. I cannot imagine having to do that every single day. But people do. I note that not many people talk to each other either. I kept looking out the window at the changes in each suburb that we went through. So many things have changed since I was a kid. Lots of houses demolished to make way for new buildings, more often than not, multi complex or apartments. People also have their head in either their Ipad, Laptop or mobile phone. If I had shares in the hearing aid business I am sure I would make millions in years to come. Quite a few people got onto the train and I could hear their music from a few seats away!
Last week hubby and I were involved in saving four kids (goats) from certain death. Their Mum's had been slaughtered for meat and the security guard at the facility contacted an animal rescue group. In turn, my friend Donna contacted me via Facebook and so we got into action. We managed to save three eight week old kids and a newborn kid that I named Peaches. As I type this, Peaches is out the back in the Sun. The other three "The Three Stooges" are now down at the farm. They have united with the herd and seem to love it on the farm.
In the next month or so we have to move house. No one likes to up and move, but the landlord of this house has got to sell up. So we are looking for a place close to the farm. It looks like we found a place on 2.5acres of land. Fingers crossed we like it and that we can secure it. Our girls will change Primary Schools, but they are not worried. The boys will catch the V Line to school.
I have a new mobile so I will try to load some pictures of Peaches soon.
Take care, love Cazzie :)
Last week I caught the train in to town to do my yearly update on CPR, No Lift and Fire Training at work. Squashed on the train from Hoppers Crossing to North Melbourne, it did not please me. I cannot imagine having to do that every single day. But people do. I note that not many people talk to each other either. I kept looking out the window at the changes in each suburb that we went through. So many things have changed since I was a kid. Lots of houses demolished to make way for new buildings, more often than not, multi complex or apartments. People also have their head in either their Ipad, Laptop or mobile phone. If I had shares in the hearing aid business I am sure I would make millions in years to come. Quite a few people got onto the train and I could hear their music from a few seats away!
Last week hubby and I were involved in saving four kids (goats) from certain death. Their Mum's had been slaughtered for meat and the security guard at the facility contacted an animal rescue group. In turn, my friend Donna contacted me via Facebook and so we got into action. We managed to save three eight week old kids and a newborn kid that I named Peaches. As I type this, Peaches is out the back in the Sun. The other three "The Three Stooges" are now down at the farm. They have united with the herd and seem to love it on the farm.
In the next month or so we have to move house. No one likes to up and move, but the landlord of this house has got to sell up. So we are looking for a place close to the farm. It looks like we found a place on 2.5acres of land. Fingers crossed we like it and that we can secure it. Our girls will change Primary Schools, but they are not worried. The boys will catch the V Line to school.
I have a new mobile so I will try to load some pictures of Peaches soon.
Take care, love Cazzie :)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Hubby has just gone to bed and it is only 2100hrs. He has been going to bed even earlier than this hour prior to today since his discharge from hospital.
His operative wound (which was made larger and deeper second time around) is not fully healed, and it is not expected to heal for at
least a good month or so really. I was originally packing the wound with Kaltostat Rope but the surgeon wants the wound just kept clean and open, but covered with a dry dressing of combine. So that is what we have been doing. Hubby has been bathing once or twice a day in a warm salt bath. Oral antibiotics continue. The wound, although deep mand awful looking, is clean and somewhat dry and infection free. So that is a plus!
Pain is kept to a minimum secondary to pain killers (which he is not used to. We have here a man who rarely took a paracetamol for a headache, now taking Oxycodone whenever necessary).
We are all managing the farm with the help of our friend Farmer John too. The goats are doing well, lots of new kids, some twins in the mix. I think the count is seven births in all, one death due to fox attack. Our prize goat, Wimmera, who lost her kid to the fox attack is now playing the role of wet nurse to a lamb. The lamb, named "Prickles" (pictured above with Mia) is flourishing on all the good goat's milk that Wimmera is producing.
The Winter's rain that hit the area the farm is situated in made the road into the farm very soggy and boggy. So a load of big rocks was purchased and delivered and our little family got together and spread those rocks using hands and shovels. I am so proud of our children for helping out with that difficult task. Now the area can be accessed with vehicles knowing they shall not get stuck.
(Mia's Disco Hair- Do)
Today we note lots of frog calls happening about the place both on the farm and near to our home. Happy sounds of frogs :)
The boys received their half yearly school reports for High School and both are doing very well in their main subjects. Both are enjoying their Elective subjects too. Tomas and I attended his Electives night this week. It involved learning about how to choose the right electives for Year 10 next year, and it would be so confusing for a student who does not know what they want to do for a career in the future I can tell you!
The girls attended their first School Disco this week. Mia chose a gorgeous dress to wear for the disco which is NOT like her at all. Our farm girl Mia does not usually wear skirts or dresses so she surprised not only us, but her friends too. She was so happy at the disco. Sarah chose some lovely bright jeans and a bright top with a horse decorated in sequins. I assisted with the disco canteen and the students used their manners appropriately when ordering their treats. In all this has been a good week for all of the children.
(Tomas working hard at driving in star pickets)
(Sorry if this post is all over the shop. I am not used to this new way of blogging and posting of pictures and I am too scared to move them around (the pictures that is) and risk loosing them all together)
Pain is kept to a minimum secondary to pain killers (which he is not used to. We have here a man who rarely took a paracetamol for a headache, now taking Oxycodone whenever necessary).
We are all managing the farm with the help of our friend Farmer John too. The goats are doing well, lots of new kids, some twins in the mix. I think the count is seven births in all, one death due to fox attack. Our prize goat, Wimmera, who lost her kid to the fox attack is now playing the role of wet nurse to a lamb. The lamb, named "Prickles" (pictured above with Mia) is flourishing on all the good goat's milk that Wimmera is producing.
The Winter's rain that hit the area the farm is situated in made the road into the farm very soggy and boggy. So a load of big rocks was purchased and delivered and our little family got together and spread those rocks using hands and shovels. I am so proud of our children for helping out with that difficult task. Now the area can be accessed with vehicles knowing they shall not get stuck.
(Mia's Disco Hair- Do)
Today we note lots of frog calls happening about the place both on the farm and near to our home. Happy sounds of frogs :)
The boys received their half yearly school reports for High School and both are doing very well in their main subjects. Both are enjoying their Elective subjects too. Tomas and I attended his Electives night this week. It involved learning about how to choose the right electives for Year 10 next year, and it would be so confusing for a student who does not know what they want to do for a career in the future I can tell you!
The girls attended their first School Disco this week. Mia chose a gorgeous dress to wear for the disco which is NOT like her at all. Our farm girl Mia does not usually wear skirts or dresses so she surprised not only us, but her friends too. She was so happy at the disco. Sarah chose some lovely bright jeans and a bright top with a horse decorated in sequins. I assisted with the disco canteen and the students used their manners appropriately when ordering their treats. In all this has been a good week for all of the children.
(Tomas working hard at driving in star pickets)
(Sorry if this post is all over the shop. I am not used to this new way of blogging and posting of pictures and I am too scared to move them around (the pictures that is) and risk loosing them all together)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
I have been quoted as saying that I cannot get enough of Hospital dramas... on the television and in real life. But this time I have had enough! Hubby has been in hospital with a skin infection at the base of his spine. Initially diagnosed as a Pilonidal Sinus (PS), but not your typical PS infection.
He was operated on the first time last week, to excise, drain and washout the infection. Sent home in my care to pack the wound twice a day, oral antibiotics and analgesia to take. But, the next day he became febrile, temperature hitting 39 degrees celsius. So off to Emergency Dept at the hospital we went. Today he had a second operation to do the same thing, but this time there was quite a large amount of infection to clear. He is on double antibiotics and regular analgesia and has a seaweed pack insitu. We hope this is the end of his trips to theater now. Time to heal!
He was operated on the first time last week, to excise, drain and washout the infection. Sent home in my care to pack the wound twice a day, oral antibiotics and analgesia to take. But, the next day he became febrile, temperature hitting 39 degrees celsius. So off to Emergency Dept at the hospital we went. Today he had a second operation to do the same thing, but this time there was quite a large amount of infection to clear. He is on double antibiotics and regular analgesia and has a seaweed pack insitu. We hope this is the end of his trips to theater now. Time to heal!
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Fish out of water.
Last night I had a last minute swap from a Ward to the ICU for my night shift. Granted the patients I nursed were what we term "ward ready", awaiting transfer to a Ward and so, essentially they were stable. Not being trained for the ICU I found that I was fretting at first when I entered the ICU for my shift. I do, on the odd occasion, go to the ICU to pick up medications for my patients, or buy a drink for $1 from their fundraising vending machine. I have worked there twice in nine years, to nurse non-tubed patients. My guess is that I ought not have worried so much.
The staff were very supportive, orientating me to their paper work, the layout of where essential items were kept and the routine of the night shift. Bloods after midnight, ECG for every patient early morning, hourly Vitals and hourly fluid balances. Then hourly blood sugars on my person newly diagnosed with Diabetes Type1.
The shift went by so fast because I had two patients that were a few cubicles apart, and because I enjoyed myself. When I was about to leave the Nurse in charge thanked me very much for being their savior, haha, it made me blush. It is not often that this happens to me. :)
The staff were very supportive, orientating me to their paper work, the layout of where essential items were kept and the routine of the night shift. Bloods after midnight, ECG for every patient early morning, hourly Vitals and hourly fluid balances. Then hourly blood sugars on my person newly diagnosed with Diabetes Type1.
The shift went by so fast because I had two patients that were a few cubicles apart, and because I enjoyed myself. When I was about to leave the Nurse in charge thanked me very much for being their savior, haha, it made me blush. It is not often that this happens to me. :)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Busy on the home front, and the farm front...
A wonderful lecturer from my University days, Ann Woodruff, passed away recently. I did not know a lot about her life story, but I do know she had an amazing influence on us as student Nurses, and, of course, as graduate nurses. To have endured so much pain, and then to give thousands of students her time and effort is not something to be forgotten. Ann shall be missed.
We have all been working hard on the farm, of course hubby has been working the hardest of all, and then Tom has been working with hubby too. Taking down old fences and replacing them with goat-proof fencing which is no light task! Driving the metal stakes into the ground with a pole rammer is hard work. Then clipping on the new fence material using pincers. The weather has not been very kind to us all. What is new? The wind is bitterly cold, because the bay is not far from the farm. What little sunshine that came through the snow clad clouds was, however, appreciated.. by humans and dogs and goats alike.
It is important to get these goats into this new paddock as soon as possible so they have more feed to chew on, and give rest to the paddocks they have been living in. We have seeds to sew once the paddocks that hubby has selected to be graded up are ploughed by Farmer John and his trusty tractor (The man who owns the land we lease at this time).
The smallest of the new born twins came home with us for one night so that he could be sustained with bottle feeds. I am pleased to report that his mother took him back and let him feed off of her the next day. A 24 hr stint in nappies and being bottle fed and sleeping on a hot water bottle did him the World of good!
We have all been working hard on the farm, of course hubby has been working the hardest of all, and then Tom has been working with hubby too. Taking down old fences and replacing them with goat-proof fencing which is no light task! Driving the metal stakes into the ground with a pole rammer is hard work. Then clipping on the new fence material using pincers. The weather has not been very kind to us all. What is new? The wind is bitterly cold, because the bay is not far from the farm. What little sunshine that came through the snow clad clouds was, however, appreciated.. by humans and dogs and goats alike.
It is important to get these goats into this new paddock as soon as possible so they have more feed to chew on, and give rest to the paddocks they have been living in. We have seeds to sew once the paddocks that hubby has selected to be graded up are ploughed by Farmer John and his trusty tractor (The man who owns the land we lease at this time).
The smallest of the new born twins came home with us for one night so that he could be sustained with bottle feeds. I am pleased to report that his mother took him back and let him feed off of her the next day. A 24 hr stint in nappies and being bottle fed and sleeping on a hot water bottle did him the World of good!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sarah is now 11 years old.
Sarah had a party with some friends at a local restaurant. Then we went upstairs to watch "Brave", the movie at the cinemas. Lots of giggles shared between friends.
Her cake was made by my friend's Mother. What a gorgeous job she did. It was her first attempt at making a cake like this. The chocolate cake inside of it was fluffy and light. Just beautiful.
Her cake was made by my friend's Mother. What a gorgeous job she did. It was her first attempt at making a cake like this. The chocolate cake inside of it was fluffy and light. Just beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful, Beautiful the goat gave birth to her twin kids yesterday morning. Twin boys, noisy as anything! Choosing the worst cold weather seems to be these girls' forte when giving birth.
I could not resist taking an image of this rainbow yesterday. Taken from the top floor of our cinema complex, the fluorescent lighting in behind me reflecting on the window. It looks like a UFO to me :)Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Lots of updates... rambling on...
This week is an exciting week for my Sarah. She turns 11 years of age on this Thursday 21st June. Sarah has been planning her own Birthday Party. It will be a luncheon at a local Pizza/Pasta Restaurant and then off to see a movie. She hand made all her invitations and handed them out to her friends today at school.
I cannot wait to give her the little gifts that have been purchased these past few months. Lots of little items. Just how Sarah likes to receive gifts. Some earrings, craft sets, cooking utensils and clothing.
I do wish I could purchase her a horse. I was 11yrs old when my Dad bought me a horse. It was fabulous. This will happen in time. There are two horses living alongside our goats and sheep down on the farm. I got my girls a horse riding helmet last week. They have permission to ride one of the horses. When the weather is better I will teach my girls how to ride it. It should be fun.
Tomas went away with his Army Cadet Unit last weekend. He absolutely loved it. They stayed on the Army Base at Puccapunyal. I cannot believe he fell in love with mess food, haha. Then again I loved dining in the mess too when I was an Air Cadet.
Nicholas continues to learn more tunes on his acoustic guitar. Like a duck to water, he hears a tune and then just picks it up. High School has, so far, been a good experience for Nick. New friends, no bullying and lots of interesting subjects to keep him alert.
On the other end of the spectrum, Mia experienced bullying a week and a half ago at Primary School. It made me feel ill. It happened on a Friday before a long weekend. So I had to wait until the Tuesday to be able to talk to any authority at the school. Unfortunately the bully is the daughter of someone I have known for a long time. This family are not approachable, because they are feral. Anyway, this girl who is four years Mia's senior was handled appropriately by the school. Detention every lunch time for over a week, staying beside the yard duty teacher. It was either, "You do something or I shall go to the Police".
Mia took a few days to recover but she is ok now. Only an hour ago Mia came up to me and told me that she has new friends at school and that they are all playing ball games each lunch time. That made me smile.
Hubby has been working at his full time job as well as working full time on the farm. Making new paddocks, installing feeders for the goat's Lucerne to sit in and not sit in the wet when it rains. We have a few sheds and a car port to erect too. Many of our girlie goats are pregnant, and either due to give birth any day, or in 100 days (gestation is 150 days). Exciting stuff.
Me, I have been working night shifts in and around Hubby's work, and the kids' schedules. Most of my shifts have been on the Plastics Unit. I love working there, the team of nurses I get to work with are amazing and they have so much knowledge to share. It makes my career all that more interesting. I will not lie, I am so buggered alot of the time but I would not trade my profession nor my busy family life for any other. I would accept a big prize from Tattslotto.... haha, that would buy our own far, and allow hubby to just be a farmer full time and I would stay working where I am whenever I wanted to work. I would also pay out a few home loans of my mates ... but that is just me.. what would you do if you won lotto?
Monday, June 04, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
May has been a HUGE month!
This month has flown past the lot of us in this house. Has it done the same for you? In amongst working, and ferrying the kids to school, Army cadets, Guitar lessons and hubby working at work and on the farm.. Mother's Day, Nicholas turning 13!!! Parties and so forth... who would want life to be dull?
Sarah attended her school camp and enjoyed it. We got another two budgies, you just know we need MORE ANIMALS in our lives... and, Beautiful has not had her kids as yet. I am sure goats wait for the crappiest weather to give birth. Well, the crappy weather is here!! Brrr, it is freezing today. Hence the fact I slept so well after my fourth and last night shift. How is your weekend shaping up?
Friday, May 18, 2012
Kids everywhere!
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Fine Trap India (Light Trap)
This is something that has been put to me by the Entemological Society of Victoria as a project on the parcel of land we lease for our Goat Farm at Little River. I cannot tell you how excited Mia is at this idea. Hubby says that, of late, when he is working down on the farm, there are loads of Praying Mantis' that are "Really friendly" as he burns back the dreadful weed Serrated Tussock. There are plentiful birds and moths and Praying Mantis. I am sure they all go together right? Birds eat the moths, moths attract the birds..... yadda yadda.
Mia keeps on asking me, "Mum, when am I going to University to study Entemology?" Well now, they will be coming to us! Woot.
Other things to share with you, my friends. Tomas is enjoying his Army Cadets. Next week is Athletics carnival and he will be running his favorite 100metre and 200metre races.
Nicholas is coming along just lovely with his guitar lessons. I never grow tired of hearing him play that acousitc guitar!
Sarah is loving Grade 5 and soon goes on school camp. The cooler weather is approaching so she has packed some warm clothing for her camp.
Mia's reading has advanced in leaps and bounds proving that persistence pays off. I am SO proud of her!
Hubby, in between full time work in the CBD he is Full time farming too! If I won Tattslotto I would retire him to the farm and I would continue to work a few days a week... because I love it!!!
Mia keeps on asking me, "Mum, when am I going to University to study Entemology?" Well now, they will be coming to us! Woot.
Other things to share with you, my friends. Tomas is enjoying his Army Cadets. Next week is Athletics carnival and he will be running his favorite 100metre and 200metre races.
Nicholas is coming along just lovely with his guitar lessons. I never grow tired of hearing him play that acousitc guitar!
Sarah is loving Grade 5 and soon goes on school camp. The cooler weather is approaching so she has packed some warm clothing for her camp.
Mia's reading has advanced in leaps and bounds proving that persistence pays off. I am SO proud of her!
Hubby, in between full time work in the CBD he is Full time farming too! If I won Tattslotto I would retire him to the farm and I would continue to work a few days a week... because I love it!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Easter 2012
There they are. My pride and joy. My friends who have been reading my blog for a long time will note that my sproutlings have blossomed :) That image was taken over our Easter Vacation time at our beloved Halls Gap in The Grampians region of Victoria. It still holds a very special place in our hearts. Each year, and each trip to Halls Gap brings with it new adventures. We get to see Australia's, and indeed Victoria's, unique flora and fauna,. Not only that, it is just the absolute relaxation and the "feel" of the place that makes us so happy.
I am not sure if everyone else has this new Blogger set up here, but, for me, I am having trouble getting used to it just now. I will figure it out I am sure, and I will try not to leave it too long before I post again. xoxo
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
2012.. Jan, Feb, March..... where did you go?
I tell you people, this year has already sped past me. What about you? Life is such a fast roller coaster, who knows when the ride will end. Then again, who wants it to?
I just realised how tired I was a few minutes ago when I sat down for a break on this, my fourth night shift. The sigh my muscles cried out. Joy!
This year has been particularly frought with much anxiety for us Victorian Nurses. As my friends are aware, Our Enterprise Bargaining Agreement was Up late last year and, well, the Government and the Hospitals Association are not playing along and would not negotiate. As you can see from the above image, this was a Minister of our Parliament at one time, he is pictured giving "The Bird" to my friends from my work through the window of a library. This is ongoing saga and we have been waiting for them to come to the negotiating table.
Nurses did rolling work stoppages (4 hour walk outs from work) leaving the wards with Night Duty staffing ratios. This is how the Government would have it, if they get their way, during a day shift. How can a nurse give quality care to acute patients when she/he has 8-10 people during a day shift? Right, you cannot.
This coming Friday we ought to have some resolution. The VHIA and the State Government have agreed to sit at the negotiating table, finally! We will have our Union meeting on Friday and I am hoping they come to us with some plain and simple outcomes to agree on. If not, it will be game on! People will resign. Then who will be giving the bird sign then?
Apart from all of this. My family are all very well. Hubby broke his thumb at work, it got slammed in a door on a railway carriage... well, that does not class him as being sick, just a bit broken lol. No laughing matter, it hurt badly.. I laugh still, I know I am bad.
Saturday, February 04, 2012
2012 Term 1.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 09, 2012
Party party 2012
It has been such a busy year already 2012. A new years party
. a birthday party 2nd Jan... one on the 6th Jan and one on the 8th Jan. The Summer heat has been unbelievable... today has been a lovely 23degrees celcius... nice respite for us all.
We plan on going to Scienceworks this week as it is school holliday time. Mia cannot wait to get there
Mia was able to bring home the spiny leaf insect for Summer break.. unfortunately it died yesterday and she is shattered. I got her a small box to place it in so she can take it to school in Term 1. There are a few eggs therr from the insect.... they take ages to hatch!
How has your year been so far?
. a birthday party 2nd Jan... one on the 6th Jan and one on the 8th Jan. The Summer heat has been unbelievable... today has been a lovely 23degrees celcius... nice respite for us all.
We plan on going to Scienceworks this week as it is school holliday time. Mia cannot wait to get there
Mia was able to bring home the spiny leaf insect for Summer break.. unfortunately it died yesterday and she is shattered. I got her a small box to place it in so she can take it to school in Term 1. There are a few eggs therr from the insect.... they take ages to hatch!
How has your year been so far?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
A Christmas Eve Surprise.
We wondered why Houdini the goat would not budge from her spot near the water hole. When hubby got to Houdini what did he find? I huge baby boy kid.. and I mean huge! Born over night. How exciting. The girls are yet to name him, I think they either thought of "Karma" or "Jesus". Who knows how the girls think? Not me.
What an exciting Christmas Eve gift. Onto new adventures...
Oh, and Hillbilly Momma, you are right, those goats need hurricane proof fencing! Haha
Friday, December 23, 2011
December 2011
This month has gone by so fast.. this year has gone by so fast... where HAS time gone? I remember my Grandpa saying the years fly by when you get older and now I understand that sentiment. December 11th I turned 40. My friends had a party for me and it was wonderful to spend time with them. Nicholas has graduated grade 6, he will be going to High School next year with Tomas. The girls have male teachers next year, a first for both of them, so exciting yet again. All of their end of year school reports were very good. Effort was recognised at assembly. Mia received a "Goldie" for working at her best all term, and persistence and getting along with others :)
Tomas wrapped up the year with Army Cadets two weeks ago. He loves it and will attend next year also.
Hubby has been working very hard on good fences for those pesky goats haha. We have many new kids, some twins in the mix too. There are two sheep, one named Mary and the other is Lamb Chops, lol.
The nursing dispute rolls on with the State Government, Fair Work Australia and the many other goons that are putting up obstacles that will affect the (already stretched) health system we have here in Victoria. It has been very disheartening that people that make a life out of being carers have to fight so hard for what the community deserve, which is quality health care.. with improvements.. not set backs. Anyway, we are all sticking together and will continue to raise awareness of what we know is needed to maintain and improve the health care in our sector. My girls even made it onto ABC TV NEWS last Saturday with their home made signs on respect my Mum's work etc etc. The teachers all praised them at school as they all watch ABC news :)
Above is the image of a house that is near to our house. The man that owns it dresses the house up in all manner of Christmas decoration. It is wonderful to see the children and adults get excited seeing every little thing on display.
I want to wish you all a fabulous Christmas and a Safe New Year 2012. Take care :)
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Farm, Goats. Fighting for our Community.
Nicholas at his end of year concert. He played some beautiful music on his acoustic guitar. We got to enjoy many performances by children and adults alike. The music school now has so many students and the concert went for a long time. Acoustic guitar, Electric Guitar, Violin and Grand Piano were played. At the end, we had some traditional Christmas carols, played by "the band". Nicholas played in all three band songs.
Sarah accompanied me to the community rally out front of The Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Women's Hospital today. Talks between Victoria's ANF and Victorian Premier Ted Baielleu and Fair Work Australian representatives have broken down. The ANF have given full scope for these parties to come to the negotiating table 24/7 and neither have been playing fair. The plan, which was leaked out into the open, is to cut nursing jobs, replace trained nurses with assistants and therefore compromise patient health and safety... just to save money! All this in the face of announcements this week that the Health Minister and the MPs have had massive pay rises granted to them. It makes me sick to the stomach.. literally. The turn out today was wonderful. The plan is to have community rallies every single day until these bureaucrats come to the table and play fair. The community will know the truth and these people will loose their jobs come election time. Mark my words. (Look in the background, there are patients coming down from the wards to stand and be counted for what they know is the best health care in the World. Who would want to change that?)
We have had quite a few births these past few months. Whilst goats seem to be intelligent, I must digress, they give birth at the worst times! During storms, and floods and cold snaps... silly critters! There is Mia with one of the newborns.
Please help the community of Victoria... and Australia for that matter... in signing this Online Petition for the Nurses, Midwives and Mental Health Nurses of Victoria. If the leaders of this state can implement what it is they are planning to do they will ruin healthcare in Victoria, they will infect other states with this idea and it will be implemented Australia wide. We cannot afford to put lives at risk. Thankyou very much if you could do this. I will present it to the ANF myself.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Nursing, it is who you are, not what you are!!
The title to this post is just how I feel. Not only myself, but many of my colleagues feel this way too. If any of my readers have been keeping up with Victorian news, you would know that the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) Victorian branch have been duelling with Fair Work Australia (FWA) and Premier Ted Baillieu as well as the Victorian Health Minister David Davis. We have had meetings, a massive rally in the CBD last week, and will have another meeting this week too. It is the old story again and again... the powers that be want to increase productivity (increase nurse's workload) yet save money (put people's lives at risk... and have added stressors to nurses which will see mass exodus of trained professionals).
I remember this all too well from the 1980's. I was a student at High School then. I knew I wanted to be a nurse, my best friend's Mum was a charge nurse then, a midwife. Nurses fought long and hard with rolling strikes, bed closures, and, no pay, and got their message across loud and clear. The Government of the time were putting nurses, some of them who were senior nurses with more than 20yrs experience, at the lowest end of the pay spectrum.. which meant pay cuts. This in addition to increasing workloads. A recipe for disaster! Irene Bolger was the head of the ANF and the union grew by the hundreds every time the Health minister David White opened his mouth. Placards read, "‘Overworked nurses: under-cared-for patients’"
So what is it we are asking for?
Well, we want the Ted Baillieu Government to stop this unsound idea of abolishing minimum nurse/midwife patient ratios (at the moment it is 1 nurse to 4 patients) and wanting to replace us with health assistants. Stop the notion of bringing in split shifts for nurses, it just cannot be done in the health care setting. We need more nurses and midwives in Emergency Departments, Regional Trauma Services, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation Units, Birthing Suites, Day Oncology Units, Aged Care and Community Mental Health Services. In most cases, we are only asking for one extra nurse per shift in each area.
Victoria's hospitals are stretched beyond capacity as it is. Patients already face long delays, ambulances are regularly ramped at the emergency departments and demand is increasing. It does compromise patient care and places unsafe pressure upon nurses, midwives and mental health nurses.
For the record, we, in Victoria, do not have a nurse/midwife shortage. More than 500 Victorian graduate nurses and midwives ready to start work next year have missed out on a graduate year job. Our Government should be working to retain and recruit nurses and midwives to meet the increased demand. If it cannot come to the party with ANF negotiations, then there will be a new nurse/midwife shortage... this in the ONLY state that does not have a shortage.
My colleagues and I are taking action to improve the public access to the health system and in the expert care we can provide for them. I refuse to go back to nursing more than 4 patients in an acute setting. It is just that dangerous. I would not want to be nursed that way, and neither should you.
I will be there at the next ANF meeting. Festival Hall Wednesday 30th November 2011 at 2pm. Many of my colleagues will too. It is just that important.
I remember this all too well from the 1980's. I was a student at High School then. I knew I wanted to be a nurse, my best friend's Mum was a charge nurse then, a midwife. Nurses fought long and hard with rolling strikes, bed closures, and, no pay, and got their message across loud and clear. The Government of the time were putting nurses, some of them who were senior nurses with more than 20yrs experience, at the lowest end of the pay spectrum.. which meant pay cuts. This in addition to increasing workloads. A recipe for disaster! Irene Bolger was the head of the ANF and the union grew by the hundreds every time the Health minister David White opened his mouth. Placards read, "‘Overworked nurses: under-cared-for patients’"
So what is it we are asking for?
Well, we want the Ted Baillieu Government to stop this unsound idea of abolishing minimum nurse/midwife patient ratios (at the moment it is 1 nurse to 4 patients) and wanting to replace us with health assistants. Stop the notion of bringing in split shifts for nurses, it just cannot be done in the health care setting. We need more nurses and midwives in Emergency Departments, Regional Trauma Services, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation Units, Birthing Suites, Day Oncology Units, Aged Care and Community Mental Health Services. In most cases, we are only asking for one extra nurse per shift in each area.
Victoria's hospitals are stretched beyond capacity as it is. Patients already face long delays, ambulances are regularly ramped at the emergency departments and demand is increasing. It does compromise patient care and places unsafe pressure upon nurses, midwives and mental health nurses.
For the record, we, in Victoria, do not have a nurse/midwife shortage. More than 500 Victorian graduate nurses and midwives ready to start work next year have missed out on a graduate year job. Our Government should be working to retain and recruit nurses and midwives to meet the increased demand. If it cannot come to the party with ANF negotiations, then there will be a new nurse/midwife shortage... this in the ONLY state that does not have a shortage.
My colleagues and I are taking action to improve the public access to the health system and in the expert care we can provide for them. I refuse to go back to nursing more than 4 patients in an acute setting. It is just that dangerous. I would not want to be nursed that way, and neither should you.
I will be there at the next ANF meeting. Festival Hall Wednesday 30th November 2011 at 2pm. Many of my colleagues will too. It is just that important.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
November already...
Today Nicholas went to the Secondary School he will attend next year in 2012 for a "welcome to Hoppers Day". This is a day where the Grade 6 children get to experience what Secondary School is like, it is a pre-orientation day. Nick got to do a Drama Class, English class and then play sports. He really enjoyed it too. At the end of the day, there was an assembly. I can see why the kids loved it there, they were treated on the level, and not like babies as they seem to be treated at the Primary School level during assembly. There was also an air of authority within each teacher's speech, whether feulled by the kids' own heightened level of anxiety of impending High School or not... but, at the end of the day the kids were super charged and cannot wait to come back for more on Orientation Day in December.
In two weeks time there are information evenings on these netbooks the children will be receiving from the school. It is a new initiative and I still do not know if I like it or not. I like the idea of kids learning from real books, writing with real pens on real paper and only using the computer for a reference if need be.
My girls wrote hand written letters with an attatched hand made necklace to Mrs Claus. Why not to Santa Claus I hear you ask? I do not know the answer to that. I have set the letters aside at a friend's place so I can present them to the girls at their 21st Birthday parties :)
Sarah has asked for new shoes, some random art kit and bead making set items and two DVDs. Easy. Mia just wants a microscope, a butterfly necklace and a dinosaur.. a toy one of course. So now I know what it is they wish for. I just wish for health :)
In two weeks time there are information evenings on these netbooks the children will be receiving from the school. It is a new initiative and I still do not know if I like it or not. I like the idea of kids learning from real books, writing with real pens on real paper and only using the computer for a reference if need be.
My girls wrote hand written letters with an attatched hand made necklace to Mrs Claus. Why not to Santa Claus I hear you ask? I do not know the answer to that. I have set the letters aside at a friend's place so I can present them to the girls at their 21st Birthday parties :)
Sarah has asked for new shoes, some random art kit and bead making set items and two DVDs. Easy. Mia just wants a microscope, a butterfly necklace and a dinosaur.. a toy one of course. So now I know what it is they wish for. I just wish for health :)
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
New kids on the block....
I am happy to inform you all that we have a new set of twin goats on the block... my girls told me over the phone just before I began my night shift. Apparently "Saddle girl", the Mum goat who has a pattern of a saddle on her back, had some cute twins with long ears... they are quite possibly offspring of the late Billie the Goat. Can't wait to show everyone pictures.
Since it is already November I am starting to panic that there is so much to do and not enough time to do it in the year. I guess alot of people feel this way right? Nick will be preparing for High School, Tom is going into year 9 next year.. he has his cadet camp coming up, Nick has his end of year performance for guitar... and....on the same day we have Hubbie's Christmas social gathering for the family to attend. We have to go to an information night on the lame laptops that the school will "rent out to us", but we shall see, there are bad reports on the model of netbook they have the students using at the school. We may end up buying the boys their own laptops, shudder....
This past week and a bit I have worked on Cardio Thoracics, Renal, Medical, Respiratory, Trauma and now Rehabilitation Units. Variety IS the spice of life. No time to be tired. Am just trying not to be such an unbearable grump. xoxo
Since it is already November I am starting to panic that there is so much to do and not enough time to do it in the year. I guess alot of people feel this way right? Nick will be preparing for High School, Tom is going into year 9 next year.. he has his cadet camp coming up, Nick has his end of year performance for guitar... and....on the same day we have Hubbie's Christmas social gathering for the family to attend. We have to go to an information night on the lame laptops that the school will "rent out to us", but we shall see, there are bad reports on the model of netbook they have the students using at the school. We may end up buying the boys their own laptops, shudder....
This past week and a bit I have worked on Cardio Thoracics, Renal, Medical, Respiratory, Trauma and now Rehabilitation Units. Variety IS the spice of life. No time to be tired. Am just trying not to be such an unbearable grump. xoxo
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Time goes by so fast....
So much has been happening of late, time is going by so fast! I am slowly getting back into the swing of work, post operatively. At times I feel a bit ill but it soon passes. I am very careful of what I eat, not that I ever ate fried foods or foods with lots of butter, or anything like that, but if I did I would be in strife since my Gallbladder is no longer there.
Our goats have moved to a new pasture, better feed and a bigger supply of water. it makes hubby happy to know they are thriving.. and yes, getting fatter too. No additions to the herd as yet, we think some kids are close to being born.
Sarah went on her first school camp to Phillip Island. She loved it and when she arrived home she was so very tired. As were the teachers that accompanied the children i would imagine.
Tomas will go on his first bivouac with Army Cadets in November, so exciting!
Nicholas has his concert with his music school at the end of November too, he has been practicing a few tunes to play. One of them is "Every breath you take" by the Police. It sounds lovely when he plays it too.
There have been some tough times at work these past few weeks. But, on the whole, the people I work with and the patients I nurse are just beautiful, I would not change my job for anything. I am very lucky to love my vocation.
Our goats have moved to a new pasture, better feed and a bigger supply of water. it makes hubby happy to know they are thriving.. and yes, getting fatter too. No additions to the herd as yet, we think some kids are close to being born.
Sarah went on her first school camp to Phillip Island. She loved it and when she arrived home she was so very tired. As were the teachers that accompanied the children i would imagine.
Tomas will go on his first bivouac with Army Cadets in November, so exciting!
Nicholas has his concert with his music school at the end of November too, he has been practicing a few tunes to play. One of them is "Every breath you take" by the Police. It sounds lovely when he plays it too.
There have been some tough times at work these past few weeks. But, on the whole, the people I work with and the patients I nurse are just beautiful, I would not change my job for anything. I am very lucky to love my vocation.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
School Vacation time
The past few weeks have been hectic, but not in the usual way. It has been school vacation time here in Victoria, Day Light Savings began. I have been unwell until a few days ago and Mia was unwell for a short period of time also. We did not go tom as many places as we usually would because of the bad luck on some ill health. I did manage to get out of the house a few days ago and take the kids to the movies. We watched Spy Kids 4 in 4D. It was good, and we laughed. The kids were giggling and I loved watching them :)
We have had some bad luck with our goats, a few of them passed away. Despite us drenching them and immunising them on Father's Day, a new strain of worm infected some of them. Not sure how it was introduced onto the property, we certainly did not purchase any new members of the herd in that time. Sadly, one of the twins died too, but he was, we think, squashed in his sleep in amongst the herd. Since then, we have spoken about it and we will be making a pen for the mother goats and their kids, to separate them from the herd, and to protect the babies... also, to nurture the bonding between Mum and kids.
Today was a lovely day weather wise in our area. Whilst the girls and hubby went to the farm, I stayed at home and worked on the garden. I also caught up on a bit of house keeping, and hung out the washing in the beautiful sunshine.
Hope you are all well. My children go back to school for final term 4 of the year tomorrow. It sure is time they went back, time to get us all back on track now. I just realised, we missed out on going to Scienceworks. We shall go there another time.
We have had some bad luck with our goats, a few of them passed away. Despite us drenching them and immunising them on Father's Day, a new strain of worm infected some of them. Not sure how it was introduced onto the property, we certainly did not purchase any new members of the herd in that time. Sadly, one of the twins died too, but he was, we think, squashed in his sleep in amongst the herd. Since then, we have spoken about it and we will be making a pen for the mother goats and their kids, to separate them from the herd, and to protect the babies... also, to nurture the bonding between Mum and kids.
Today was a lovely day weather wise in our area. Whilst the girls and hubby went to the farm, I stayed at home and worked on the garden. I also caught up on a bit of house keeping, and hung out the washing in the beautiful sunshine.
Hope you are all well. My children go back to school for final term 4 of the year tomorrow. It sure is time they went back, time to get us all back on track now. I just realised, we missed out on going to Scienceworks. We shall go there another time.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Yesterday was a wonderful day. First of all it was the last day of Term three at school for the children. Sarah was presented with a "Goldie" which is a certificate showing how well she has performed/behaved this term at school. Mia received a "key for Persistence" which is a certificate that shows she has been trying her very best this term at school. We got to bring home Mia's classroom pets, Spiny Leaf Insects, nasty looking thinks but they are very friendly!
Then, last night hubby and I went out in celebration of our Wedding anniversary. We had a lovely night and he gifted me a gold bangle, oval shaped. I was very excited to say the least.
It is nice to have this next two weeks of freedom to do what we want as a family. I love school vacation time. There are many places I want to take the kids out to, weather permitting. Last week I enjoyed my first shift back at work on the Medi Hotel. This week I am working Tuesday afternoon on the Renal Unit. I am slowly getting back into work. Slow and steady wins the race :)
Then, last night hubby and I went out in celebration of our Wedding anniversary. We had a lovely night and he gifted me a gold bangle, oval shaped. I was very excited to say the least.
It is nice to have this next two weeks of freedom to do what we want as a family. I love school vacation time. There are many places I want to take the kids out to, weather permitting. Last week I enjoyed my first shift back at work on the Medi Hotel. This week I am working Tuesday afternoon on the Renal Unit. I am slowly getting back into work. Slow and steady wins the race :)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
On Saturday I took the kids swimming at the local indoor pool. We stayed there for three hours until we had wrinkly and prune-like skin on our hands and feet. It was very relaxing and we had such fun too.
On Sunday we spent the day burning off weeds at the farm where the goats reside. This is in the hope to grow grain for them to have feed during the Summer months. Then we do not have to buy in food for the herd.
I started back at work last night, an afternoon shift. I worked on the Medihotel, which means I was on my own nursing eight patients who are basically self caring, and either pre ope or post operative... or sometimes unable to go home for a few days but well enough to come to the Medihotel. There is alot of planning to do, and alot of chasing up Doctors and getting paper work in order. You have to be a senior nurse and have to know your way around things in the hospital. it was a nice shift to go back onto, and although it was very busy, I think I coped well.
So, as you can see, I am healing up ok post my cholecystectomy. But, I am taking it very easy.
This afternoon I attended parent-teacher interviews for my youngest three sprout lings. I am happy to report that they are all progressing nicely with support of their Mumma. Proud am I!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
My 10yr old was bullied at school whilst happily playing with her friends. The bully spat on her and called her names. The bully spat on me and called me names too outside of the school after the bell had gone to end the school day. I took my daughter to the police station where I reported the assault, as the bully is over the age of 10yrs and can be charged. We spoke, the police officer and I. We discussed not charging the bully, instead, giving him a right going through and dressing down. The police contacted the father, and the father took his bully son to the station.. promptly.
The officer called me later on to let me know the bully, whilst totally denying all the spittle and cruel words that had been said, had broken down in tears. He (the police officer) did not mention my name nor my daughter's name, and the bully did not divulge our names either. The officer stated that he himself was no village idiot, and the fact the boy could not make eye contact with him when speaking spoke volumes. The bully was told that the very next time he is a bully, that he will go before a judge, and he will be stepping closer to a jail cell.
My poor daughter fell asleep at 5:30pm and did not wake until this morning at 6:30am. Although she felt empowered by the wonderful words from the Police Officer, she had a headache from crying at school and after school. She slept the headache away.
Today she had a wonderful day with her friends at school. The bully spent all day long sitting on his own, even during recess and lunch time. My daughter's teacher is so lovely and everyone is looking out for her.
Right when all four kids are doing so well in their own circles of friends, in their own projects and developing nicely at school this had to happen. Encouraging my kids and their friends to look after each other is paramount.
Sept 15th, incidentally, is R U OK Day.
This is a wonderful initiative that ought to be embraced World Wide. That simple question Are You OK? Does not cost a cent and may open up the flood gates for you to truly listen to what other people have to say. It may save a life!
The officer called me later on to let me know the bully, whilst totally denying all the spittle and cruel words that had been said, had broken down in tears. He (the police officer) did not mention my name nor my daughter's name, and the bully did not divulge our names either. The officer stated that he himself was no village idiot, and the fact the boy could not make eye contact with him when speaking spoke volumes. The bully was told that the very next time he is a bully, that he will go before a judge, and he will be stepping closer to a jail cell.
My poor daughter fell asleep at 5:30pm and did not wake until this morning at 6:30am. Although she felt empowered by the wonderful words from the Police Officer, she had a headache from crying at school and after school. She slept the headache away.
Today she had a wonderful day with her friends at school. The bully spent all day long sitting on his own, even during recess and lunch time. My daughter's teacher is so lovely and everyone is looking out for her.
Right when all four kids are doing so well in their own circles of friends, in their own projects and developing nicely at school this had to happen. Encouraging my kids and their friends to look after each other is paramount.
Sept 15th, incidentally, is R U OK Day.
This is a wonderful initiative that ought to be embraced World Wide. That simple question Are You OK? Does not cost a cent and may open up the flood gates for you to truly listen to what other people have to say. It may save a life!
Thursday, September 08, 2011
It looks like the male goat, leader of the pack, will be bought by some lovely people from Ballarat- he is the first goat pictured in my slideshow below. And, It appears Bebe the kid, and another kid we call "The Orphan" (His mother died) will be sold to a kindergarten in Sunbury. I am so pleased. Bebe is so friendly, and she will just sit there on the children's laps and be hugged. The Orphan, too, will love cuddles and the occasional bottle of formula too.
Mia is home sick with a raging temperature of unknown origin. I am still healing day by day, getting stronger doing my Pilates, post my Gallbladder removal. Times set to try us? Well, I do know there are people doing it tougher than this right? So who would I be to complain?
Peace xoxo
Mia is home sick with a raging temperature of unknown origin. I am still healing day by day, getting stronger doing my Pilates, post my Gallbladder removal. Times set to try us? Well, I do know there are people doing it tougher than this right? So who would I be to complain?
Peace xoxo
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Our herd.
Billy The Goat died on Father's Day, we are so sad, and we buried him in the hope of planting a big old fruit tree atop of him. We had fun as a family getting the herd round up and into a pen so we could inoculate and drench them. Man, the boy kids are the biggest sooks. Every time we grabbed hold of a little kid, and it screamed loudly, we all laughed shouting, "It has GOT to be a boy". Please feel free to look at the slide show of our herd. I promise you will smile :)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Cute Kids........................
Bebe has come home to visit us for a few days. She is quite plump and happy. She has a green tag in her left ear, this signifies that she was born in the year 2011. Right now she is asleep on Mia's lap. Bondi, well, he is sitting on his Dad's lap asleep too. Tough times for animals :)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Recovery is going well, my friends and family have been wonderful support and the children have been pampering me. Hubby has been working and going to the farm and doing some things around the place too. Today was a lovely 20degree celcius day and I sat out in the Sun and chatted with friends. I am sore some of the time and so I have been taking some paracetamol/codeine based medications, hence I am eating some licorice and some fresh cut up pears :)
Hope everyone is well and thanks for the well wishes in my lat post, it means a lot to me :)
Hope everyone is well and thanks for the well wishes in my lat post, it means a lot to me :)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I had had a great day last Saturday.. all day long. In the morning, Nick had his guitar lesson, and as soon as I had picked him up from his lesson we went straight to a restaurant to celebrate my friend's 40th Birthday. Then, we retired to her Mum's place for cake and coffee and a good old chin wag. After that, we went to my friend's place, my friend who is like a Mum to me, and we had a BBQ.. followed by watching the football on the TV. We had music, and dancing, life was grand... until.... 0400hrs Sunday morning.
0400hrs Sunday morning I woke up with what I first diagnosed as indigestion. So I sipped some peppermint tea.. no, that would not cut it. So I went out to the car and got some peppermint flavoured Quick Ease. That did not cut it. All along it got worse, and my right shoulder was very painful. I know about a month ago, perhaps less, I had problems with right lower abdominal pains, and I had a CT scan and Ultrasound which only showed a burst ovarian cyst.So when those symptoms disappeared the Docs and I thought that was it. Until this burst of pain.
I was very very lucky to get an ultrasound of my gallbladder performed on a Sunday at midday at my local clinic. By that evening I was being prepped for surgery. Booked in on the emergency list for the very next afternoon.
My friends, and my family were wonderful support, and so were the nurses and doctors at my local hospital. I returned to the ward at around 9pm Monday night, discharged Tuesday lunch time. A whirlwind stay in hospital. Now, I have a bloated tummy, but the analgesia I am taking and anti emetics are doing their job.
I have to say, my little family are wonderful... my Son Tomas sat by my side in Emergency until his Dad arrived with the other kids. My hubby is awesome, he pampers me and I am just one lucky duck!
0400hrs Sunday morning I woke up with what I first diagnosed as indigestion. So I sipped some peppermint tea.. no, that would not cut it. So I went out to the car and got some peppermint flavoured Quick Ease. That did not cut it. All along it got worse, and my right shoulder was very painful. I know about a month ago, perhaps less, I had problems with right lower abdominal pains, and I had a CT scan and Ultrasound which only showed a burst ovarian cyst.So when those symptoms disappeared the Docs and I thought that was it. Until this burst of pain.
I was very very lucky to get an ultrasound of my gallbladder performed on a Sunday at midday at my local clinic. By that evening I was being prepped for surgery. Booked in on the emergency list for the very next afternoon.
My friends, and my family were wonderful support, and so were the nurses and doctors at my local hospital. I returned to the ward at around 9pm Monday night, discharged Tuesday lunch time. A whirlwind stay in hospital. Now, I have a bloated tummy, but the analgesia I am taking and anti emetics are doing their job.
I have to say, my little family are wonderful... my Son Tomas sat by my side in Emergency until his Dad arrived with the other kids. My hubby is awesome, he pampers me and I am just one lucky duck!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Today I have had to come in to work for clinical update training. It is a yearly competency for casual staff on CPR/Basic Life Support, Fire Training and NO Lift training. You know I Don't Do Mornings right! It is so different seeing the traffic coming in, then seeing the amount of people pouring into the hospital during the day.
I opened up my friend's blog about five minutes ago, I would like to refer you to Ginnie's Blog for a good laugh, she is an amazing lady with a great sense of humour :)
I opened up my friend's blog about five minutes ago, I would like to refer you to Ginnie's Blog for a good laugh, she is an amazing lady with a great sense of humour :)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
We received our High School son's mid term report card this week gone. It is with exceptional pride I can say he is doing very well. The Physical Education teacher and Woodwork teacher could not have given him more praise, and Distinctions in those subjects blew me out of the water :) Mathematics and English are the subjects that he needs to pass, and pass well, to join the Australian Army. He is doing very well there too. His effort has paid off. Have to keep him focused and I think that because he joined the Army Cadet Unit, his results have kept on improving.
I know that secondary to my being in the Australian Air Force Cadets as a teen, I am very good at time management, and have always had a focus in mind and stuck with it. If teens could become a part of some sort of community, it does not have to be military based, it could be a football club, netball club, kite flying club, whatever the case, I believe it would give them purpose and hopefully steer them towards something for the future.
Nick went very well at his lesson today. He is just so happy playing the guitar. Sarah has a little posse of friends from school who come around and they go off together to play at the park or at each other's places. Reminding me of myself as a kid with lots of friends that I rode my horse along side, or went roller skating on the largest of the cemented drive ways in our Estate :)
Mia has come up trumps with her reading. I tried not to cry on Thursday morning when she read a mini chapter book to me from her home reading folder. There were some difficult words in there and I let her toil over them and problem solve and self correct and praised her for getting it right.
I am becoming a bit depressed with the Winter months, and I cannot get out of that feeling. It is not easy to describe it. I know that if I go outside and look at something lovely like a flower ( in short supply since it is Winter) I could concentrate on that and appreciate it for what it is, and try and see something beautiful and bright in it... get back to nature... even sit and meditate or something like that, but I cannot focus on that at the moment. I have never wanted Spring to come sooner than I do now. Too many "I's" in this paragraph people... I (there I go again) do not want to speak about myself here....
When Spring arrives the plan is to open up the bedrooms, open up the blinds, clean the windows... clean out the cupboards... take clothes and shoes and whatever do not get used to the charity bins.. and to get the carpets cleaned. Excited about that!
I know that secondary to my being in the Australian Air Force Cadets as a teen, I am very good at time management, and have always had a focus in mind and stuck with it. If teens could become a part of some sort of community, it does not have to be military based, it could be a football club, netball club, kite flying club, whatever the case, I believe it would give them purpose and hopefully steer them towards something for the future.
Nick went very well at his lesson today. He is just so happy playing the guitar. Sarah has a little posse of friends from school who come around and they go off together to play at the park or at each other's places. Reminding me of myself as a kid with lots of friends that I rode my horse along side, or went roller skating on the largest of the cemented drive ways in our Estate :)
Mia has come up trumps with her reading. I tried not to cry on Thursday morning when she read a mini chapter book to me from her home reading folder. There were some difficult words in there and I let her toil over them and problem solve and self correct and praised her for getting it right.
I am becoming a bit depressed with the Winter months, and I cannot get out of that feeling. It is not easy to describe it. I know that if I go outside and look at something lovely like a flower ( in short supply since it is Winter) I could concentrate on that and appreciate it for what it is, and try and see something beautiful and bright in it... get back to nature... even sit and meditate or something like that, but I cannot focus on that at the moment. I have never wanted Spring to come sooner than I do now. Too many "I's" in this paragraph people... I (there I go again) do not want to speak about myself here....
When Spring arrives the plan is to open up the bedrooms, open up the blinds, clean the windows... clean out the cupboards... take clothes and shoes and whatever do not get used to the charity bins.. and to get the carpets cleaned. Excited about that!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I cannot wait to finish my night shift this morning. I am meeting a friend for breakfast at Brunetti's Yummo!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Some people do not deserve to have ever had children. Some people ought not ever be a MOM! I rest my case!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Yesterday I drove to the farm, picked up Sarah, and we drove out to Stace and Aidan's place to help celebrate Ellie's second birthday. For us, it was the highlight of the school break. Noodles the clown was wonderful and highly recommended for entertaining children and adults alike. He was NOT scary at all! A wonderful time meeting lovely people :)
Sadly, school break comes to an end. Term three begins for the children at school. Goodbye sleep ins, hello alarms :(
Monday, July 11, 2011
It is school holiday time here in Victoria. We are now into our second week of the two week break. Where did that week go? I have seen my daughter Sarah once, each day, for about ten minutes. "Mum, can I stay at Sheree's again? Thanks, bye" off she goes. You know, that Sheree's family have ten children in it.. and having Sarah there every day makes it 11! haha, she is so like me, staying at friend's places.. having a ball. The girls have been dressing up in each other's clothes and putting on make up.
Tom and hubby have been busy down at our friend's farm to tend to the fences for the goats. Yes, goats need strong fences, and ones that they will not get their heads stuck in, or jump over and run away. That being said, the girls do not stray far from Billy the goat... he is intoxicating to them with his scent, lol. Yukk!
I wish it could be school holidays forever.. but alas it cannot. When I left home tonight Nick has Bebe the kid on his lap, I dare say the kids (human kids) will smuggle her inside tonight... hope not! lol
Tom and hubby have been busy down at our friend's farm to tend to the fences for the goats. Yes, goats need strong fences, and ones that they will not get their heads stuck in, or jump over and run away. That being said, the girls do not stray far from Billy the goat... he is intoxicating to them with his scent, lol. Yukk!
I wish it could be school holidays forever.. but alas it cannot. When I left home tonight Nick has Bebe the kid on his lap, I dare say the kids (human kids) will smuggle her inside tonight... hope not! lol
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
It is the school holidays here in Victoria right now and whilst I would usually get out and about with the kids, despite Winter weather and all, I have not been well so we have spent time indoors and chilling out watching DVDs so far. I feel bad because I love to get the kids out for a drive and go to the museum and arts centres and stuff. I hope to get it all sorted very soon so I can get them out of here before school goes back for term 3
Monday, June 20, 2011
Just after 5am on the 21st June 2001 our third baby Sarah was born. She will be ten years old when we wake up in the morning. Hard to believe it I tell you. She is such a loving and considerate girl too, we are so proud of her. We held a Laser Tag party for her on Saturday and it was so much fun... great exercise too. Tomorrow she will take some treats to share at school with the class and she cannot wait to get there already!
Bebe is growing fast and still as cute as a button. She has tried making friends with Bondi but he does not like her near his kennel... the kennel he does not sleep in mind you!
Tomas went to Army Cadets for the third time tonight ansd is looking forward to going on camp (bivouac). he has already started to learn First Aid which made me very happy.
We are all just so excited to be celebrating Sarah's birthday in the morning ~ the last one until my big 4- Oh!
Monday, June 13, 2011
So, Bella the lady goat had her twin kids a few days back... but she left them in the cold (8degree celcius) all day and when we arrived home from work/school/play they were near death. We tried with all our might to heat them up.. they did warm up but they did not live. Such a sad occasion. Meanwhile, Bebe the baby kid born 1st June is going great guns. She leaps around the yard and sooks out for her Momma when she is not within 2 foot of her.. resembling human kids in that fashion!
I tried to sit and speak with Bebe's Momma Charlotte... and tell her that kids (human and non human) will never let you have peace, they will bother you when you have just sat down to drink your coffee, or dare you sit on the throne and try and have peace there. I also told her that even the best hiding spots are no mean feat when it comes to kids finding the one being that gave birth to them. Must be our scent. Then again, I do not stink like Charlotte.. I do not think.. haha.
Do not stress my friends, this is 0440hrs in the morning, and my coffee break on my night shift in the ER. This kind of talk will be followed by my singing the last song I heard on the radio prior to turning off the zippy Mazda 2 Ghenki's engine. "Raise your glass"~Pink. Well, perhaps an ill chosen song to sing since I am nursing quite a few bears with sore heads because of the booze... adiose amigos!
I tried to sit and speak with Bebe's Momma Charlotte... and tell her that kids (human and non human) will never let you have peace, they will bother you when you have just sat down to drink your coffee, or dare you sit on the throne and try and have peace there. I also told her that even the best hiding spots are no mean feat when it comes to kids finding the one being that gave birth to them. Must be our scent. Then again, I do not stink like Charlotte.. I do not think.. haha.
Do not stress my friends, this is 0440hrs in the morning, and my coffee break on my night shift in the ER. This kind of talk will be followed by my singing the last song I heard on the radio prior to turning off the zippy Mazda 2 Ghenki's engine. "Raise your glass"~Pink. Well, perhaps an ill chosen song to sing since I am nursing quite a few bears with sore heads because of the booze... adiose amigos!
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Blessed are the goat herders?
One of the three girlie goats had a girl kid, the children named her Bebe. She was born at 1:50am June 1st. She is coming along nicely. Wagging her little tail and getting bowled over by her mumma when she annoys her for a feed a bit too often. Today was a cold Winter's day and she sat out in the Sun with her Mother.
Meanwhile, my kids are going very well too. Sarah, Mia and Nick all got certificates in front of assembly at school for their Maths achievements. Mia got praised, and a hand shake too, by the Principle of the school, as well as her teacher from last year, for her reading achievements. It seems everyone is finding out how exceedingly well Mia is going at school, and at last the penny has dropped. The speech therapists are wonderful.
Tomas began at the Army Cadet Unit last Monday and he loved it. I was so proud of him too. He cannot wait to return tomorrow night. There are good times ahead for him for sure. If he makes as many life long friends as I have from my Air Cadet days then that will be a blessing.
I hope everyone is well and taking good care of themselves xoxo
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Speech Therapy
I just finished watching The King's Speech alongside my beautiful husband. I had wanted to view this film for some time. Colin Firth is one man that I have admired for quite some time. He is a wonderful actor, easy on the eye and just a pleasure to watch on screen. Geoffrey Rush is wonderful too, there is no BS about his acting in any medium that I have viewed him either.
The film takes the viewer through a time in history that is well documented, yet this story is such a personal one in regards to the royal family and I think it just shows that the Royals, too, are just human.
As you are all aware, I am a registered nurse. I work alongside Speech Therapists many a shift. Their work can go unrecognised, which is easy because their work is done behind closed doors. At my children's school the Speech Therapists work with individual students too. Not just because their speech is lacking, but because development in children's comprehension and articulation is also needing attention.
When Tom started Primary School I was unaware he was in need of some Speech Therapy lessons. As a parent, when you have a child who talks non stop from the age of 18mths and you think their speech is great, then they begin school and you are told they need therapy you stand back and ask "What for?" Tom did have problems processing thoughts from brain to hand and getting them out in a comprehensive manner. In other words, making a story flow. Sure he could speak well enough, who wouldn't with a Mum that can speak her way out of a wet paper bag? lol. But, his Speech lessons proved well worth the time spent. We were able to continue techniques here at home, and in a few short months, Tom's comprehension improved.
Now, Mia is having Speech Therapy too. Her problems are similar to that of Tomas'. In these past few months her comprehension, her courage and willingness to learn has excelled. Tonight here right beside me she has been writing stories about spiders (I know ewww) and their life cycle. Her sentence structure has improved and she is understanding what it is she is trying to get across. This morning she took along three pages of stories about different spiders to her teacher. Her teacher told her today that she will be putting them together in a book for Mia. I know her teacher very well and I know that this will be given to Mia at the end of the year, and it will show Mia how far she has come since January. Very exciting.
The film takes the viewer through a time in history that is well documented, yet this story is such a personal one in regards to the royal family and I think it just shows that the Royals, too, are just human.
As you are all aware, I am a registered nurse. I work alongside Speech Therapists many a shift. Their work can go unrecognised, which is easy because their work is done behind closed doors. At my children's school the Speech Therapists work with individual students too. Not just because their speech is lacking, but because development in children's comprehension and articulation is also needing attention.
When Tom started Primary School I was unaware he was in need of some Speech Therapy lessons. As a parent, when you have a child who talks non stop from the age of 18mths and you think their speech is great, then they begin school and you are told they need therapy you stand back and ask "What for?" Tom did have problems processing thoughts from brain to hand and getting them out in a comprehensive manner. In other words, making a story flow. Sure he could speak well enough, who wouldn't with a Mum that can speak her way out of a wet paper bag? lol. But, his Speech lessons proved well worth the time spent. We were able to continue techniques here at home, and in a few short months, Tom's comprehension improved.
Now, Mia is having Speech Therapy too. Her problems are similar to that of Tomas'. In these past few months her comprehension, her courage and willingness to learn has excelled. Tonight here right beside me she has been writing stories about spiders (I know ewww) and their life cycle. Her sentence structure has improved and she is understanding what it is she is trying to get across. This morning she took along three pages of stories about different spiders to her teacher. Her teacher told her today that she will be putting them together in a book for Mia. I know her teacher very well and I know that this will be given to Mia at the end of the year, and it will show Mia how far she has come since January. Very exciting.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Nick is now 12 yrs old!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
It seems to me that the healthiest people, the people with seemingly little relevant past history become afflicted with brain tumors.. and it sucks! People who seemingly do all the wrong things habits wise get off the hook. How does that happen? I don't know. Nursing lovely people who have not done a bad thing in their life, and then incidentally find they have a tumor... or more than one, is upsetting.
Anyway, besides that, life is good. Nick turns 12yrs old on Thursday and he is very excited. I am too. He is not far off starting High School. Gosh, time goes by so fast, I wish I had a remote control to pause things for a while.
Anyway, besides that, life is good. Nick turns 12yrs old on Thursday and he is very excited. I am too. He is not far off starting High School. Gosh, time goes by so fast, I wish I had a remote control to pause things for a while.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Today Mia and I went for a walk at a local park and we found some mushrooms that were as big as a small dinner plate in their circumference. The sad thing was, these edible delights were kicked over by someone who had come across them before we had. Possibly some children who did not know any better. Possibly some adults who thought they were toad stools and not the edible type of what we used to refer to them as "Mushie's" They had squashed some and the others were broken.
It reminded me of times when I would go mushroom-ing with my Dad as a kid. This time of the year we would put on our gumboots, grab a pocket knife, grab a bucket and head out into the paddocks near our house. The best paddocks were the ones with cattle in them of course.
We would fill the buckets with massive mushrooms. We would come home and Mum would wash them and she would cut them up and cook them in butter and serve them to us with warm buttered toast. Or, she would stuff them with a breadcrumb mix and we would eat them that way. Yummo.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Royal Wedding
I just got into work a little early, made myself a coffee before starting the night shift... and what is on the TV? You guessed it, the Royal Wedding. I sms hubby that the Princess looks lovely... he sms me in return "Yeah, you looked better on our wedding day". My response... "Gawd I love u!" So there it is. True love :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My gorgeous Pa has gone to sleep now. Beautiful man he is.
I called the Hospice to see how my Aunt was getting on, hoping I had not woken her as she might be sleeping in the recliner next to Pa. My Aunt said I must have known something.
He had both of my gorgeous Aunts and my Uncle there by his side.
Please let there be that place for gentlemen as Pa requested... there has got to be one right?
I called the Hospice to see how my Aunt was getting on, hoping I had not woken her as she might be sleeping in the recliner next to Pa. My Aunt said I must have known something.
He had both of my gorgeous Aunts and my Uncle there by his side.
Please let there be that place for gentlemen as Pa requested... there has got to be one right?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easter 2011- Halls Gap, The Grampians Victoria.
We headed up to The Grampians region of Victoria for our Easter break. Not before calling in to visit my Pa in the Hospice in Bendigo. It was a short and loving visit that we had with Pa. He is just so tired now and he expressed that he just wants to be with his Mum now, time to go. The main thing I am so happy about is that he is pain free. Thank goodness for the excellent nursing care there in the Hospice. Such a sad time for everyone.
We arrived at Halls Gap on Wednesday. It was raining off and on throughout the first two days of our stay. It did not deter us having fun! We sat by the fire with our friends. we laughed and told jokes and the boys played guitar a little bit too. The kids found so many friends to play with. The kangaroos and the kookaburras were within arms reach, and the view of the mountains never cease to amaze us.
On Easter Sunday the kids woke to some chocolate eggs. They also got some money to spend at the shops. Nicholas bought two Phantom Comic Books, the girls bought themselves some beautiful colourful sun catchers, and Tom bought himself a chocolate milk drink (haha, teenagers love their milk right?)
We took some yabbie nets with us and placed them inside a small body of water.. each morning we went back there were more in the trap. it intrigued the kids, and especially our neighbour's little girl, she learnt a new word "Yabbie" (said like "dabbie").
We went four wheel driving through a lovely track with two other vehicle loads of people. We took out time and soaked up the beautiful nature. I took a few photos, as you can see there are wild flowers up there even now, spectacular in real life.
Now we are home and tired, and I have completed three loads of washing thus far. All is well that ends well.
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