Monday, July 19, 2010

Seven Month Hiatus

Wow! I just looked at my last post. I can't believe it was 7 months ago! I really did lose my creative streak for a long time.
Well, I am back with some layouts. One is a sweet memory of my daughter's first time playing in the snow. I used cardstock, stamps, and dimensional elements to make this one simple and sweet.
The other two layout were created with CTMH's Studio J. I've never done any digital scrapbooking and didn't know if I would enjoy it, but I really did. It didn't take much time and the layouts are beautiful!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Time Well Spent

I took these pictures of the kids when we were playing outside over Thanksgiving weekend. I love when I capture such perfect expressions on their sweet faces!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Christmas Workshop Info!

If you live in the New Tampa area, email me for more info!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Daydream Layout

Well, we definitely have a little princess in our house. She loves anything girly!

I decided that the Daydream PP had to be used for her 2nd birthday pictures. Almost every aspect of this layout came together quickly. Well, until I needed a title for the top right of the right page. I went with the My Stickease (Make a Wish Upon a Star)because I just couldn't think of anything else. Luckily, I am very pleased with how it turned out. :-)

It feels so good to create again!



Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedding Pages

Here are some pages from the scrapbook I created for my sister-in-law and her husband. In order to have lots of pictures in her book, I used the pages that hold twelve photos in between most of the layouts. Oh, and I am sorry that I forgot to take picture before I put them in the book.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Magical Moment

Well, I don't have any artwork to share, but I have a fun photo!
We spent the weekend at Disney. Scarlett and I attended the Princess Lunch at Epcot on Monday. She is all about the princesses, and she really adores Princess Aurora. I think her expression here is just priceless! Right here is the reason why we bought annual passes to the parks. :-)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finally... a Layout to Share!

I finally had some time to complete this layout today. I kept it very simple, because I am very rusty! Ha! I used the CTMH Tinkerin' PP. I just love it. Perfect for my pictures of Bryson.
Bryson finally wanted a bike in January. These are pictures from his first adventure out on it.

Well, I demoted myself to a scrap closet. I am in desperate need of a playroom for my kiddos, so the scraproom/office had to go! It's a small space, but at least it is mine. Right?

Stay tuned...

Friday, June 19, 2009

More Disney

I think maybe I would have more time to create if we didn't spend so much time at Disney World. We bought annual passes in February, and we really make sure we use them! Here are some fun pictures from last weekend. :-)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow, it's been a LONG time!

Hey everyone! I am still here... just been busy. Same old excuse!
I just finished my five month job as a fourth grade teacher. It was a lot of fun, but I am SO excited to be a SAHM again. I was stretching in way too many directions this semester.
I am still with CTMH, but only as a jr. consultant. I am a little sad about it, but it's ok. I have an ordering arriving on Monday, and I cannot wait to create!!! I am sooo behind.

Scarlett celebrated her 2nd birthday in May. She is such a big now! Oh, and see how much her brother loves her. I feel so lucky to be able to witness it. :-)

Hope everyone is doing well. I've missed you all.

Monday, March 2, 2009

We are becoming Disney fanatics! This was my fourth trip in 2 1/2 months with the kids. We live so close, so why not? :-) My husband and I purchased annual passes last month. We are looking forward to many day trips this year!

Scarlett met the princesses for the first time. It was just precious, but unfortunately my pictures did not turn out that great...

School is going really well. I enjoy teaching fourth graders, and Bryson likes being in preschool all day. I will start my official countdown in April, because I will be staying home with the kids next year. I am very excited about it!!! If you are a teacher, I am sure you can completely understand. It is hard to be great at teaching and be a great mom at the same time. It can happen, but it sucks every bit of energy out of you on a daily basis. :-)

No creative streak yet.... I hope it happens soon!
Take care everyone!