Showing posts with label June DT work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June DT work. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Time really does fly.. Doesnt it?

Hi everyone.

Wow time really does fly doesn't it.
I cant believe it is July already let alone, last week would have been my 25th wedding anniversary if we hadn't have lost our David 2 years ago in December coming. It's been a sad week for sure although I did get a flying visit from my lovely son ( have to say that, he checks my blog grammar lol ) no seriously  he is lovely and was good to have us all together all be it just the three now.

I digress. So without further ado I want to show you some of the things I have working on for my teams this week.

This was for Heartfelt Creations using their fabulous collection for June which was Gateway to the seasons and deliciously girlie in shades of pink etc.
 This is a close up to show you how I snipped into the gate to make it look a bit different, You can compare it to another card coming soon.
Here is The vintage floret die I used to make this rose and then glittered it using a spray varnish and tipping liberal amounts ( oodles and oodles to be precise) all over each flower.

Next I made a frame for Craftwork cards so I thought I would add this to today's post too.
This was made using Craftwork Cards gorgeous Tea Dance collection and I loved the little bows all die cut in the pad for ease of use. This was really fun to make using a doily or 2 and the brilliant Candi as always.
This month Craftwork has launched its amazing Time flies collection which I Have had my sticky mitts on so I will have some pieces up soon.
As always a close up so you can see the lovely paper, And the bow I mentioned , I mean how easy a bow from paper.

Lastly some news.. I had the honour of using Craftwork Cards Sweet pea collection from times past to create a project of cards which is to be published in Making Cards magazine for August. I am so very lucky to be now associated with them and feel honoured to have my work published , If you know me you will know this is another rung on a long ladder as I feel a career in the craft industry would be my ultimate goal. I hope if you in England you will get to see a copy it should be out very soon and it will be for August. Huge thank you to Joanne who liaises and books us for work as she has been extremely patient with her newbie and feel honoured to work with her. Yayyyy.

OK guys, more tomorrow.

Have a great Tuesday
