This is it! One of my favorite days of the year. Why is that? Well, it's not because I don't love my children and want to be rid of them. It's really because I DO love my children. And want to be rid of them. (At least for a bit.)
Today is also one of the only days they are excited to get up early and get ready to go...which makes my job easier. (Their exuberance for mornings wanes quickly, and dramatically, as the weeks continue.) I like to enjoy it while it lasts.
See? Happiness. Exuberance. At 8:40am. Unheard of!
They both got new backpacks this year. It was a momentous occasion for my two girls. (Their enjoyment of these babies will also wane...but I managed to find them at such a great deal this year, I'll get over it.)
Have I mentioned how much I love the bus? Well...I do. I love it! And not just because the bus stop is right in front of my house and I can send them out the door, stay in my PJ's, and then go back to bed (if I wanted) without having to step outside. No wait...that actually IS why I love the bus!
The new driver told the girls they could call her by her first name. Lindy is still struggling with this unexpected gift of familiarity. She thinks she will still call her Mrs. Lewis...which makes me think I've done at least something right.
Now...for the picture I didn't get: I stood on the sidewalk, across the street from my house, saying goodbye to my fearless girls. As the bus drove away I saw The Boy standing in front of our house, hands on hips, and GLARING. Glaring with all the indignant might his little five year-old self could muster. He'd been asleep and was apparently VERY put-out that he'd missed all the fun.
I paid for it for a couple hours.
Next week: his turn! (Wahoo!!!!!!)