Today was "F" day at preschool.
Ms. Heather has a daily routine for her students. They walk in, find their spot at a table, and write their name on a slip of paper. Once finished, they bring their names to the front of the class and choose whether to put their name in the Yes column or the No column....depending on their answer to the Question of the Day.
Today's question: "Do you have a little brother or sister?"
The correct answer: No
Curtis' answer: Yes
Ms. Heather kindly tried to reassure the lad that he did not have any little siblings. To which he replied (quite forcefully), "Marble Joe is very, very small!"
Wow. I thought he'd forgotten about Marble Joe. Apparently not. To make things more interesting, Marble Joe had stowed away to preschool in Curtis' backpack as well. And...Curtis was fairly intent on showing Marble Joe to everyone at Show-and-Tell that very day. Oh dear.
I departed and left Ms. Heather on her own to deal with my child's delusions. Fair? Perhaps not. She later told me that she was slightly concerned that the other children would force Curtis to defend his belief about his "little brother" (which could be bad for all involved) but was surprised when all 10 of them nodded along with Curtis' presentation of his "F"amily.
Go figure.