Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pearl Oyster Bar

I have something very bad to admit. Every summer I don't get my lobster rolls from places in Boston. Instead I wait until it's time for me to head to New York. Once there I treat myself to a blow out meal of Caesar salad, Salt/Pepper jumbo shrimp, a lobster roll and blueberry pie a la mode.

I'm sorry Boston for being such a cheater. I know. I suck. But Pearl is just so damn good. And I'm a purist. I need a hotdog bun and mayo for my roll. None of this new fangled hot buttered lobster roll crap.

Sadly, my trip to NYC this month has been canceled. A tragedy for sure. I think I'll have to try some of the lobster rolls in Boston. I already had a B&G one. I reserve the right to remain silent on that experience. So summer shack and kingfish here I come!

Edited to add my review of Pearl Oyster from Foodbuzz here:
Pearl Oyster Bar is a darling little gem located on a darling little street. Whenever I have to go to NYC in the summer, I make sure I make time to come here. Typically I come early, right when it opens for dinner. Believe me, it's a place that fills up quick.

I sit at the bar and begin an intense gorge fest...Caesar salad, salt/pepper shrimp, lobster roll and blueberry pie a la mode. It's a lot of food and I can barely eat all of it but I feel like I need to store up until the next time I can make it down from Boston. Pearl Oyster Bar is almost dear to me. I can't really explain the draw very well. All I know is that when I sit at the bar (even just sipping my diet coke) and watch all the action in the kitchen, I know all is right and good in the world! Believe me this place delivers.

It's good enough to make this Bostonian dismiss lobster rolls more local to her and become a true traitor!

Don't worry, I haven't forsaken the hometown team. And I'll take this opportunity to say, "Go Sox!".