Ian and I used to camp. Like, a lot. Something happened when we had kids, however. I suddenly became overwhelmingly aware of how much dirt actually covered the earth. And my offspring seemed far too willing to let the majority of the earth's surface fall into their mouth, on their clothes, in their ears...etc., etc., etc. Blame it on the OCD, but dirt and I suddenly had a falling out. Needless to say, our family hasn't done much camping in the last few years.
Last summer I suddenly felt an urge to get ourselves out in nature again. Ian and I discussed it and decided to go ahead and reserve a campsite super-early in the year so that we could a) have it on the calendar, and b) be able to choose a campsite suited to our little crew.
And it started out great. We did a little hiking (a.k.a. walking around and looking at sticks/rocks/bugs).

Curtis screamed a little for no reason.

We also invited some friends up to join us for dinner.

And then...it rained. At first we tried to ignore it. A little sprinkling can't hurt, right? Especially when you're cooking some delicious tinfoil dinners. Then it started raining a little harder. No worries...we tied the shade umbrellas up to the picnic table to give most of us a little spot to eat our dinner and still enjoy our time together. We were able to serve up a few dutch-oven scones (which I totally recommend, by the way) with some of Amy D's incredible honey-butter...
...while the kids ran amuck. Just a little bit.

Then...the skies opened up and the rain came tumbling down. We bid a hasty farewell to the Davidson's, threw all the food/etc. in the van and hunkered down in our tent. It was a wet and cold night (at least for me...Curtis decided he needed to steal my bed AND my blankets. I shivered on the hard ground for the majority of the night in a state of half-sleep while everyone else snored away...grrrr).
Morning eventually came and with it, the sun! Hallelujah! With the kids all bundled up, they were able to enjoy a little more hiking (a.k.a. walking around looking at sticks, rocks, and bugs, and playing with the flashlights).

Oh, and drinking WAY too much water.
While it may be a while before the memory of this particular trip fades...I'm sure the Jones family will eventually brave mother nature once again and find ourselves equally covered in dirt...and equally happy.