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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Flutterby Roses.

Good Morning All!

Here is a card made with a very recent kit I got from Kanban. I was playing around and found the lacy rose effect ribbon so I decided on an Easel card. Dawn Wheeler designed the kit and it is beautiful; she did a great job, such a romantic girly feel to it this one. So I had a play and went totally OTT with it, but some how it works.

I love the backing rose card matted on to black, the photo I'm afraid isn't great as it's silly o'clock and the lighting is pretty poor.

I have embossed butterflies with pearls on their backs, rafia ribbon and spiders web material tied up into bows too.

Simple and elegent but lots of elements that took a little while to secure. Tomorrow in the day light I will re-photo and hopefully that will be better!

Crafty hugs,