Saturday, November 15, 2014

Where Has the Time Gone?

I've had the best of intentions. I promise.

I love(d) my blog. And, more importantly, I've missed my blog. I miss reliving all the moments of life in my family and learning to see the share-worthy aspects.

I've fallen into the quick-and-easy world of instagram and (I shudder to admit it) Facebook. (Ewww)

I accidentally clicked on the link and saw my boy's little kindergarten face staring back at me…and I realized that I've really let something go that I shouldn't have. So, this new years resolution is being made a month and a half ahead of time. Why? Well, because let's be honest here…it's going to take me AT LEAST that long to make it happen.

I resolve to embrace my blog once again. To help myself remember the wonderful, horrifying, crazy, unbearable, unbelievable, terribly perfect parts of my life and family.

So…here goes.

Goal: Blog 2015

See you soon!


Munchkin Invasion said...

I'm so excited!! I love your blog!!! :)

Craythorn Family said...

I have not done very well with mine either. Yours is so much more entertaining to read, though :)

Emily said...

I feel the same way. And it's only September so you still have time!