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December 31, 2008
Homemade noodles
New Year, New You!
At this moment, as we're leaping into a brand new year, I think it's only normal that we reflect on our 2008 achievement, the good and the bad times. I honestly don't know what was it that I did that I can be proud of, besides raising my son. After all, that's about the only thing a housewife does right? Oh, didn't I mentioned we went to the Mamma Mia Musical? That's one thing I'm glad I did. The only thing I could have done better was to bring along my eyeglasses so I could watch the Musical clearly. Bummer I forgot.
I should really think about getting a new pair of spare eye glasses, place it in my handbag so I could use it whenever I need it. I'm actually eyeing on this pair of Holiday frames from ZenniOptical. Bold Acetate Full-Rim Frame in black and lime green, that's so the NEW me. Bold and wiser. But then again, they have a huge variety of cool and affordable holiday frames I love, I still cannot stick to one choice.As of December 31st, I know I'm supposed to write down some of the things I would like to accomplish next year, but like I said, I'm not a new year resolution person. There goes....
December 19, 2008
New maid has arrived
After so many lousy maids, we didn't dare to have high expectation on the new maid, but thank God she turned out better than what we thought. She's a little dumb, but we think dummer is better than some sleek cat. She's pretty hands on with the house work, so that really helps.
I just didn't thought it's been this long since I last blog, times really flies. I'm just so grateful the new maid is quite good because that only means I can have more ME time. Yeah.
November 24, 2008
My house is a mess!
Got to go catch some sleep. I really hate to wake up tomorrow with a huge panda eyes and besides that, one can only do so much work a day. No one wants to wake up from the wrong side of the bed and in my case, who's going to do the housework if tomorrow I wake up and find myself with a cervical collars attached to my neck!
Another Sunday without a maid
I've got loads of housework to catch up on. The floor is kind of sticky now, the laundry is like a never ending task, and the dogs are driving me nuts with their stinky shit all over the place. Ouch, please get me a maid!
Two hours late to a wedding
Never mind that we are late, we got lost on the way to the hotel. We just went round and round Putrajaya to search for the IOI Marriot when the fact is IOI Marriot is not even in Putrajaya. Dang!
It rained so heavily and make it all tougher for us to find the place. We got there only at 8:20, which was really embarrassing, but we sure weren't the last ones there. The bride looks so beautiful with her model-like makeup and gorgeous gold wedding gown. Just wondering which Beauty Schools did the artist graduated from. I would sure like to know.
To my good good fwen
Tonight, we celebrate their love. It's sure nice to see that someone you know finally want to settle down to have a family. I must say that he's a lucky man, given that his wife is such a beauty and such a darling too.
Both of them look so lovely together. May I wish the both of you the very best and may this wedding be a start of a wonderful lifetime journey together.
November 22, 2008
Cartoon: a good thing or bad?
Do you let your kids watch cartoon on tv? Many months ago, my sister re-subscribe the cartoon channels after I banned the kids from watching it. To me, it's a waste of time to let kids watch cartoons, not to mention that tv can be quite addictive. Seriously, if left unattended, they'll sit there an entire day doing nothing else but eyes all glued on the tv. Also, kids who spend so much time watching cartoon spend so much lesser time studying or reading books. Agree?
What has the society become?
My grand-aunt was such a case. She died a few days ago, after a fall. Her children could have done better for their mother, but they just leave her lying there all day long with a adult diaper on, they don't even care to dress her up, instead drape a piece of towel over her naked body. Well, a classic tale of an old woman's suffering. How in the world her children have the heart to leave her in that condition I wonder. That's the meanest thing one can do to their parents. I hate to think further.
In my humble opinion, the least they can do is provide her mother with the proper care, like such of Fort Lauderdale Home Health Care, if they haven't got time to take care of their mother. It's sure reassuring to know that the one you loved is in the care of someone you can trust. Really, I don't know what got into them, not my business afterall. All I care about now is to raise my son well, so that he'll grow up into a decent man who respects not only me and his daddy but all elderly people, so I won't ended up a pity woman like that aunt.
Seriously, this early!
I just chucked some clothes into the washing machine, while waiting for it to wash, here I am, doing some early bird blogging. Just got to kill some time to before chucking the laundry into the dryer. Waiting is really not very fun.
FB- you know you love it
Now comes the scary part, I realised that this world is all too small. Every one I know, acquintances or otherwise, suddenly all became my best friends. We view each other's photos, make comments (flat-out sweetest ones), and greet every one Happy Birthday. Boy, no more lonely birthdays for now. And how in the world my childhood friend know my circle of mommy blogger? Oops, the world just get smaller. In fact, I dig in a little further, just to make sure this friend of mine did not just add my other friend by mistake. True enough, they commented on each other's photo. They are friends, not through me but by other means. My world now has officially shrink! Thanks to facebook. So, is this a good thing or bad?
November 9, 2008
My tedious life
I used to be so free, like a queen. So free in fact that I could easily find time to pursue an online degree with school mba. Seeing how busy I am now, I really have no choice but to put that option on hold. Now, I'm stuck with all sorts of errands like picking up Marcus from school, making meals, bathing the kids, keeping the house clean, doing the laundry, ironing and the thing I hate to do most is to clean the dog shit twice a day, make it two dogs, 4 times a day! I just cannot wait for the new maid to arrive. Just hoping it'll be pretty soon.
November 6, 2008
Little Models
Love this pic of the boys so much. They're just so natural posers, right? Took this photo over the weekend after we went to Ryan's concert. Good thing that I brought my Nikon D60 with me. The moment the kids saw this big brown bear, all of them immediately ran towards it and gave it a big hug. Of course, it's too huge for them, so one settled for hugging the bear's feet, one went for bear's arm. I've got more photos of the kids posted at my other blog. Check out my little models. Yeah!
November 3, 2008
What are you?
"Millennials" is one term sociologists use to designate those youths raised in the sensory-inundated environment of digital technology and mass media at the millennium. Unlike Gen X, which referred generally to people born in the 1960s and 1970s, this generation has yet to carry a name popularized by mainstream culture. Also known as "Echo Boomers," as the children of Baby Boomers, millennials were born from the 1980s on.
Are you one millenials? I thought so I am. Nowadays, people are coming up with all sorts of terms to make English more difficult to catch up. Is spicing up English all that necessary? I know baby boomers, but what's with the Echo boomers and helicopter parents? Really, that many terms! Go figure..
November 2, 2008
I think all girls are shopaholic
You must be thinking what is so fun out there at the shopping mall? The thing is when you go shopping with your sisters, you sit down- grab a cup of milk tea and some food, chit chat, then you go try on some clothes or Designer Jewelry together, and bought some bras together and the next thing you know, the mall is closing already. You won't even realised it that you've been there for the past 7 hours. Seriously, you must be thinking we're a bunch of shopaholic, but I think girls are generally all like that. Agree?
October 31, 2008
I love weekend!
I'm so looking forward to Saturday and Sunday. Hope you have a great weekend too.
October 30, 2008
Be Part of the Game
It's amazing how some guys can be so addicted to football. So it only makes sense that Calsberg has launched a football web-TV-channel for football fan to have access to the world of football, live matches and much more. You can even get to watch football funny moments video clips and rituals from the Football Magic channel.
That's really a good news for football fans out there. Tell that to your boyfriend, will ya?
October 27, 2008
October 26, 2008
iLASIK™ Procedure
In today's world, iLASIK™ Procedure has become a procedure all too common, millions across the globe has benefited from it. If you were to search it on the Internet, there might probably be thousands of articles on LASIK information to clear your doubt. Over the past 5 years, thousands of NASA and the U.S. military has undergo these procedures to increase the performance of their mission-critical personnel using laser vision correction technologies. Having said that, it is proven that these procedures has got the upmost recognition and confirmation that even it the toughest of condition, when everything elses fails, LASIK technology has proven it's 100% effectiveness. In view of that, this might even mean that for many other people out there with vision problem, becoming a pilot might even a dream come true afterall.
Modern iLASIK™ Procedure uses two laser instead of one, it uses wave front technologies and an ultrafast, computer-guided laser creates a corneal flap and then after that is done, the wave-front mapping data guides a second laser for vision correction. This revolutionary procedures has been performed over 12 millions times, so if you're thinking of getting it, stop doubting and go for it.
October 22, 2008
I want my PR back
Now that I've mentioned it, I think a marriage requires lesser effort to maintain. Perhaps my darling husband is so much easier to handle compared to other people's husband. First of all, I don't cook because DH never like home-cooked food, so we always eat out. Secondly, he never complains how dirty the house is or unsightly fat I am. LOL.
Therefore, I'm lucky. But my mom and aunt both think that DH is the luckiest man alive, because I'm so freaking good to DH. Or rather, I never raised my voice to him, question him or doubt him. Before I begin to sidetrack, let's get back to PR talk, I only meant to say, I want my PR back. A 2 will do me good. Thanks googley bear.
October 21, 2008
Stylish Glasses from $8
I'd rather buy it online at They offered stylish prescription eyeglasses from as low as 8 dollars. It's that cheap! Besides getting one for myself, I'll also get a pair of eyeglasses for Shern's daddy. He has been using his old spectacles for years now, he sure need a pair of chic eyeglass, the current one he has on is too old-fashion if I might add. With the massive choices from ZenniOptical, rest assure, my pick will be far better than the existing one. Shern's daddy will sure be pleased. Not only that, they also sells sunsensor (potochromic) lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens at a very reasonable price. If you're thinking of getting a pair of eyeglasses, be sure to check it out.
September 27, 2008
Raya soon...
Another nigthmare begins
My husband's prepaid phone simcard went missing, and she said she knew nothing about it. I knew she has it but she kept denying everything. If she wants to continue acting her innocence, I'm telling you, she'll be out of this house very soon. I cannot see myself compromise a maid I cannot trust. No way that is ever going to happen.
She better not let me find the missing simcard, else I'm so going to trace all her calls with reverse phone lookup service on No worries, because Reverse phone lookups is totally confidential, they can trace a phone number or any missed calls from unknown phone numbers or an unknown number that appeared in my phone bill. This new maid knew exactly why the previous maid was sacked, after what happened with the last maid having secret flings with her boyfriends over her secret phone, she better not mess around with me.
September 22, 2008
Bump bump bump
Having said that, update on this blog will be slow if not seldom. But you can always visit my BabyShern. He's cute you know.
Note: I'm fine. Just a little pathetic at the moment.
September 12, 2008
What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever shared with your mom?
Normally, what I'll do is to search on the Internet for more information regarding what I'm going through, in this case, vagina itching. Sites like Epocrates Online has a huge drug reference database on drugs and diseases to help people identify their problem. Not only that, used by over 500,000 healthcare and professional, this site offers the most comprehensive diagnose and assist clinician in prescribing drugs to their patient. You bet they're good.
“This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.”
Drive Space Jammed
My mind refuses to cooperate now when I needed it most. It's a little past midnight, a sleepy head like me just want to jump into bed, snore till the morning light. But we've got a flight to catch tomorrow, and I bet I won't even have the time to blog tomorrow morning.
Hubs is not going with us, as this is supposed to be a sister's trip. Too bad, Lynd couldn't book a flight to join us because the flight ticket is just too darn expensive as the mighty cheap Air Asia do not have direct flight from Singapore to B.
Sis, you bet you're missing all the fun..
September 10, 2008
Apple- a new definition in a new generation
20 years later, things changed and people too. Kids nowadays are brought up in a totally opposite environment. No parents would allow their kids to roam around the neighbourhood all by themselves, or cycle freely around town. They'd rather spend the money buying Apple iPod for their kids and locked them in the safety of their homes. Take my almost 3 years old boy for example, he is expose to these hi-tech gadgets from a very young age, he's now such a pro when it comes to playing with my iPhone. He knew where's the iPod player, Youtube, or how to even call his daddy on his own. He can even play Mario on his cousin's Nintendo DS.
I don't know about the future, but one thing for certain, our kids won't be bragging to their kids about what an amazing childhood they had, things like climbing a tree, catching tadpoles from the monsoon drain or even bathing naked in the backyard. Well, they might even think we had a crazy childhood. Whatever.
September 6, 2008
Anti-Shopping Hubs
What is so difficult about going to a mall? You know, he did the usual thing, dropped us off at the parking, telling us to go ahead and that he'll join us later. But the thing is, he never ever join us. Not even after he got a parking. That's just him and his lame excuse.
But today, he had Shern for company. They went for a stroll, daddy brought him for a kiddy ride, bought him sliced pineapple and mango. When we got home, daddy told me he had a great time hanging up with his son. When daddy told Shern that he's having a backache, Shern immediately insist that daddy puts him down to walk. After a short stroll around the mall, Shern offered his 100plus to his daddy because he thinks daddy must be quite thirsty. He's such a darling to daddy. Maybe he sees mommy all the time, he just doesn't seems to 'care' so much about me. Maybe mommy should just go find a job. Maybe not.
September 3, 2008
2008 Great Americal Seafood Winning Recipe
Check out this 2008 Great American Seafood Cook-off Winning Recipe by Chef John Currence. This local dish from Missisipi- Redfish Courtboullion with Seafood Dirty Rice might look very simple to cook, but it is prepared with over 20 ingredients!
Like I said, this is the award winning recipe, you bet it is super delicious, I wish I got the time to prepare this scrumptious meal for my family. With food like this, you really need to put in effort in preparing it and also in cooking it, else it might not turn out delicious.
I personally love this Redfish Courtboullion with Seafood Dirty Rice, but perhaps prawn lovers like you would prefer the Texas Gulf Shrimp by Chef Mark Holley. You might want to check out great five finalist of the Great American Great seafood cook off to vote for your favorite recipe. You can even stand a chance to win a trip to New Orleans. All you got to do is go to and cast your vote, it's that simple!
September 2, 2008
Certified male nursing assistant
Why do many people sees that nursing is a female job? We cannot deny the fact that for centuries, female are the majority nursing assistant not only for this country but worldwide. That got me thinking. Why is it so? If a male can become a doctor, why can't they take up nursing as a professional job too? It doesn't make them any less manly, if I may add.
While a female nurse can be more attentive and more caring towards the patient, a male nurse, on the other hand, can also do the job equally good plus they have the strength as a very good nurses aid to the ailing patients. Don't you think so? Let's hope that this call from the government will urge many more male to really consider to be a nurse.
September 1, 2008
Yes to plane ride
A documentary on little people
I tried to explain to him how blessed we are, that we're all born healthy and normal. Very often, we take it for granted, how we could walk and run freely, talk normally and how our eyes can see things. But I guess, he's too young to really appreciate or even understand what I'm trying to tell him.
I've seen parents with handicapped kids, these kids need supervision 24/7, and that makes it impossible for the parents to even leave them alone for a good 10 minutes. Not to mention that bringing them out from the house will be a tedious thing to do, because this country that we're living in, in not the most handicapped friendly place on earth. Many places still do not even have handicapped toilet, not to mention other proper facilities. But for the love of their kids, they will honestly tell you they have no regrets, no complains and no shame of having such a kid. In many ways, they are truly angels.
I myself make it a point not to complain much about my kid. When others tell me how he has dark skin, or curly hair, or even small eyes like me, I brushed them away by saying, "as long as he's healthy, appearances doesn't matter". Always be thankful for what you have.
August 31, 2008
No more plane ride for Shern
So disappointing. Shern is so looking forward to getting a plane ride, and how do I tell him we're not going anymore. I bet he'll ask me a thousand 'why'?
August 29, 2008
Accommodative Financial Solutions
If you are really desperate for financial help be it business or Unsecured Personal Loans, it's best to turn to a loan consulting company like Accommodative Financial Solutions, that provides good financial solution. Furthermore, if your loan application is not approved, then they will not even charge you the consulting fee. Whether you need Personal Loans to renovate your house or for your business expansion, you might want to check out With no hidden charges, no collateral needed, applying for a loan can never get easier.
Canola oil and Aspartame
Of course, reading it, it gave me a hell of a shock. All the while, I grew up thinking Canola oil is the best, given that it's double the price of our normal palm oil, so it should be good right. Mom warned us times and times again to buy canola oil for cooking, its healthier she said. She's quite a health freak person, so I bet she is right. Now, I shall add, she was wrong.
Do your own research, google it, read it. It's all over the Internet. It's scary even to read it. Canola oil is said to be the best heart artery clogging recipe. Yucks.
To Diet drinks lovers especially, kick off that bad habit before it ruins you and your body. Again, google Aspartame and read it for yourself. The world is now a scary place, what you eat can silently kill you inside. Oh shit.
August 28, 2008
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Funny how kids can also love shoes that much. Take my 6 years old little nephew for instance, he just love buying shoes. He has sports, casual, leather, and even one that looks like a racing shoe. Perhaps it's the influence from us adults, perhaps we spoilt them. How people used to only survive wearing one shoe for an entire season or a whole year until it's torn, you might think? There's no luxury in buying shoes in every design and in every different color. Blowfish Shoes is only something they can dream off. We people living in this era are just a bunch of lucky stars, aren't we?
Queue after queue..
This morning, I woke up at 7am, hurried myself hoping that I'll get there before the immigration open its door. I should have wake up earlier,but too late, I was caught in a bad traffic jam and got there only at quarter to eight. I was number 36 on the queue and that took me like 2 hours to be attended, and another queue to make my payment.
Passport will only be ready in 2 hours, and I was told to get a queue number to collect my passport. I just couldn't wait there, I was so sleepy I drove home and jumped into bed, with Shern.
Then again at 3.30pm, after I picked up Marcus from his Kumon class, then only I went to collect my passport, the queue in the evening started to die off. I got my passport within 10 minutes of waiting. Must say that the Immigration office system and their services has improved tremendously. Overall, 9 brownie points.
New passport. Yippie. Go holiday!!
August 27, 2008
The look he loves about me..
Nice smile there, maybe. But ouch, my hair is all over my face. Scary messy isn't it. If only I get some tips with the Extreme Style by VO5 , I think I'll look much better in that photo. Agree? Just as I was writing this, hubby came over to tell me that I look good in that photo. Those days.
But now, after having a baby, my face is all round and chubby, not to even mention my hair. It's like I'm having bad hair day, everyday now. I want my Victory Hair back.
He's a very nice person once you got to know him, thought some people might think he's a little arrogant, because he normally will not speak to people he's not close to. But one thing for sure, he's a lousy flirt. What about you? I dare you to take the Flirting test here.
August 26, 2008
When they were little..
August 24, 2008
The Ultimate Flirting Championship
As for guys, it's all almost the same. They want a girlfriend with a pretty face and gorgeous sexy body to die for. But when it comes to courting girls, some failed miserably. You know why, because they failed to impress a girl with their pick-up lines. I just don't know how they got the courage to muster some of these stupid lines like, "can I have your number because I just lost mine?" or "Did you just fall from heaven?" Aiks. What a big turn off. They seriously need Victory Hair, a hair style to die for, for a girl to fall for them. Otherwise, slim chance or no chance to pick up a girl at all.
Come on, I dare you to take the Extreme Style by VO5, the Ultimate Flirting Championship game and see how good you can flirt. Find me there, I'm FeatheredFaye. Spot me, I'm the one with the sexy victory hair.
Merdeka AirAsia Sales
August 21, 2008
Got your Halloween Costume?
I really should make a habit on marking important dates on the calendar, or a quick note on my iphone calendar. Anyway, Halloween is coming up and we still haven't got any special plans in mind. But I'm sure it will be fun dressing up the kids in fireman costumes, policeman or even a typical pirates. I once dressed up as a female Ninja, thinking of scaring the kids, but instead my two year old son came to hug me and called mommy. Hiding behind that black scarf and thick frame glasses, he still recognises me. That was hilarious.
Imagine Shern dressing up as Tipsy from the Teletubbies like this. Isn't it cute? Imagine him tripping over and over again in this cute silly suit.
Whatever it is, when dressing up the kids, it's very important to make sure that Halloween Costume safety aspect are taken into consideration before dressing up their kids especially for those costumes with full face mask or fluffy feather materials that tends to caught fire very easily. Or even with kids wearing fancy decorative contact lenses, always take extra precaution because kids do get infection much easier than adults do.
I'm so into Grey right now
I actually downloaded this movie for free. Free movie, free seating, free watching schedule, it cannot get any better than this right. I hope you had a great day too, because mine is sure smashing. LOL.
August 20, 2008
Alzheimer's Memory Walk
But after seeing my hubby's aunt suffers from Alzheimer, it makes me realized life is too short to leave things for tomorrow. What if I never get the chance ever again? What if I lose my mom one day to Alzheimer. I mean she might still be around psychically, but what if she no longer recognise me, and I'm not even the person she turns to because she totally forgot who I am to her. A baby girl she once so gently cares for, the little girl she taught how to walk, the teenage girl she screamed at because she brought home bad grades, or the happiest grin she had on her face when she first carried my little son-her grandson on her arm?
Come on, join us hand in hand, move us closer to a world without Alzheimer's. Together let's support the Alzheimer's Memory Walk, the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research. Do not let Alzheimer's take away your loved ones, not now not ever.
August 19, 2008
Lovely dress, I like!
Love the details on the dress, it's off-white in color matched with a brown 2 inches ribbon. Bought this beautiful dress a week ago, and wondering what to do with it. No No. I actually planned on giving it to my sister if it doesn't fit. So now you know it doesn't fit. Exactly where, I'll tell you. The chest! Darn. I hate free-sizing clothings! They're all meant for aneroxic people or people with less than 5% body fat. Hello, I'm a mother with a 'mommy's pouch', not a 16 year old with sexy curves you see lying on the beach.
August 17, 2008
Be a VO5 Flirt!
Maybe now you should play the dating game a little differently. Instead of just waiting for your prince charming to come to you, be bold, be a Victory Hair flirt. Go to and see how good a flirt you are at Extreme Style by VO5's Ultimate Flirting Championship. Find me, flirt with me. By the way, I'm FeatheredFaye, the Asian chick with the silky smooth and straight bobcut hair.
August 12, 2008
Why why why
If you read this, and you don't get me, that's fine because that's my point. Just to whine.
August 11, 2008
All kids just love Nintendo
My 6 year old nephew has a Nintendo DS Lite, but he knows well that he only gets to play it when I allow him to. Say, after he completes his school work and additional homework I gave him. As a reward, he gets his Nintendo DS Lite. With supervision, I can track his playing time and make sure that he doesn't get too attached to his games and not study at all.
I've seen kids who are so gadget-pro, but sadly that can only mean one thing. They do not excel academically. Having seen it all, I'd hope that I know how to deal with my son and my nephew.
July 31, 2008
I'm back!
July 12, 2008
Kids just can't get enough of games
You might think that since I spend so much time blogging on the computer, I am good at playing online games or any computer game. I'm sure not. Let's just say that computer games don't sound as interesting to me as to blogging. My son is not even 3 years old, but he already requested that I buy him a PSP! But as far as mommy is concerned, no one's buying any games for the kids. I seriously think that if you want your kids to be good academically, you should let them stay away from playing all these games, doesn't matter if it's just a gameboy, Xbox or computer games.
July 9, 2008
Get it cheaper online
Busy like I'm a C.E.O
For the past one and a half week, we've got guests at home, which also mean a lot of shopping trips to the mall. I mean really a lot, like at least5 hours everyday. Our new maid is doing fine, and we quite like her. Bug bad news now is that my maid decided not to renew her working permit anymore, she wants to go back to Indon to get married. Ouch, their story of marrying and divorcing is all too common, it's like they can almost marry a stranger. I offered her a hundred ringgit pay rise and she refused, so let her go home for good, get married and live happily ever after.
Got to hit the pillow for now. Very tired. As usual, I had a very long day. Nights for now.
July 4, 2008
The story about "subsidy" in Layman's term
A man called Maha owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day. He has 5 workers to operate the farm. Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the farm normally. The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns RM40. He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities.He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as profit. Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy with the money they can save.
When Maha passed away and there is a new landlord, Abdul comes to
continue the farm operation. He says to the workers:" We need to improve the farm quality and
redefine our way of thinking.
From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat.It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm." The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily. Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to M1.00 per person.
As usual, Abdul sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40. He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers. He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the apples that he sells to his workers.In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.
Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each. The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he sells daily. Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his close friend, Samy. Samy says:"Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik."
So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50. In actual fact, the improvement only cost RM30. The remaining RM20,Abdul and Samy share evenly among themselves.
Let's calculate how much Abdul gets daily:
RM10 (from farm improvement cost)
RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80]
- [Improvement cost, RM50] - [Wages RM10] = RM20)
RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)
In total, Abdul gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he
takes over the farm from Maha.His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily per person. The greedy Abdul does not want to stop there.
One day, he says to his fellow workers:" You see ah, the current market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1. See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00. This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we
continue like this.
In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bear the remaining RM18.50 per apple as my subsidy to you all." So, greedy Abdul adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number becomes RM37.50.
After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood the meaning of "SUBSIDY" given by the government. The RM95 subsidy never existed in the first place and so was the RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously "given" by the government. Cutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your pocket.
June 25, 2008
It's his Birthday
The thing is, I actually asked him few weeks back what he'd love for his birthday, he said nothing. Of course it's nothing when he's the one who will ended up paying for my credit card bill. LOL. He mentioned something about just having a dinner, not even did he requested for a birthday cake. How simple can it get? If you know my hubby, you'll know that he's not the "please come celebrate my birthday' kind of guy. He's not comfortable being in the spotlight, blowing candles off a cake and all.
But still, I really want to get him a gift he'll love. One thing for sure, I cannot afford to buy him a nice sports car, like a Lamborghini or a Maserati. Everyone knows that my hubby is very much into nice, fast cars. Get a loan til payday cash advance is not an option here, cos I don't work and therefore I do not have a payday. I think I'll just buy him a cake and place a die cast Lambirghini on top of the cake. What about that? LOL.
Credit card war
And the glass or so-called crystal chess set is not that appealing to me either. I don't play chess, and I rather not have glass horse and prince collecting dust on my cabinet. Oh worse, if my son happens to mess around with it and it breaks and hurt him? Very very bad idea, don't you think so?
I just don't get it, these people, can't they not be a little more creative when it comes to giving free gifts? It doesn't really need to be expensive stuff, but I think useful things like a computer mouse or a checkbook holder will do the trick better. Sure enough, I didn't get that plastic Ferrari. But I did get a toiletry bag in lime green. Yucks, but it sure beats getting the chess set.
Malang Sial Maximum!
Did you know that the most embarrassing thing just happened to me last night? First, the car ran out of diesel, and afterwards, the car battery konked too! And if that's not enough, I only had 6 ringgit and a credit card with me. All I wanted was just a short trip to the hypermarket to get some eggs. Really it was a Malang Sial day for me.
I'm getting a Dirt Devil
Never mind that my vacuum is gone now, I don't care if he sold it off or whatever. I will eventually get him to pay me money to buy a new one. Say the new cordless Dirt Devil AccuCharge Stick Vac, the first ever hi-tech cordless vacuum to earn Energy Star recognition. Yeah, I like.
June 22, 2008
You call blogging a job?
A blogger works around the clock, it doesn't matter if some people are fast snoring there in some Copenhagen Hotels or some are getting their sun tan near the beach at a Las Vegas Hotel, a blogger's need to do what a blogger needs to do. Aha, don't I sound like a professional blogger for a second there?
I wish more than anyone to get a break, pack my bags and go on a holiday. Oh, yippie. We'll be away in Kuantan next week. It's the capital city for Pahang, but I'm not looking forward to staying at the hotel there, the one we stayed last year. Oh, how can they beat Aalborg Hotel? No way.
June 21, 2008
Big time Inflation
I don't know about others, but right now, I think I can do with a very economical car, one with a very minimal fuel consumption. I'm sure most of the luxury car dealers are having a rough time selling their big expensive cars. Even the government is asking the citizen to go easy on spending their money. But to me, it's not so much a matter of spending, but rather it is to spend wisely. It doesn't matter if you get a second mortgage or borrow from a loan shark, but if you're spending more than your income, anyone will be in trouble no matter how bad or good the inflation is. Or how cheap or expensive the fuel is.
It's now time to pack
For the three whole years she's with us, we probably bought her a dozen pair of shoes and slippers, and many more other stuff like clothings, accessories and such. I don't know about other employer, but when it comes to me, I love buying them things, though not those expensive stuff, they'll be more than happy to be rewarded. Only less than 2 weeks here with us, I already asked her to pack up all her stuffs, just in case we need to ship it back to her, we can do so. You know how expensive those overweight charges are at the airport. Otherwise, she still has gifts she needs to buy, for her darling, family or even friends.
Is your day as gloomy?
I rolled and twist and turn a bit, found my hibernation spot, then bugger, hubs called asking me to send his car to the workshop, and a while later, Marcus tuition teacher came and left without picking Marcus. I got to drag myself out of bed to send Marcus off, then to the workshop. I'm really tired now, I really got to get some rest.
June 18, 2008
Gym or no gym?
I really need to do some work out, I can't just laze at home everyday sipping ORGANIC VEGAN CHOCOLATE and HOODIA GORDONII and glued to the computer. You know, when I'm bored, I tend to eat more and also more frequent. Then of course I gain more weight. And when that happens, I get all stressed up when my clothes don't fit. Stress or not stress, kava is not the only thing I need, I really need to lose weight this time.
I'm turning into my mom
Free drug reference on your iPhone
So when my sister found out from a stranger that she can install a hundred other applications from the Installer, we cannot be more addicted to our phone. There's so much more to this phone than just getting a good day weather. And the good news is Epocrates is working with Apple to develop a downloadable drug guide for iPhone devices, your totally free drug reference in your pocket, forget having to flip through a thousand pages of medical reference before writing a prescription to your patient. For now, all you need to do is to go to on your Safari web browser for your very own free drug reference.
"This announcement was paid for by Epocrates".
Jumping into the blogging bandwagon
So, the other night, my sister asked me whether I can really do make money blogging, and how much on average a lazy blogger like me earn a month. Honestly, there's a lot to consider before you jump into the blogging bandwagon, that is IF you already have a 9-5 job with a good slice of the pie. Blogging is nothing like a job, one day you might find yourself flooded with a dozen of reviews to write, but you also have to deal with the dry spell. Aha, no blogger can guarantee you that you'll be getting a 3 digit send to your paypal account every month. But unless, if you're a stay-at-home mom like me, blogging is definitely a way to earn extra pocket money, a little more spending power. Eh, I like.