Good evening everyone
How are we all doing? are we having a great Crafty time? good.
I have some news I managed to make it through hundreds of people and got onto the new Design team for Crafter's companion called Die'sire , it is all about embossing folders and dies for your machines. I will have the blinkie badge up soon so you will all see it proudly displayed with my other teams.
That's the fun part , the hard part is they need 15to 20 samples made by this Friday which gives me a week and I haven't received some of the embossing folders yet to do the extra stuff. hmm...
then, day 1 of sample making my Grand Caliber which I love decides to let out a loud bang and I can hear something rattling inside it I got in touch with Crafter's companion who not only gave me a brilliant discount on a new machine but have arranged for it to be delivered Monday so i can at least carry on crafting as they say. I have gone for the Ebosser this time.
What do you all use?
Today is also my day to blog on the Craftwork cards blog feel free to go take a look at anytime but I am loading my items here too.
ooo I should wish everyone a lovely Mummy's day too and hope you were as spoiled as I have been , I was brought between my two fabulous kids a new digital camera so I can finally take decent pictures of my Artworks , how amazing is that and I have a beautiful card and my girl has something else for tomorrow too... lucky mum, what did you do for today?
Well after all that chatting I better show you a little some thing hey.. lol
It had to have a little Mothers day theme didn't it?
This was for Craftwork cards of course from their yummy Sweetpea range. Its standing on one of my cups as it is designed to hang from something I have another pic below.
This is hanging in the kitchen it is actually a triangle made from sticking 2 normal fold cards together making a small hole in the top and threading ribbon through. I made a small window box and added all the flowers which I think sets this little card off a treat.
I would like to say a nice little Thank you to Greta who regularly contributes to the comment section and lives all the way across the pond as it were but each time I have some good news she is always the first to send good wishes so Greta Thank you so much, I always appreciate every single comment from everyone and will always respond so feel free to chat to me anytime. I am also on facebook and twitter too and Craftwork cards and myself are on Pintrest too.
I would love to show you some of the samples I have been busy with this last couple of days but of course at present it has to be kept very quiet but as soon as we are given the go ahead then I will have lots to add.
I also spent some time making samples for the QVC show too this week and I had 3 that I could see on there but Julie from Craftwork didn't get to show many, the one she did show that I made was a Tunnel card from their new range which was lovely to make and since it was Valentine day I made it with a heart theme. Here it is below as it was on the show.
yay.... It was all printed out from their new Krafty cd , the papers you print out form it really look like Kraft card so its so easy to manipulate , unlike the card version which is lovely but sometimes totally too thick.
Right well it is now 1.30 a.m and I have 4 of the 15to 20 cards compete plus my Craftwork blog card finished. Hopefully I will get a lot more done tomorrow.
Have a lovely Day and I will be back soon.
Love and crafty Hugs