Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Halloween 2015
Posted by Amy Jones at 2:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Halloween
Monday, August 10, 2015
Hair and Other Sundry News
In other news...her broken arm turned out to be a couple of minor (yet extremely painful) double fractures that won't need surgery. (Insert whooping and cheering here...we were worried.) As soon as the swelling goes down she will be sporting a full arm cast for around 6 - 8 weeks. Just in time for school to start. But a left arm break on a right-handed girl is a tender mercy we will be grateful for.
(Seriously...that smile, right?)
Posted by Amy Jones at 10:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Where Has the Time Gone?
I've had the best of intentions. I promise.
I love(d) my blog. And, more importantly, I've missed my blog. I miss reliving all the moments of life in my family and learning to see the share-worthy aspects.
I've fallen into the quick-and-easy world of instagram and (I shudder to admit it) Facebook. (Ewww)
I accidentally clicked on the link and saw my boy's little kindergarten face staring back at me…and I realized that I've really let something go that I shouldn't have. So, this new years resolution is being made a month and a half ahead of time. Why? Well, because let's be honest here…it's going to take me AT LEAST that long to make it happen.
I resolve to embrace my blog once again. To help myself remember the wonderful, horrifying, crazy, unbearable, unbelievable, terribly perfect parts of my life and family.
So…here goes.
Goal: Blog 2015
See you soon!
Posted by Amy Jones at 12:32 AM 3 comments
Labels: Aw Crap, Resolutions
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
He leaves in the morning with his sisters and comes home at lunchtime on a kindergarten bus. That, at least, is a little comforting for his mother.
A final parting wave…all is well.
The house is too quiet.
Posted by Amy Jones at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Back to School
This is it! One of my favorite days of the year. Why is that? Well, it's not because I don't love my children and want to be rid of them. It's really because I DO love my children. And want to be rid of them. (At least for a bit.)
Today is also one of the only days they are excited to get up early and get ready to go...which makes my job easier. (Their exuberance for mornings wanes quickly, and dramatically, as the weeks continue.) I like to enjoy it while it lasts.
They both got new backpacks this year. It was a momentous occasion for my two girls. (Their enjoyment of these babies will also wane...but I managed to find them at such a great deal this year, I'll get over it.)
Now...for the picture I didn't get: I stood on the sidewalk, across the street from my house, saying goodbye to my fearless girls. As the bus drove away I saw The Boy standing in front of our house, hands on hips, and GLARING. Glaring with all the indignant might his little five year-old self could muster. He'd been asleep and was apparently VERY put-out that he'd missed all the fun.
I paid for it for a couple hours.
Next week: his turn! (Wahoo!!!!!!)
Posted by Amy Jones at 8:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: I Promise...I Really Do Love My Kids, Kids, School Days