Showing posts with label Andy.flower.special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy.flower.special. Show all posts

Friday, 31 January 2014


Wooo Hooo

Now blogger behave haha.

I have my post up on the blog late so you can see who won today in my birthday/1st show competition.

Main prize
Sue Martin.  and she wins:

Sue I will need your address if you could send it to my email at I will get your prize out to you.

Next I decided its time to start giving out some cards to my lovelies so I picked another four numbers today who all win a signed card from me from the show.

winners of the cards are:
Lancashire Stef
Patricia Howarth

If you could all send through your addresses then I will get them off asap to you all.

Would you all please comment on whether you would like regular card giveaways on the blog?

I am going to go back and answer all the lovely comments you put on to the competition post as you ladies know I like to come on an answer but I was knee deep in TV show prep all last week.

As I will run this post all day tomorrow (Saturday) I thought Id show another of the show cards.

 I used the small stamp to create pages in a book with some seem binding ruched and trimmed in the middle almost like the traditional page dividers I thought, with a tassel at the top. Of course 1 of those gorgeous butterflies had to sit on the page too.
 Lots of layers make this card look so elegant in these colours , i just love this plum card.
A close up on the glitter on Mr butterfly of course.

and one more I think? you are being spoiled ladies all these twofers haha..

 Butterfly kisses
 Look at him sparkle ( I don't know why they are always a him hmmmm)
 I like my twine bow on this one with the sparkly adornment.
Very dimensional with lots of layers and tone on tonal stamping.

Well ladies thank you all for your support as I said on the earlier post and of course I look forward to you all travelling on this brilliant crafting adventure with me wooohooo. 

Huge welcomes to all the new people joined this week too and one thing I always say is if you leave a comment make sure you come back and check because I do try to answer anything you leave for me especially if you ask a question or something like that. I also have a list on one of the recent blog postings of all the ways to view me on blogs and how to get me on emails etc if you have something longer than the little comment space to say to me and you are always welcome to email me any questions or thoughts or comments etc.Or if you would like to send pictures of the items you create through I would love to see them especially if you created it after seeing a demo or card up on the blog that inspired you. On that same post is my facebook page ,pinterest and links to all the various teams I design for etc. 
Never be bored or alone ladies if you need me I am here or if you want to share a crafting hello I'm here too ( If I don't answer straight away I always will i just maybe at work etc) 

Lots of love



Saturday, 29 September 2012

Andy Mega Day

Dear Bloggers,
Firstly, I have to apologise for neglecting you this week, I have been a very bad Blogger and not had a lot of time for you. I hope to rectify that this week as after tomorrow I have the week off of my day job and I have a few deadlines to catch up on. So, plan to see alot of new cards!

It was my lad's birthday on the 28th, and I sent him a little card for his special day, he is now 24.

I used The Kanban So Macho kit as it had a Binary code background card which I thought was cool and I made the flowers from it too. I just love Kanban. I hope he knows how very proud of him I am.
ahhhhhhh I know and one week til I see him yay!