Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July Giveaway

First I'll apologize, only slightly, to those of you who don't have little girls and therefore no little girl hair to accessorize. This months' giveaway is sponsored by my good friend Holly, her sister Emily, and their creative little business Girly Accents. I asked Holly to put together some fun accessories for one of my favorite holidays--the 4th of July. Here's what she came up with:

I have all of these fabulous goodies split up into three prize packages. 1st Prize, 2nd Prize, and 3rd Prize. That means I will be picking three names! How awesome is that?

But here's the deal. You need to leave your comment SOON. There are only a few days left before the 4th and I want to be able to get you your prizes before the big day. Get your names in before NOON on Thursday 7/2. I'll draw names that afternoon.

Here's a small customer testimonial. I've never, EVER, been able to find a headband that will stay in my daughters' hair. These amazing headbands, created by our own Holly C., are adjustable, reversible, and absolutely stay in place. LOVE THEM!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Lindy caught me looking at the blog today. When she spied her grumpy face on the screen I was treated to a full-blown hissy fit and told, in no uncertain terms, to "get that picture off the blog RIGHT NOW!!!"

Sorry, Lindy. I somehow feel compelled to collect evidence of your childhood attitude. Not only will it provide hours of entertainment for your future husband/children/in-laws, but will also (and forgive me if this is the important one for me) prove that I was up against a fierce contender...a spirited ball of independence wrapped up in a 6 year-old body...and perhaps justify why I will most certainly come out of this parenting gig mumbling to myself and twitching.

However...when you do grow up and have it all figured out, I do want you to know that in spite of these moments (and sometimes because of these moments) you were (and are) loved more than you could ever imagine.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

No Defense

It is official. I am the meanest mom. I know there are several of you out there who have, erroneously, thought the title belonged to you. And maybe it has. Until now. Until today. I have decidedly trumped all contenders by one simple act. An act so vile and reproachable I feel somewhat reluctant to mention it...but the first step to recovery is admission, right? So here goes.

I made chicken and rice for dinner. (GASP!) I know, I know...how could I? I mean, it hasn't gone over very well on past occasions (see here) so I should have known better. I never learn.

I should look for a 12-step program to deal with this particular shortcoming.

"Hi, my name is Amy and I'm a mean mom."

Until then I will most likely continue to offer somewhat healthy meals to my children and be rewarded with all kinds of seething resentment.

And I will most likely continue to try and capture that resentment in all of its' glory with the camera lens. My gleeful snapping of surly faces will, of course, increase my "meanness". Alas.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I took a solo trip to Costco this afternoon. It was well-deserved time alone as my three active children nearly had me in tears for most of the morning today (but that's a post for another day). I stocked up on all the essentials--and then some--and made my way out to the truck.

I started loading up my purchases, some large, some small, when the man in the car next to me asked if he could help me with my water. I admit it...at first I was seriously confused. I glanced down at the 24-pack of bottled water in the bottom of the cart, then back at him and thought, You need to speak, Amy. He just asked if he could help you lift that rather heavy pack of water!

"Oh, no," I respond, "I've got it."
He double checked, "Are you sure, it's rather heavy?"
I then offered profuse thanks but assured him that "I'm used to it". I'll be fine.

He smiled and went on his way. I hefted the water into the back of the truck and was soon headed home. And now I wonder...why didn't I let him help me? I could tell he would have been perfectly happy to...and he would have saved me a slight twinge in my already-pained lower back. But no, apparently "I've got it. I'm used to it."

Am I the only one who feels compelled to be super woman? Is it only me who shuns kind offers only to feel resentful about the lack of chivalry in the world?

I'll tell you...if I had the chance again, I'd certainly let him lift that water for me. I could use a little more chivalry in my life. We all could. Sometimes it's just no fun trying to be super woman.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Holly and I spent a few minutes yesterday taking pictures of the newest member of the Davidson family. He is seriously so adorable! I've forgotten how small these little guys can be. My boy seems practically monstrous now.

Here are a couple preview shots of baby Will:

Big thanks to Amy for letting us practice on your sweet little boy. It was a lot of fun!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Goes Through Their Brains?

I turned my back for 2 minutes and my 3 year-old decided it would be a great idea to dump out some white paint inside the van. On the seat. On the steering wheel. On the dashboard. On my cell phone.

I disagree.

Thanks to Cheree for coming to my rescue with water, cleanser, and entertainment for an apparently bored 3 year-old.

Monday, June 22, 2009


In yet another attempt to alleviate the summer boredom in our home we decided to throw together a Pirate Movie Party for Lindy and some of her friends. We started out by gathering all the kids together and turning them into proper pirates. This included eye patches, tattoos, and (of course) the selection of a pirate name.

Once we had ourselves a proper group of rough and tough pirates, we did a quick art project where we added wings onto our pirate parrot.

For the movie we watched Veggie Tales, the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. It was quite fun and the kids enjoyed themselves. After the movie the kids followed a treasure map to locate a treasure (full of treat bags) in the back yard.

My kids make the most adorable pirates I've ever seen!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Poor Parenting Moment No. 583

Well, here we are: smack-dab back in the middle-of-the-night-wakings of a baby boy. And, once again, I'm tired. Very tired. Memory-erasing, barely-functioning tired. But, never one for the "tough love" approach, I continue to encourage late night/early morning encounters with my sweet boy by consistently providing cuddles, bottles, blankies, and all manner of mothering.

The other night seemed as good a time as any to return to our previously-successful method of letting him cry it out. His first screams came about 2 hours after his bedtime. I let him go for a few minutes but eventually hustled up to his room to be a mom. Ian caught me right before opening the door. I proceeded to give him all types of excuses on why I should just go check it out...but, being the stronger of the two of us, he convinced me to let him work it out. He cried for about another half hour and then we heard silence. Wahoo!

Or not.

Two hours later we were treated to an amplified version of his earlier wails. Ian, no longer the "bad cop" got up to check things out only to find that he had a VERY messy diaper that had obviously been around for a while and had now become a VERY painful rash. Aw, crap!

So here's what we've been experiencing the last couple days:

How easy do you think I'm going to fall for the "let him cry it out" approach now?

Not so much.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Trial and Error

Saturday evenings have become somewhat routine. We have dinner, toss the kids in the bathtub, tuck them soundly in their beds, and enjoy a relaxing evening sans offspring. This routine works well for us all. Consistency has its advantages.

Last night, however, we faced a small change in the routine that, unfortunately, led to unforeseen problems. Following her bath, Lindy suddenly became insistent that I put some "funny pink curlers" in her hair so that she could have "beautiful curly hair" for Church in the morning. Being a pushover for girly requests such as this, I happily spent a few extra minutes fashioning a curler fiesta in her hair.

Later, with the children snoring in the other room I joyfully snuggled up in my own bed and drifted off to dreamland. This peaceful state, however, was not to last.

2:30am: I suddenly felt, rather than heard, a presence next to my bed. I opened my eyes to see my oldest daughter poised nose-to-nose with me while I slept. Apparently the "funny pink curlers" were just too much to bear. I promptly plucked the offending accessories off of her head, shooed her back to her bed, and gratefully nodded off once more.

4:00am: I awoke to the banshee-like screams of a 6 year-old in distress. I ran from my comfy cocoon anticipating all manner of injury. I asked her what was wrong. Her reply? "You took out my curlers...and I forgot that it was Church tomorrow...and I really, really, really wanted curly hair for Church!"

Solution: The Curling Iron. A great invention. Sure...it changed my Sunday morning routine, but the reassuring promise of a magic appliance that would create curls without the pink headache was heaven-sent during the pre-dawn hours. And her joy the next morning knew no bounds.


Friday, June 12, 2009

The Zoo 2009

We packed up the kids and went to the zoo with our good friends, the Babcocks and the Browns.

Ah, the zoo...good times.

As always, we took a few moments to get slightly drenched by playing with the random ball-in-the-water thingy:

Lindy wanted to be grumpy with me for taking so many pictures. As you can see, it didn't quite work.
Here's Curtis sporting his newest head bruise.

Our favorite part of the zoo this time was the bird show. It was amazing. They had so many different birds and made us laugh. A lot.

It's possible that this particular part of the zoo was the part we visited most (which left me missing the pre-potty-trained days):

By the end of the day they didn't really have any energy left...even for smiles. That's when I know I've done my job. They'll sleep well tonight.

Bicycle Training: Take Two

When our three year-old began exhibiting some serious skill for bike riding Ian decided it was time to let her master one of her favorite hobbies. He borrowed a "handle" from a neighbor (we'd highly recommend it to anyone wanting to avoid the back-breaking work normally involved in such an endeavor) and went for it.

Curtis watched on with what I can only assume was envy.

He hated being left behind.
After a couple trips up and down the street, Ellie was doing fabulous!

The handle was soon removed and her little legs motored her throughout the neighborhood with ease. We're so proud of you, Ellie!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"P" Day

Summer is well under way and I feel like I've already had to pull out all the stops to keep my kids somewhat entertained. Today we did well. First thing this morning we decided to declare it "P Day".

It started out with Purple Pancakes for breakfast, which the girls devoured. (It's amazing how a little food coloring can help make breakfast more appetizing to children.)

Later we enjoyed a Picnic in the Park with some of our good friends.

After lunch we Played in the Pool for hours. The kids had so much fun. Curtis, still a little unsteady to be in the big kids pool, enjoyed his own little slice of refreshment:

We wrapped it up by making Pizza for dinner. Summer is on a roll!

Flight and Injury

On more than one occasion we have felt grateful for our trampoline. It has provided my children with hours of entertainment and, knock on wood, no serious injury. Yet.

And, in the midst of our nations' current economic crisis, the absence of injury is a definite plus...I'm not sure we'd be able to afford the necessary medical supplies:

Earlier today Ellie snuck into the bathroom and helped herself to the bandages. When asked why she was wearing this unique anklet she informed me that she had "twisted her ankle really bad". Good thing we have a supply of such miraculous cure-all's...otherwise she'd probably be in crutches!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Fun

After a morning of measuring dried fruit, painting a giant cookie, and cutting styrofoam in half (I will probably have to explain later) I was finally able to get to the matter at hand--picking a winner for this month's giveaway. So without further ado...

Congrats to:

My Ricks roomie, Rosie (how's that for alliteration?) who will, hopefully, be inspired by the "Summer Fun Can".

And to:

Holly C. who won "The Complete Book of Arts and Crafts".

I hope to see some fun ideas pop up on your blogs, ladies. You can inspire the rest of us in our quest to entertain our troops.

By the way...I had to point out my second-born childs' sense of style. In case you didn't notice it in the first picture, here's a closer look at Ellie as she apparently prepares to start sweatin' to the oldies!

Monday, June 8, 2009

"I Forget"

Memory is a funny thing. Fickle, in a way. Age doesn't seem to help (neither did the three pregnancies and subsequent offspring, mind you). But one childhood memory that has managed to stick with me throughout the years is Sunday dinner with my family. I remember gathering around our dining room table, voraciously tearing through whatever feast was laid before us, and waiting for the inevitable question, "What did you learn in Church today?"

Mom & Dad quickly saw through any attempt at bluffing. The answer, "I learned about Jesus", was not acceptable unless offered as a precursor to a more specific story/lesson/fact about His life. I learned early that I had better pay attention in class to be able provide ample detail when hit with that little pop-quiz. Looking back I realize that this small responsibility helped me learn to focus a little better, think a little harder, as well as provide conversation starters for the family dinner time. What a great idea!

So...I thought I'd try it in my own family. When Lindy entered Sunbeams (nearly 3 years ago) I started asking that question. I still try to ask every week. But, the answer continues to frustrate me. "I forget", she says as she reaches to dig into whatever fare has been placed in front of her. No amount of coaxing, teasing, or censure seems to work. Nope...whatever lesson/thought that was shared has apparently escaped her brain and is absolutely un-retrievable.

I'd almost be tempted to believe that she was simply a forgetful child if it weren't for the fact that she seems perfectly capable to recall any tidbit of information, no matter how trivial, if she feels it will benefit her in her daily campaign to send her mother to the loony bin.

So...I'm afraid as much as the answer will continue to grate on my rather frayed nerves, I'm still going to ask. It's important, right?

Friday, June 5, 2009

June Giveaway

I have finally entered the phase of life where I'm left to wonder, "What in the world am I going to do with my kids now that school is out!" and the kids are wondering, "What's wrong with mommy...why does she have that strange tic?"

I figured that there are a few others out there in my same position. Am I right? Is that tic beginning to get the best of you? Well, I'm here to help. (Hopefully). This month I'm giving away two items.

1. A Summer Fun Can - a little can full of your own hand-picked boredom busters. If you're looking for something fun and spontaneous, grab a "sun" and follow the directions. (Examples can be "go up the canyon", "go to the park", "fly a kite". Whatever you want.)

2. The Complete Book of Arts & Crafts - Over 100 kid-friendly projects. It has 254 pages of full-color illustrations of activities you can do using household materials.

To enter just post a comment on my blog. Comments will be accepted through Tuesday, June 9th and the winners will be announced on Wednesday the 10th.


Curtis has discovered that with a little effort he is able to climb on top of our kitchen table. From my point of view it took too little effort. I'm going to have to step up the mommy-sense a tad. (He is far too pleased with himself.)

Monday, June 1, 2009


Thanks to random.org we have our winner for the May Giveaway! Congratulations to:

Emily G.

I will be bringing over your table runner soon! I hope you enjoy it. For the rest of you, stay tuned for the next one! Thanks for playing.