You all know the drill now folks don't you ? Thursday is my Design Team day for Gorgeous Creative Expressions and our January stamps to work with as you all know are 2 of the fabby new Handbag stamps and the vintage body forms, last week I used the body forms and will again next so this week I used the 2nd bag called The Bijou Bag ( now does that mean its small or smart , if it was a flat and it was bijou ,you know you all would think hmmm tiny and compact) but this bag looks like you could stuff it with all your stash at the craft fair haha what do you think?
Anyway I have a couple of thank yous if you can indulge me for just a minute the first is to a lovely lady who works on getting my orders ready for the shows and does lots of different jobs all in one well obviously I am new to all this and she has been a god send and really has helped with getting things together , Yes Tracey that's you so can we all give a huge shout out to Tracey cos not only does she do all this she is a fab demonstrator and mum and friend too so Huge hugs , thanks so much.
The second is to all you crafting friends as the blog is going from strength to strength and You guys are the ones who make us want to show our art and keep it growing and I love to help and teach so again I know I say it a lot but I want you to know how much every comment is appreciated so bless you all and cant wait to get around so I can start meeting to all.
Right now stop waffling you say. This is a fairly quick one for me and the technique is in the colouring and the sparkle.
So meet The bijou Bag.
Pretty isn't it. ?
I started by stamping the bag 3 times with Perfect Medium and the detail embossing Powder in gold.
This is the pack photo.
The items needed.
Here is the bags with the gold embossing ready to colour.
I then took some card to match the colours I would use and stamped the sentiment 3 times in True White embossing powder with perfect medium.After colouring the bags and I was having a little experiment, The 2 outside bags are coloured purely with Promarkers and the middle one is coloured with a water colour pen but I could get such a depth that I would if I painted it or used distress to paint and after a while the paper began to melt a bit so I added some shade with a Promarker in the end.
Moral of the tale don't try cheap pens haha stick with the good ones that you know. Now i coloured these ladies and then covered the whole thing with a self adhesive sheet and then poured on Diamond sparkles which I just love love love.
Now once I did this the colours on the bags still showed through but of course they had a frosty tone so take your Promarker or any pen really, and go back over the glitter in dots where you want it to show more for me it was the darker areas. The voila they show miraculously back up again, just remember to clean the glitter off the nib of pen before you put lid on.
I nipped the corners off of the bag layer and created a purple mat which I had added the sentiments too and nipped off those corners too, the next matt I decided to do white and have the edges pierced. I don't pierce all my cards but the pretty ones or the really girly ones just look so gorgeous with it pierced that I cant resist.
I used some Bakers twine and seem binding plus one of Sue's felt rolled up flowers that she showed me how to make on her last show for my bow.
Each layer had foam added so I could stack them all with dimension.
Lastly I added some glitter to my purple flower and I chose three different tonal pearls and added then dark to light in little steps on the 3 corners without the bow and a large white pearl to the centre of the flower. So you can see how quick this one was but how affective too. which colour bag would you choose Blue?, Pink? or Purple?.I think for me it would go Purple, blue ,then if I really really had to I'd keep everything in my pockets and hide the pink one hahaha.
Some close up's.
Close on all the layers and sparkle plus the sentiments.
Very close lol.
You can see the pearl colours here dark to light from bottom up.
The bow.
This last 2 pictures are close ups on the completed colouring after glittered and the finished card.
Well It is a little different from the last two days which was my aim and I will be back very soon with more lovely things for you to see.
I decided to add answers to craft questions at the end of each blog if I know them so that everyone can benefit from the answer too.
So lovely Patricia asked me where I purchase my corrugated card with one side covered and one side ribbly (ooooo is that another word for my Kimglish book... now we have snaggle and ribbly guys lol)
Well I had a look about and for £4.99 in RYMAN Stationers they have a whopping great roll of it, its about 20 inches tall and I have no idea how long as it comes rolled up and they call it Corrugated paper. But its perrrfects for all them grungy or vintage looks I and so many of you love.
If you would like to ask anything you can do it on the blog or email me or any other way and I will try to find out if I don't know the answer.
Anyway I'm off to sleep now so have a great day , leave me your comments of course and see you very soon my friends.
Best wishes.